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Really Deep Thoughts
right over my head
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From [info]crazyjay (and the first six were on her list, too):

Name 10 things that bring you a moment of joy, and tag 4 friends to do the same.

1. friends
2. listening to music I love/hearing a favorite song
4. remembering fond memories
5. nice long talks with close friends
6. when people show me love and kindness
7. Gilmore Girls reruns
8. dancing around like a goofball
9. hugs
10. spending time with my family

That was nice. I should make lists like that every morning. :)

Current Mood: peaceful
Current Music: Gilmore Girls theme song (in my head)

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Because I was tagged and just happened to notice...
I was tagged by [info]438_kisses! *waves to [info]438_kisses*

1. Go into your LJ archive
2. Find your 23rd post
3. Find your 5th sentence (or closest to it)
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions
5. Tag 5 people on your friend list

I have the best mother in the world.

(This was the only sentence in the entry. I don't remember exactly what inspired it, though I certainly agree with the statement.)

I tag... well, I have no clue who all has already done this meme, so anyone who hasn't already and wants to do so, I suppose.

Current Mood: busy
Current Music: "Marys Of The Sea," Tori Amos

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Belated Birthday Wishes
Happy Birthday, [info]sparkle_hart!

I hope it was an amazing birthday!

Current Mood: rushed
Current Music: "Suede," Tori Amos

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(the little things make my day sometimes)
Yay! August is Julius Peppers month on my Carolina Panthers calendar. :D

Current Mood: busy
Current Music: "4ever," The Veronicas

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Soap Stuff.
A couple of Three fannish things:

1. I'm SO excited that Kin Shriner's back on As The World Turns. I've really been enjoying the show in general, but I'm also totally into Kin right now, so... YAY!!!

2. Paul's line to Emily today, "I like like you, even"?!? Who are you, Sam Thomas? ;)

3. Darn it, Josh, stop breaking my heart right now on Guiding Light!

Tags: ,
Current Mood: thoughtful
Current Music: Guiding Light

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"I feel it, too."
I know I'm behind on comments, my friends list, etc., but I just had to mention one of my favorite fannish things right now: Guiding Light's Jonathan and Tammy. I've been into them for a while now, but yesterday's episode really blew me away.

Quotage. )

Current Mood: giddy
Current Music: "Living On A Prayer," Tori Amos

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Ugh. I just wasted nearly an hour or so online, trying to find a place from which I could order a specific episode of Port Charles from 1997. I found one site, but it hadn't been updated in seven years or so; and the e-mail I sent them was returned. The thing is, I'm really stubborn, and had foolishly gotten my hopes up... so now the fact that I can't have this episode is driving me crazy. (Yeah, I lead such a tough life. *rolls eyes at self*)

Anyway, my point is this: If you know of any sites/reliable people from which I can order pre-arc Port Charles tapes or DVDs, then please let me know. I know I've asked this before, but I suppose it's worth one more try, right?

Oh, and I hope everyone has a safe and peaceful weekend!

Current Mood: irritated
Current Music: "Putting The Damage On," Tori Amos (in my head)

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*shakes head*
GH Casting Spoiler. )

Current Mood: annoyed
Current Music: As The World Turns

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Guiding Light Talk
Even though I think only a couple of you (at the most) watch Guiding Light, I feel like talking about the show anyway. )

Anyway. I'm waaaaay behind on my friends list. I'm sorry about that, and I hope you guys are all doing amazingly well.

Current Mood: blah
Current Music: Guiding Light

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The Love Meme.

Current Mood: worried
Current Music: Guiding Light

Strange Little Girl
Name: Takeitha
Happy Days
Back November 2005
Past The Mission
"The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?"
Psalm 27:1

Top Five Songs Of The Moment:

"Eli's Coming," Three Dog Night
"Fire On The Side," Y Kant Tori Read
"Floating City," Y Kant Tori Read
"Heaven Is A Place On Earth," Belinda Carlisle
"Me And Bobby McGee," Janis Joplin