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Proud Papas. After trying to become parents for nearly a year, two gay King penguins at the Odense Zoo in Denmark adopted an abandoned egg. The two successfully incubated and hatched a chick last month. 
Married To Change. After decades of fits and starts, Tuesday’s election results were unambiguous: The LGBT rights movement is winning.

“As it has for more than two centuries, progress will come in fits and starts,” President Obama told a packed crowd in Chicago well after 1 a.m. early Wednesday. “It’s not always a straight line. It’s not always a smooth path.”
Although Obama was making a broad statement about governing, he could have as easily been describing the path the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community has traversed since the 1969 Stonewall riots.
After two decades of “fits and starts” in the long-fought battle for recognition of same-sex couples’ right to marry, the cause looked to have hit an unmistakable stride forward with this year’s elections.
At the least, the landscape looked remarkably different Wednesday morning than it had even on Tuesday.
Beautiful. Keesha Patterson of Ft. Washington, Maryland proposed to her girlfriend Rowan Ha during the election night victory rally at President Barack Obama headquarters in Chicago. (She said yes!)

FTW. Celebrating Tammy Baldwin’s historic win.

First MD, Now Maine. Marriage equality vote results are flowing in.
[Previously in Maryland]
Maryland Officially Becomes Gay-Marry-Land | The Advocate

“The heavily Democratic state was among the first to affirm marriage equality at the ballot box, with voters upholding the state’s same-sex marriage law by a vote of 57% to 42%.”

[Read more here]
Congrats. ”The Victory Fund has announced and Fox News has projected that Wisconsin U.S. Representative Tammy Baldwin tonight will become the first openly gay person ever elected to the Senate in America’s history.” [more]

The Marriage Votes

Chris Geidner is reporting live for BuzzFeed on these important votes taking place in 4 different states.


Here are where returns, which could be slow coming, can be found for the four marriage equality-related ballot measures:

For background on the four measures, see my article at BuzzFeed on the races that matter in the LGBT world and this piece on why marriage equality advocates need a win today.

In addition to these links, CNN has continual updates on these issues here. And if you are still not sure what is at stake, read these posts: 1 | 2 | 3


Hey, can we discuss Lady Gaga in her Miller Lite bikini for a hot second?

14 couples hoping for marriage wins at the ballot on Election Day | Freedom To Marry
Casey & Eric:

Casey and Eric have been together for five years. They legally married in Iowa in September 2012 and would love to eventually have their marriage recognized in their home state. They don’t want to see Minnesotans constitutionally ban the freedom to marry. “We have been called heroes,” Casey said about people’s reactions when he tells them he’s legally married. “We have been called trailblazers. We have been called role models. But all we want to be called is ‘married.’”