I would have had some sort of existential crisis had I been Sorted anywhere else. ;)
I'm ThestralCloak205 on Pottermore if you want to add me!
- Current Mood: cheerful
01. Evan has new pictures from a photo shoot on his site. Some of them are a little odd, but others? ( ME GUSTA.Collapse )
02. Pleasepleaseplease be skating this season, dude.
03. Did anyone else get into early access Pottermore? I am excited! Send me my welcome email soon, Pottermore. I need you in my life.
04. I am slightly worried about being Sorted, though. What if I'm not in Ravenclaw? MY WHOLE LIFE WILL BE A LIE.
05. Multiples of five.
- Current Mood: okay
Thirty-four figure skating icons:
- 9 Virtue & Moir
- 10 Davis & White
- 15 Evan Lysacek
( Read more...Collapse )
- Current Mood: lazy
Although Lysacek and Carroll communicate frequently, mostly via text messages, the two were reunited last month in Greensboro, N.C., at the 2011 AT&T; U.S. Figure Skating Championships. Lysacek wasn’t competing but came to perform in an event-ending exhibition. He asked Carroll to stand by the rink boards for the performance.
“Evan told me, ‘I want you there. It will be like old times,’ ’’ Carroll said. “For him to feel like I was such an important role in his success means a lot. I am proud of him as a person.’’
LOVE THEM. ♥ I don't know why, but the mental image of Frank texting is beautiful. Best skater-and-coach ever.
I also love Tessa and Scott OMG I AM SO GLAD THAT THEY'RE BACK. Skating, I remember why I like you! This is the first time I've been excited this season! Exclamation points! I think their short dance is lovely and I can't wait to see their free.
- Current Mood: busy
30 figure skating icons:
- Current Mood: okay
Lysacek came to the rink armed with all of his old artillery.
"He called me, said he missed skating, and asked to stay with me; I have a two-bedroom place [in Arrowhead] and I said, sure, come up. The only bad part was he made me cook for him," Carroll said.
"He's amazing. He did his Olympic programs, with his triple Axel, and later did a quad."
Also, I love how Frank just threw the quad in there. You know, no biggie. =)
Source -- Thanks again, generationlol!
- Current Mood: cheerful
- Current Music:The Weasley Stomp- Nicholas Hooper
Twenty-six figure skating icons:
- Current Mood: exhausted
Twenty-eight figure skating icons:
- Current Mood: sick
Thirty-five figure skating icons:
- Current Mood: cheerful
- Current Music:The West Wing
Nine Sherlock icons:
- Current Mood: sore
Twenty-eight icons:
- Current Mood: hot
- Current Music:Little Willow- Paul McCartney
Thirty figure skating icons:
- Current Mood: busy
- Current Music:Black Dog- Led Zeppelin
Forty Doctor Who icons (series 5, contains spoilers for 5.13):
- Current Mood: hot
Twenty-seven requested figure skating icons:
- 1 Dubreiul & Lauzon
- 1 Dorothy Hamill
- 1 Scott Hamilton
- 1 Caryn Kadavy
- 1 Meno & Sand
- 1 Nam & Leftheris
- 1 Navarro & Bommentre
- 1 Yuka Sato
- 1 Sato & Dungjen
- 2 Gregory & Petukhov
- 2 Emily Hughes
- 2 Matt Savoie
- 3 Kurt Browning
- 4 Tim Goebel
- 5 Laura Lepisto
( Read more...Collapse )
- Current Mood: thirsty
Seven miscellaneous wallpapers: The Beatles, Doctor Who, Davis & White, Virtue & Moir, Evan Lysacek, Team Evanna.
- Current Mood: energetic
- Current Music:Day Tripper- The Beatles
Thirty icons:
- 1 Gordeeva & Grinkov
- 5 Lang & Tchernyshev
- 5 Salé & Pelletier
- 5 Virtue & Moir
- 14 Evan Lysacek and Anna Trebunskaya
( Read more...Collapse )
- Current Mood: hot
- Current Music:Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da- The Beatles
Eighteen Doctor Who icons (5.10- Vincent and the Doctor):
- Current Mood: mellow
Thirty-five figure skating icons:
- 1 Alissa Czisny
- 1 Todd Eldredge
- 1 Ryan Jahnke
- 1 Paul Wylie
- 2 Brian Boitano
- 4 Ina & Zimmerman
- 6 Kimmie Meissner
- 7 Virtue & Moir
- 12 Evan Lysacek
( Read more...Collapse )
- Current Mood: busy
Twenty-eight Evan Lysacek and Anna Trebunskaya icons:
- Current Mood: lazy
- Current Music:The Kids Are Alright- The Who