John McCain, Rand Paul Skip Benghazi Hearing to Complain About Benghazi on TV
Even as John McCain was vowing to do everything in his power to block Susan Rice's nomination while Lindsey Graham was making smarmy, gossipy suggestions that Susan Rice was somehow untrustworthy, both of them were doing their best to avoid the facts about what actually happened in Benghazi. I can only assume their reluctance to actually be briefed was so they could claim they were not being briefed and could run to Papa Fox to whine.
Via Foreign Policy:
This week, a number of Republican senators have strongly criticized the administration for failing to properly explain the circumstances surrounding the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi. Some of those senators failed to show up for a briefing on the attack Wednesday.
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) has been the leading congressional critic of the administration's handling of the Benghazi attack and what he sees as the administration's lack of candor with Congress on the matter. On Wednesday, he pledged to block the potential nomination of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice to replace Secretary of State Hillary Clinton due to Rice's statements on the attack. That drew a sharp rebuke from President Barack Obama at Wednesday's press conference.
But although McCain had time to speak on the Senate floor and on television about the lack of information provided to Congress about the attack, he didn't attend the classified briefing for senators Wednesday given to the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, of which he is a member.
Oops! In an update to that post, McCain explained his absence as being a scheduling error. Yep, that's the ticket, go out and pimp the right wing conspiracy theories and then blame not getting actual facts on your staff.
As for Rand Paul, evidently he also was too busy to pay attention to actual facts because he was out there spinning the right wing story for Faux:
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), another Homeland Security committee member who was on television complaining about the lack of Benghazi information, also did not show up for the Wednesday hearing. Paul did a CNN interview from the Capitol building Wednesday in which said he had questions about the anti-Islam video, the lack of Marines in Libya, and diplomatic security. At one point he says, "I don't know enough of the details."
But see, he could have known more of the details if he had just been doing his job. If they had been doing their job.
Posturing for Faux News is not doing their job. Attending a hearing and getting the facts is their job. It's time for them to do it.
Update: Seems Senator McCain got a little touchy when CNN asked him about the meeting.
For such a great war hero, it is sad to see John McCain deteriorate before our eyes. It is hard to say if it is because he fears becoming irrelevant due to age or fear of the Tea Party or maybe because he lost the Presidential election in 2008. Whatever it is, the timing is really bad. This country is going through so much and we really need strong leaders on both sides of the aisle to work together to get this country back on track. This was the same man who encouraged us to go to war in Iraq with no sound information and ignored the fact that Bush received warnings before 9/11. Now his partisan dandruff is up because Susan Rice, UN Ambassador, didn't have all the information when she appeared on some talk shows about Benghazi? Maybe it is time for John to retire and enjoy the rest of his life with his wife and family.
The President was right to call McCain and Graham out. He and the country need these two elderly statesmen to be part of the solution and not the problem. If they are not up to the job of working with the President and the Democrats, maybe they should fade into the sunset because they are sending the wrong messages to the younger members of their party. The public is getting weary of obstructionism and will not tolerate such behavior.
Yep, he has the Power Line Clipping Cluster, The Blowing Up Your Ship Medal, and the Getting Shot Down Star.
"Avoid foreign entanglements, neither a borrower nor a lender be, never emotionally bond with a politician."
Sage advice
He almost got the Leave Your Wife When She's Sick badge but I think Newt beat him out on that one.
Say what you mean. Mean what you say. But don't say it mean.
with 'Power Line Clipping Cluster'. Half of that could be the Tanqueray, but funny nonetheless.
"Parachutes are allowed in checked or carry-on baggage, but may not be worn in flight."
---Southwest Airlines
north viet nam had captured 'daddys little pancake',the 7th fleets admirals son..........anyone know of pictures of ANY other p.o.w. getting medical treatment,johnny was in clean clothes,bandaged,no beard,and a doctor or medic in the shot....he was p.c.,protective custody.....because he was special,and he talked....with in one month,the number of aircraft lost over north viet nam,went up over was so bad,we halted all air attacks(except the b-52's)on the north for figure out different zig-zag routes to targets.........someone committed treason,helped the enemy....probably the most important fact is that,an airman officer, p.o.w. ,when freed....gained rank....captian became major,like that......john john 'daddys little pancake' mc cain when shot down was a commander ,stayed a commander.....and hadn't lost alot of weight..most had lived on just enough calories to stay alive....he was a rat,a slimey,traitor rat. that has been living off the governments teat from his first breath...hate him.
....the fools do not realize,a population that can ,..... not paticipate the 'economy'...,can not keep it viable!..........."we are listening,.......and we're not blind.,......this is your life....this is your time."
...strong leaders on both sides of the aisle. I wonder which aisle you're talking about since there are NO leaders, not even a weak one, on the right side of that aisle.
Whiny, petulant children, YES but no leaders.
Life, like Surfing is all about wave selection and balance. Never let the best waves in life go by.
There is not an ounce of truth to anything Crash and Lindsay are claiming.
We are witnessing mr. 'Crash' McCain going 'out with a bang' one last time.
We hardly knew ye, Crashy.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
"Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob"
-= Franklin Delano Roosevelt =-
"Now his partisan dandruff is up because Susan Rice, UN Ambassador, didn't have all the information when she appeared on some talk shows about Benghazi?"
...and you know, she had all the information the CIA had, and was simply repeating what the CIA had told her. McCain is a typical FOX Lies watcher.
"Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob"
-= Franklin Delano Roosevelt =-
First of all this is still about getting beat by Obama in 2008 when it comes to McCain and his BFF Graham. Secondly they need to decide if they want to be politicians or press secretaries. If all they want to do is be press secretaries then step the hell down. Bunch of childish asshats.
is intended to be a factual statement
Watching Susan Rice on Sunday talk show TV. Say, is he really pissed because he wan't on all five shows that day?
"Avoid foreign entanglements, neither a borrower nor a lender be, never emotionally bond with a politician."
Sage advice
I was just hearing about this for the first time on Martin Bashir's show. I hope this gets thrown up in McCain's face every time he starts bitching and moaning about Susan Rice. McCain has never seen a microphone or teevee camera he could resist. As always it's all about him no matter what the situation.
Perhaps it's more fun to bitch about the facts you don't know than it is to be made aware of the true facts. Never let the truth get in the way of a good bitching match.
Say what you mean. Mean what you say. But don't say it mean.
Any bets on which Sunday morning show McCain will be on this week? My ten thousand dollar bet is on Meet the Press or Fox News Sunday.
Say what you mean. Mean what you say. But don't say it mean.
He loves the exposure.
at the Tail Hook Convention. Or as Miss Buffalo Chip, for that matter.
"Avoid foreign entanglements, neither a borrower nor a lender be, never emotionally bond with a politician."
Sage advice
I think his biggest desire right now is to just beat Obama at something, anything. If he can prevent Susan Rice from becoming Secretary of State he will feel he has finally bested Obama at something. I don't think this has anything to do with Rice but instead it's about a conquest. I think he is obsessed more than concerned about her ability. Every time he goes up against Obama on anything he loses and his anger builds even more. The angrier he gets the more crazy he sounds. Desperation in an old guy is kind of pitiful but surely not attractive.
Say what you mean. Mean what you say. But don't say it mean.
That's the Republicon party's biggest desire at this point . LOL
"The poor have sometimes objected to being governed badly; the rich have always objected to being governed at all."
Beats going to an Episcopal or Baptist service any Sunday, sweetie.
"Avoid foreign entanglements, neither a borrower nor a lender be, never emotionally bond with a politician."
Sage advice
I have become a convert to the ideas of Up on weekend mornings. As a member of that audience we do not believe in Sunday morning bs.
Say what you mean. Mean what you say. But don't say it mean.
on UP. He generally has guests who are well-informed and/or experts in whatever area they're involved in....not just the same folks who make the rounds at all the other news/talk shows.
Tho' every once in a while, I do wish Chris would stop talking and let the folks on the panel have a little more time.
"Egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of Stupidity" - Frank Leahy
Could be both. Or even more than two, if he's feelin' per-tickularly crotchety.
Here we are talking about a tool that has limited intelligence, who landed in the Senate because he was a POW, and NOTHING more; and there is speculation as to just why he ended up being shot down. This pathetic old wind-bag should just shut his trap, retire and go off into the sunset with his beer-mama, and leave the heavy thinking for those equipped with all the parts to a brain.
In ALL SERIOUSNESS, this wind bag was the lowest in his class...or in the bottom five, and for him to be shooting off his mouth when he WASN'T EVEN AT THE BRIEFING is just so hypocritical and a fine example of what a clown he is. Thank you Arizona.
A complete dunce, now and forever more.
Daddy and Granddaddy Admirals. Dumped his disfigured former supermodel wife for one with a family that owned a Senate seat and needed a meat sack to fill.
That's all I had to say.
Rand Paul is one election away from being a bad memory.
"Well, that’s odd … I’ve just robbed a man of his livelihood, and yet I feel strangely empty. Tell you what, Smithers – have him beaten to a pulp." --Montgomery Burns
Buddha man!
"Avoid foreign entanglements, neither a borrower nor a lender be, never emotionally bond with a politician."
Sage advice
One problem L.P. , Kentuckians .
"The poor have sometimes objected to being governed badly; the rich have always objected to being governed at all."
If they don't pick up on this transgression then even they can't refer to themselves as "journalists" any more. I know that I would get fired if I was hanging out with the three stooges when I was supposed to be doing my job!
Just saw the update - good job CNN, now let's hope the other start hammering the repubs on this! Apparently only 3 of the 8 GOP committee members attended.
guilty as sin in the lincoln savings and loan theft....billions,correct? yea. won a senate,the house commitee that would have charged him couldn;t .......he wasn't in the house anymore!!!!!!!! fuckin' magic.
....the fools do not realize,a population that can ,..... not paticipate the 'economy'...,can not keep it viable!..........."we are listening,.......and we're not blind.,......this is your life....this is your time."'s time for YOU to "get off OUR lawn!"....
Seen one Ben you seen 'em all.
"Avoid foreign entanglements, neither a borrower nor a lender be, never emotionally bond with a politician."
Sage advice
ben dover?
Since republicans are idiots who are incapable of governing and their only true talent is to fling shit, McStain is just showing us what we can look forward to for the next 4 years.
I'm afraid so . Man , I'm sick of it . Gotta look on the bright side , they won't be winning National elections by staying the course .
"The poor have sometimes objected to being governed badly; the rich have always objected to being governed at all."
i submit:
that neither john mccrashyplane nor rand paul give two craps about the people killed in benghazi.
nor do they care about the whole benghazi affair, save for the opportunity that it provides them to flex their anti-obama muscles for the TV.
Shorter Mc Lame: Just do what I say, not what I do. Besides, who gives a shit what is happening in Libya?Those South American people all hate America anyway!
"We will find fulfillment not in the goods that we have, but in the good we can do for each other."
Robert F. Kennedy
mc cain is not a crazy grumpy old man, he's what he's always been, a boy that will say or do what ever gets him preferential treatment from his masters, I just wish it was the american people.
McCain has conveniently forgotten a central tenet of our democracy. He is there to serve us, and if we want to know why he isn't doing his job and why he is wasting our time, he better well answer.
Instead of McCain raising hell against the people who attacked, he's raising hell against our and his commander in chief. Something is wrong with that picture. Susan Rice nor the President had anything to do with what happened so why is McCain casting his wrath on them? Did he get pissy with bush after 9-11-01? I doubt it.
Say what you mean. Mean what you say. But don't say it mean.
If it's Susan, you cook it. If it's Condi, you ignore it.
....Attending a hearing and getting the facts is their job."
I respectfully disagree. They were hired by the people who voted for them (a wonder in and of itself) to do the latter, it's true, but their real job is pretty the former:
whining, pimping, lying, shilling, prevaricating, obfuscating, ducking, diving, and all other matter of shenanigans on the GOP propaganda network is their job, first and foremost. This whole governing nonsense, well, they do that when they can find the time, by cracky!
I'm just superstitious enough to hedge my bets.
Well duh, it's a classified briefing. No television exposure.
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
darrell issa will fill us all in on the secret stuff.
Yeah , we can count on that . LOL
"The poor have sometimes objected to being governed badly; the rich have always objected to being governed at all."
Classic .
"The poor have sometimes objected to being governed badly; the rich have always objected to being governed at all."
Give Senator Grandpa his warm milk and tuck him in tonight. It's obvious he woke up cranky today.
1. Lose the presidential race.
2. Lose 4-5 Navy planes during the Vietnam war, finally took the Vietcong to stop him from destroying anymore. If your Daddy wasn't an Admiral, you'd be court marshaled.
.. lost the plot. This is not the same maverick and man of principle that was around during the 2000 Election. That man is gone and this one has clearly lost it.
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