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We Got This (Occupy Sandy)

Posted 3 hours ago on Nov. 9, 2012, 7:25 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: nyc, occupy sandy

Thousands in New York City remain without clean water, food, heat, or power. Relief efforts by locals offer continuing direct aid to the neighborhoods most affected by Hurricane Sandy.

Please visit: interoccupy.net/occupysandy

Video by:
Alex Mallis | @analectfilms
Eric Phillips-Horst
Nicodemus Nicoludis

Music by:

brooklynfilmmakerscollective.com | @brooklynfilmny


Occupy Sandy's Wedding Registry Needs Your Support

Posted 1 day ago on Nov. 8, 2012, 8:18 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: nyc, occupy sandy


Finding creative solutions for seemingly insurmountable problems is one of the things that Occupy does best, and Occupy Sandy has already taken that challenge and given it their own stamp. In the quest to obtain needed supplies for the ongoing storm recovery effort, the Occupy Sandy team has found a cool new use for the Amazon Gift Registry. This practical but verging-on-obnoxious tool for direct gifting isn't just for brides coveting $90 sugar bowls. Those eager to donate to the victims of Hurricane Sandy can login and choose sorely needed items and ship them directly to the Occupy Sandy relief outpost at the Church of St. Luke and St. Matthew in Brooklyn. Once they arrive, volunteers will organize daily deliveries to priority response locations like Staten Island and the Rockaways. The team is in the process of updating the registry with what is needed most for those affected areas. Items range greatly in price from packages of diapers to portable gas-powered generators. Local volunteers with more time than money still can, and should, help any way they can through http://interoccupy.net/occupysandy. But for those of us outside of the storm-ravaged locales, a unique opportunity to help our fellow humans is just a click away. (I've got my eye on the 18-Inch Annihilator Utility and Wrecking Bar.)

Please contribute to the Occupy Sandy's relief effort here:


Election Day Report: The People's Emergency

Posted 3 days ago on Nov. 6, 2012, 10:01 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: nyc, occupy sandy, tidal

occupy sandy banner

via Tidal (OccupyTheory.org)

Today, we are told, we should go out and participate in the so-called political process: stand up and be counted, let our voices be heard, pick the man who supposedly best represents our interests. That is fine. We are not for or against it. We are agnostic. In truth, we are living and dying in another universe altogether--we are aliens from the future who recognize the perils and the promises of our latest disaster.

Ten days ago, the climate went on strike against Wall Street -- and we all got flooded. The tide surged and the lights went out. Our friends and families, our neighbors and communities, our networks and allies were under water and in the dark. Our lives are at stake. We could not wait for the State. We had to step in.

We declare a state of emergency. This is our emergency. They have tried to claim it--in their own belated, uneven, incompetent manner. For them, the emergency is a temporary problem to be managed and administered in the name of restoring things to normal. But their normal was already a perpetual emergency for us--an emergency of economic inequality, debt-bondage, racial oppression, union-busting, municipal austerity, ecological destruction, police violence, historical amnesia, and more...

We will not allow a return to normal.

The People's Emergency responds to the crisis; we set up distribution centers and energy-generators; we mobilize volunteers; we raise money and attract media; we help folks on the ground when their lives are in danger from hunger, darkness, and exposure to the elements.

But the People's Emergency is not a humanitarian operation. It is not about charity. We are not an army of salvation or an agency of administration. We wear red squares, not red crosses. We are creating autonomous zones for community and solidarity, not camps for managing the lives of powerless victims.

We are autonomous, but this does not mean that we are indifferent or hostile to the State and the vital services it could or should provide. We are simply stepping into the void to do things for ourselves as the clock ticks and the Winter storms approach.

The National Guard has come to sniff around our autonomous zones. The young working-class New Yorkers in uniform--Black, Latino, Irish, Italian, East Asian, South Asian, Arabic, Jewish, Polish, Slavic--see themselves and their communities in the disaster; they see themselves in the People's Emergency, because they come from the same places we do.

At heart they are good people and they want to help, but they are hamstrung by their commanders and their marching orders. They roll up in their armored vehicles, but they don't know how to plug in. They are disarmed. They ask us what to do and where to go, like newcomers used to do back when we had Zuccotti Park. We tell them to get in line at the back of our trucks and help unload the care packages being sent from communities around the city and the region. They offer their cardboard MREs: cold freeze-dried meals cooked up in a military-humanitarian factory months ago and stored for the latest disaster. We politely nod, but we are more concerned with laying out warm aluminum trays of homemade lasagna, arroz y gandules, collard greens, macaroni and cheese, biryani, chicken noodle soup, halal and kosher meats, vegan lentil salad, apple pie...and magical brownies for those who choose to partake after hard days of shoveling debris, pumping out basements, sorting boxes, lugging generators, shuttling volunteers, directing traffic, taking care of the kids and the elders.

The People's Emergency is a real emergency for the 1% because we intend to sustain our intensive care units beyond the immediate crisis of food and blankets and electricity. We assume the State and the companies will eventually come to restore power, haul out the rubble, put people in trailers, and so on--not because of any deep love of humanity, but because of the shitshow they will have on their hands if they continue to neglect the hardest-hit communities. Among other things, the State will offer emergency loans, backed up by corporate debt-collectors. Real-estate developers and disaster capitalists of all sorts will be swooping in too. We will be prepared.

The People's Emergency is doing something different than the disaster-management of the state and the traditional relief organizations. Even as we respond to the short-term crisis, we are building power from below and establishing networks of intensive care and mutual aid for the long-term. In the coming months, we will see the People's Bailout to abolish predatory debts; we will see the establishment of debt-clinics throughout the city; we will mobilize for an Eviction-Defense of the Earth of November 17th; we will see the Black Friday strike by workers and communities against Wal-Mart; we will see a People's Reconstruction from Red Hook to Staten Island to Rockaways and beyond. In each case, we will practice direct action in the deepest sense of the word: everyday folks taking matters into their own hands, outpacing and outsmarting the corporate and governmental agencies tasked with managing and containing the potentially revolutionary life-energies of the People.


Help Abolish Debt with The People's Bailout: A Variety Show & Telethon to Benefit the 99%

Posted 6 days ago on Nov. 3, 2012, 10:59 a.m. EST by anonymous
Tags: nyc, people's bailout, rolling jubilee, strike debt

poster for The People's Bailout

#RollingJubilee begins November 15th with the #PeoplesBailout

Buy tickets here: http://www.lepoissonrouge.com/lpr_events/peoples-bailout/
100% of ticket sales go to abolishing debt

Greetings from Strike Debt!

It’s finally time to tell you about our exciting new project, “The Rolling Jubilee” (www.rollingjubilee.org). The basic premise is simple: people shouldn’t have to go into debt for an education, because they need medical care, or because they have to put food on the table during hard times.

No politician is going to fix this.

The Rolling Jubilee is a bailout of the people by the people - we buy defaulted debt for pennies on the dollar, but instead of collecting it, we abolish it. Our goal for the launch is to raise $50,000, which will likely allow us to abolish more than $1,000,000 dollars worth of personal debt. The more money we raise, the more debt we can abolish. Donations can be made online at rollingjubilee.org beginning around November 15.

More details will be released as we get closer to the launch.


This campaign will launch on November 15th with THE PEOPLE'S BAILOUT, a telethon and variety show at Le Poisson Rouge in New York City. There will be music, comedy, education, magic and more. Confirmed guests include: comedian Janeane Garofalo, Daily Show co-creator Lizz Winstead, actor/director John Cameron Mitchell ('Hedwig and the Angry Inch'), comedian Hari Kondabolu, David Rees ('Get Your War On'), Jeff Mangum of Neutral Milk Hotel, Lee Ranaldo of Sonic Youth, Guy Picciotto of Fugazi, Tunde Adebimpe of TV on the Radio, and more. (Download Poster at https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/46531_297288527050595_1862553266_n.jpg)

Tickets for the show go on sale today at 10AM. Purchase yours at http://www.lepoissonrouge.com/lpr_events/peoples-bailout/. Be quick, we expect them go fast!



How to Move Your Money

Posted 6 days ago on Nov. 3, 2012, 10:50 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: bank transfer day, move your money, n5

move your money

Monday is Move Your Money Out Day of Action! See below to see how you can help.

Want to participate in the Occupy Movement but don’t quite feel ready to march or protest? Don’t worry, there are many other ways to disempower the financial institutions which form a virtual shadow government that subverts the will of the people.

You can move your money.

Late last year, sick of being charged a $3. overdraft fee on a $2 cup of coffee, I decided that I didn’t want HSBC - recipient of $3.5 billion of taxpayer-funded bailout money from AIG - to continue to nickel and dime me, so I opened an account at Ally and directed my paycheck to be deposited there. It was that simple. Now, when I receive $2 statements from HSBC, I laugh. They’re not taking my money any more.



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