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Since Roosevelt, No GOP Presidential Campaign Has Won Vote Without a Bush or Nixon on Ticket: Jeb Bush 2016? Ugh! Judge Orders Eradication of GE Plants on Wildlife Refuges There Is No Future for the Republican Party Tammy Baldwin Elected to Senate on Merit, Breaking the Glass Ceiling for Lesbians and Gays The Romney Campaign and FOX News' Shameless Exploitation of Benghazi![](
Headlines and News
All | Past 1 Hour | Past 2 Hours | Past 6 Hours | Past 12 Hours | Past 24 Hours
- Carville: GOP routed by reality
- Gail Collins: The Great Hillary Question. Is She Running in 2016?
- The Petraeus Affair Becomes Seedier
- After Legalization in Washington State, 220 Marijuana Cases Dismissed in King, Pierce Counties
- Obama’s second term: Can liberals trust the president?
- Took a Few Days, But Democrat Jay Inslee wins Washington governor’s race
- MSNBC: #1 Cable News Network in Primetime for Two Days Post-Election
- Promise Not Kept: Profits Over People
- FBI probe of Petraeus triggered by e-mail threats from biographer, officials say
- Karl Rove Just Won't Go Away
- ExxonMobil won't protest property taxes
- 13 things that would have passed the Senate if there were no filibuster
- Will Obama Fulfill His 2007 Promise to Label GMOs? (Video)
- Forget Nate Silver: Meet the Guy Who Called 2012 in 2002
- Indigenous Protestors Against Guatemala Energy Company Targeted
- Thousands Call for Nobel Peace Prize for Malala Yousafzai
- Media calls Florida for Obama, giving him 332 electoral votes
- Investigating Deaths of Undocumented Immigrants on the Border
- The Incestuous Relationship Between Bankers, Business and Congress
- The Under-the-Radar State, County, and City Races That Produced Surprising Results
- Thom Hartmann and Sam Sacks | America the Third-World Nation in Just 4 Easy Steps
- Post-Sandy and Post-Election, Will Political Taboo on Climate Change Be Lifted?
- Another Need in the Aftermath of Sandy: Toxic Soup Testing
- COINTELPRO 101 (Part 1)
- Election Results From the Rest of the World
- Barbara Ehrenreich: Kiss Goldman Sachs Goodbye
- New study bolsters claims that intense climate change helped lead to Mayan culture's demise
- What an All-Female Delegation Says About New Hampshire
- Keeping the Rich Comfy: Your Job Future?
- Coal Company CEO Fires 156 Workers After Obama Re-Election
- Air Force Academy's Orwellian "Religious Respect Conference" Indicates Clear Bias Against the Non-Religious
- Glenn Greenwald | CNN Claims Iran Shot at a US Drone, Revealing Network's Mindset
- Portland Anti-Austerity Protest Draws 1,000 Despite Police Violence
- It’s Appalling That Gerrymandering Is Legal. And if the Supreme Court guts the Voting Rights Act, it’s going to get a lot worse.
- Iran, Climate Change and a Bipartisan Agenda
- The Coming Debt Battle: Citing a phony "crisis," the GOP wants to gut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Democrats can't let them.
- Over 400,000 Votes Yet to Be Counted in Maricopa County
- Union-Backed Ballot Measures Mostly Fared Well
- Dean Baker: Climate change, not the national debt, is the legacy we should care about
- What Sunk Mitt: GOP Extremism
- Annie Leonard | A River of Money Runs Through It
- Don’t Drive Off the Fiscal Cliff: Congress’s newest game of chicken threatens the recovery
- Voters Didn't Ask for Bi-Partisanship, They Demanded Good Policies
- The Importance of Elizabeth Warren
- Voting? Done. Democracy? Just Begun.
- Repression against grassroots hurricane relief lingers in New Orleans
- After the Election: Time to Stop Settling for the Lesser Evil
- These Guys Want to Buy Up Your Debt and Set You Free
- Lockheed Martin exec resigns after affair
- Next Steps for the Occupy Movement: The Tenderloin Today Project
- Citigroup has handed former chief executive Vikram Pandit more than $15 million as a settlement
- On the News With Thom Hartmann: Report Finds That Allowing the Bush Tax Cut for the Rich to Expire Will Have the Least Negative Effect on the Economy, and More
- Pakistan Funds School for Malala Day
- Indian Country Looks Forward With Optimism After Record Turnout Beats Voter ID, Other Barriers
- Would a tax hike on the wealthy kill 700,000 jobs?
- Direct Democracy: Results of Ballot Propositions Across the Country
- If Husted's Electoral College plan for Ohio in 2016 was now in place everywhere, Mitt would have won
- Petraeus Resigns From CIA, Admits Affair
- Number of uncounted ballots in Arizona rises as deadline nears
- Chicago's New Lady Labor Slugger Reactivates Social Movement Unionism
- $25-a-gun sales tax approved in Chicago area
- Uplifting if You Haven't Seen It: Elizabeth Warren's Senate Victory Acceptance Speech
- The Power of the NRA Is Greatly Exaggerated
- Texas Republican Wants State To Leave U.S. Over Obama Win, Launches Scurrilous Attack on Obama Voters
- Inspirational: The Original 2008 Obama "Fired Up and Ready to Go" and the Lady From Greenwood Who Gave Spirit to a Campaign
- Mainstream Media Has Double Standards on "Mandates" When It Comes to Democrats
- Supreme Court to review key section of Voting Rights Act. Don't Expect Anything Good to Come Out of It.
- The New York Times Analysis of the Presidential Election 2012
- Report That Israeli and Mossad Defied Netanyahu's Request to Prepare for Attack on Iran In 2012
- Waffle House CEO accused of sexual improprieties
- Nearly a quarter of blacks -- 24 percent -- and Hispanics -- 22 percent -- reported waiting in line more than 30 minutes, compared to 9 percent of whites. Obama voters were nearly twice as likely as Romney voters to face long lines, at 16 percent to 9 percent.
- Since Roosevelt, No GOP Presidential Campaign Has Won Vote Without a Bush or Nixon on Ticket: Jeb Bush 2016? Ugh! -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Elizabeth Warren and Alan Grayson (Now Back in Congress) Both Supported Occupy Wall Street
- The $4.2 billion election: Was it worth it?
- CIA Director Was Having Affair With Biographer
- Obama Says That He Has Election Mandate to Reduce Tax Cuts for the Rich
- Final Insult. Poll: Bush won more Mormons than Romney
- Boehner Reverts to Opposing Tax Increases on the Rich. Should the Official Movie of the GOP Be "Les Miserables"?
- A Gift of the Election: Elizabeth Warren
- MN Voters See Through ‘Voter Fraud’ Lie, Defeat Polling Place Photo ID Amendment
- Boehner: 'Obamacare is the law of the land' The battle is over for the incremental movement forward in healthcare coverage.
- Working Families Say Lame Duck Can’t Bargain Away Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid
- Washington voters approve same-sex marriage, CNN projects
- Alabama Leads the Nation in Racist Tweets
- Mexico Indicates Failed War on Drugs That Has Killed Tens of Thousands of People May be Reduced Due to Legalization of Recreational Marijuana in Colorado and Washington This Election
- "Two Republicans in separate states were taken into police custody during the past week for allegedly attempting to test how easy it would be to commit voter fraud." Sure sounds like they were committing voter fraud!
- Judge Orders Eradication of GE Plants on Wildlife Refuges -- Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Why We May Never Know How Much Money Karl Rove Made Running Crossroads
- How the GOP’s War on Voting Backfired
- Paul Krugman | Let's Not Make a Deal
- Tax Hike for Wealthy Won't Kill Growth: CBO
- George P. Bush Initiates Run for Office
- Romney Adviser: Not a Single Person on the Campaign Thought He Would Lose
- Karl Rove Defends His $300 Million Disaster
- Even Fox News Admits It
- Obama’s Next Inner Circle: Who Will Fill the New Cabinet?
- Ethics Office Asked to Investigate GOP Rep. Issa Over Anti-Obama Video
- Amy Goodman | Now the Work of Movements Begins
- With Obama Re-Elected, States Scramble Over Health Law
- The Tea Party Is Dead. Long Live the Tea Party.
- "What I haven't seen is any credit given to the Occupy Wall Street movement for radically changing the political discussion in America a year and a half ago."
- In First Foreign Policy Move Since Obama’s Re-Election, Administration Sets New Iran Sanctions
- Poll Workers Accused of Pushing Provisional Ballots on AZ Voters
- Rep. Allen West Heads To Court Over Vote Count
- Fox News Audience Abandons Ship After Obama Wins
- The Big Takeaway From the 2012 Election - It's the Turnout, Stupid
- AG Holder Suggests He May Resign
- New York Subway Repairs Border "on the Edge of Magic"
- New Hampshire Elects Nation's First Out Trans Lawmaker
- In Michigan, a Setback for Unions
- Election is Mandate for Policies Grounded in Progressive American Values
- The Romney Fireworks That Fizzled, For Real
- HUMOR: Finger Pointing Blues
- Obama Tears Up Thanking Young Volunteers at Chicago Campaign Headquarters
- Adviser: Romney "Shellshocked" by Loss
- Nate Silver: As Nation and Parties Change, Republicans Are at an Electoral College Disadvantage
- Citizens United Couldn't Shut Down Democracy This Time: "Karl Rove helped pour $400 million of outside money into the 2012 elections. But since Republican candidates were walloped on Tuesday, the backlash against the Rove strategy is coming fast, and he has a lot of explaining to do."
- NRA Also Lost Big on Election Day
- BREAKING: The Romney Campaign Has Conceded Florida
- Tammy Baldwin Elected to Senate on Merit, Breaking the Glass Ceiling for Lesbians and Gays -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- There Is No Future for the Republican Party -- Jacqueline Marcus for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- An America Yet to be Born -- Robert C. Koehler for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- The Romney Campaign and FOX News' Shameless Exploitation of Benghazi -- Doug Basham for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Obama Beat Romney With Women, Unions, Latinos and Blacks Because Issues Mattered -- Allan Karlin for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- The Kids Will Destroy the GOP
- Conservatives Turn on Karl Rove: Conservatives are looking for a scapegoat for their losses on Tuesday, and Bush's brain is in their cross hairs
- Karl Rove: Obama Succeeded "By Suppressing The Vote"
- Wall Street Urges Obama to Commit the Great Betrayal
- 5 Unhinged Right-Wing Reactions to Romney’s Defeat
- Harry Reid: "We Are Not Going To Mess With Social Security"
- Ignoring Obama’s Mandate: The president campaigned on ending the Bush tax cuts and won. House Republicans may not have gotten the message
- Holder Undecided on Staying On as Obama's Attorney General
- Rove: Don't Blame Me Even If Everything I Said During The Campaign Was Wrong
- Will The Right's Fever Break? Ctd
- It's Rove's Fault! Bush's Brain Is In the GOP Crosshairs
- Gabrielle Giffords Confronts Shooter Jared Lee Loughner in Court
- Race Tied After Candidate's Wife Doesn't Vote
- Mitch McConnell is Already Back to Obstruction at All Costs
- Naomi Klein | Hurricane Sandy: Beware of America's Disaster Capitalists
- Stopping People From Voting? Seriously, Why Do We Put Up With This For One Minute?
- Obama Pollster: GOP is Trapped in the 1980s, "Out of Gas"
- Nate Silver's Book Sales Skyrocket
- It's the Interest, Stupid! Why Bankers Rule the World
- Harry Reid: Fix the Filibuster Now!
- Occupy the Prison-Industrial Complex
- A Progressive Surge
- Did Polling Only in English Distort Key Polls?
- Pfc. Bradley Manning Offers Guilty Plea in Wikileaks Case
- Las Vegas Business Owner Fires 22 "Mostly Hispanic" Employees Over Obama Win
- Texas Could Become Swing State Within Eight Years
- Man Who Shot Rep. Gabby Giffords to Be Sentenced
- The Donald Problem: The inside story of how Mitt Romney's courtship of Donald Trump became a metaphor for his whole campaign.
- Washington Post Columnist and Shameless Romney Shill Jennifer Rubin Admits She Misled Her Readers
- VIDEO: Jon Stewart on Fox News' Epic Election-Night Meltdown
- The Plaid Adder Bids Farewell to Karl Rove
- Hippies Wander Into the Lions' Den, Maul Lions
- 6 Reasons Why the 2012 Election Will Be Considered Historic
- "What to do when the people you dismiss, kick your ass…"
- David Siegel, Billionaire Whose Letter Promised Mass Layoffs After Obama Win, Gives Workers Raises
- Demographics as Political Destiny
- Appeals Court Rejects Torture Suit Against Rumsfeld
- VIDEO: Rachel Maddow: "Evolution Is a Thing, Time For the Right to Leave the Bubble"
- Obama, Others Push For an Overhaul of Florida's Elections System After Long Waits
- Republicans To Obama On Taxes: Let’s Compromise By Not Raising Taxes
- FL Gov. Rick Scott: I Won't Carry Out Parts of Health-Care Law
- After a Humiliating Election Night, Will Fox News Stop Lying?
- Paul Krugman | The Real Real America
- Surprise at Obama’s Victory Illustrates Growing Partisan Divide in US Media
- For the Radical Right, Obama Victory Brings Fury and Fear
- Peace Vets Sue to March in Veterans Day Parade
- Rush Limbaugh: "I Went To Bed Last Night Thinking We’ve Lost The Country"
- Romney Donors Complain They Were Ripped Off and Lied To
- Harry Reid Agenda: Filibuster Crackdown, Tax Increases
- Poll: Democratic Demographics Faced Significantly Longer Voting Lines
- "A serious and sympathetic post for any lurking conservatives."
- Quote of the Day: America's Billionaires are Pissed Off at Karl Rove
- Juan Cole | Top Ten Wish List Progressives Should Press on President Obama
- Romney Campaign Taking a Beating from Frustrated Big-Dollar Donors
- A Great Night for US Democracy
- Republicans Face Murky Political Future in Increasingly Diverse US
- REMINDER: The "Fiscal Cliff" Is Nothing Like A Cliff
- VIDEO: Bill O'Reilly: "The white establishment is now the minority"
- SATIRE: Romney Really Outdoes Himself With Campaign's Final Flip-Flop
- Man Behind Anti-Islam Video Gets Prison Term
- Tuesday's Real Winners and Losers
- Revenge of the 47 Percent and a Blow to Jim Crow -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- At Romney headquarters, the defeat of the 1 percent
- "A protest at the University of Mississippi against the re-election of President Barack Obama grew into crowd of about 400 people with shouted racial slurs as rumors of a riot spread on social media."
- A Landmark Night For Gay Rights
- "Mitt Romney lost Latinos by unprecedented margins — even worse than the initial exit polls showed — according to a study by Latino Decisions."
- Fox News’ dark night of the soul
- 5 Unhinged Right-Wing Reactions to Romney’s Defeat
- Citizens United Defeated at the Polls?
- In a Second Term, Obama Will Face Renewed Objections to Drone Strikes and Targeted Assassinations Without Due Process