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Whispers and Voices

... if you're a thought you'd want me to think you ... and I did ...

17 February
"In the beginning, the universe was created.
This has made a lot of people angry, and has wildly been regarded as a bad move."

Writer. Metalhead Rocker Chick. Coffee and vodka drinker. Bisexual. Poly. Pitbull mom.
Geek. Sports fan. Activist. Sick Puppies WC Ambassador.

This is my personal journal and it IS friends only. Here you will find my half-finished thoughts, my happy ramblings and my aggravated rantings. It is also not that hard to make friends with me. Message me and say hi. :)

You can find me in various places on the interwebs:
My website

My fanfiction and character blogging can be found at vega_voices and openveinwriting respectively.

For information on my first novel, Shadows in the Spotlight, you can check out the livejournal page crossingthegate.

If you are a dreamer, come in,
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,
A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer...
If you're a pretender, come sit by my fire
For we have some flax-golden tales to spin.
Come in!
Come in!

~Shel Silverstein
aaron sorkin, aeryn sun, aids awareness, alex cabot, alex/olivia, allison janney, angels, animals, apollo, art, astronomy, avalon, band fiction, battlestar galactica, bill adama, bisexuality, bondage, books, bsg, buffy the vampire slayer, caprica, carlos boozer, celtic, character blogging, charles de lint, chris degarmo, chris lorenzo, cinder road, cj cregg, cj miles, cj/danny, cj/leo, cj/ofc, cj/simon, cj/toby, concerts, crossing the gate, crossingthegate, csi, csi:, d/s, dana scully, dance, dancing, dragons, dreams, druids, elliot stabler, elves, english literature, english theory, faeries, fan fiction, fandoms, fantasy, farscape, femslash, fiction, fish, forensics, fox mulder, friends, gay rights, geoff tate, goth, grissom, gsr, heavy metal, hiking, history, industrial, john spencer, john/aeryn, jorja fox, kara thrace, kushiel, lady heather, laura roslin, law and order: svu, lee adama, local music, lord of the rings, marion zimmer bradley, mariska hargitay, melissa ethridge, michael wilton, mitzi kapture, moab, murphy brown, mushroomhead, music, nanites, non-fiction, olivia benson, olivia/elliot, operation:mindcrime, oracles, pagans, photography, piercing, politics, pop culture, queensryche, rachel maddow, radio, reading, richard schiff, rita lance, rock fiction, rogue, royal bliss, runnin utes, sam anders, sara sidle, sara/grissom, sci-fi, sherman alexie, shinedown, silk stalkings, sixx am, soulbender, star trek ds9, star trek enterprise, star trek tng, star trek voyager, starbuck, studio 60, svu, tantric, tarot, tattoos, the heroin diaries, the x files, tori amos, upstate new york, utah jazz, utah politics, virginia woolf, walter skinner, west wing, wicca, writersvoices, writing, x-men
