With Brad Friedman & Desi Doyen...
By Desi Doyen on 10/30/2012, 3:32pm PT  

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IN TODAY'S RADIO REPORT: HURRICANE SANDY SPECIAL REPORT: The storm, the aftermath, and the impacts of climate change; PLUS: A reminder of one Presidential candidate's position on federal disaster relief --- Mitt Romney has called for privatizing it ... All that and more in today's Green News Report!

Listen online here, or Download MP3 (6 mins)...


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IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see links below): Chevron: $2.5 Million To GOP Super PAC. Single Largest Corporate Donation; BP Oil Spill: Researchers Take a Deep Look at Gulf Seafood Safety; BP returns to profitability; WY coal art dispute rages on; There Is No 'Simple Fix' for Commodity Farming; Protests Against Expansion of China Chemical Plant Turn Violent; Sand Mine Riches Are Tough to Refuse ... PLUS: Hurricane Sandy: Haiti in emergency aid plea as disaster piles upon disaster ... and much, MUCH more! ...


  • Hurricane Sandy: Record Storm, Record Damage:
  • Comprehensive Live Blog Coverage at Mother Jones (Mother Jones)
  • VIDEO: Governor Cuomo: "Anyone Who Says There is Not a Dramatic Change in Weather Patterns I Think is Denying Reality" (Mother Jones):

  • Northeast Wakes to Huge Damage in Storm's Path; Millions Without Power (NY Times):
    As Hurricane Sandy churned inland as a downgraded storm, residents up and down the battered mid-Atlantic region woke on Tuesday to lingering waters, darkened homes and the daunting task of cleaning up from once-in-a-generation storm surges and their devastating effects.
  • Extent of Sandy's damage still being assessed (USA Today)
  • Crippled NYC Subways Could Hamper Storm Recovery (AP):
    The floodwaters that poured into New York's deepest subway tunnels may pose the biggest obstacle to the city's recovery from the worst natural disaster in the transit system's 108-year history. Critical electrical equipment could be ruined. Track beds could be covered with debris. Corrosive salt water could have destroyed essential switches, lights, turnstiles and the power-conducting third rail.
    There has always been flooding in the tunnels, which collect storm water constantly, even in the lightest of rains. But authorities said there has never been anything like the damage inflicted by Hurricane Sandy.
  • Obama visits Red Cross: 'Storm is not yet over' (CNN)
  • PHOTOS: In the Eye of the Storm: Capturing Sandy’s Wrath (TIME)
  • Superstorm Sandy slams East Coast, leaving floods, millions without power (AP)
  • VIDEO: Gov. Christie praises Obama’s response to ‘major disaster’ of Hurricane Sandy (MSNBC)
  • VIDEO: New Jersey Governor: “A Major Disaster” (Climate Crock of the Week)
  • NYC faces transit nightmare, outages after Sandy (AP)
  • A $20 Billion, 1000-Year Frankenstorm? Sandy Slams East Coast, Smashes All-Time Records. (Climate Progress)
  • Hurricane Sandy Shows We Need To Prepare For Climate Change, Cuomo And Bloomberg Say (Huffington Post Green)
  • Eqecat estimates Hurricane Sandy losses up to $20 billion (Reuters)
  • Sandy curtails nuclear plants, oldest under alert (Reuters)
  • Emergency rescue and recovery underway in Sandy disaster areas (LA Times)
  • Lessons from Storm Sandy: When Hospital Generators Fail (TIME)
  • Romney, GOP Promised to Cut FEMA:
  • He Who Must Not Be Named: Corporate Media Ignores Climate Change Influence on Sandy:
  • The Influence of Climate Change on Sandy:
    • Did Climate Change Supersize Hurricane Sandy? (Mother Jones) [emphasis added]:
      But how, precisely, can we say that Hurricane Sandy, and the extensive damage it will soon cause, are related to climate change? You have to be careful, given that a Category 1 hurricane in October is not itself unusual—and what’s really unique about Sandy is its collision with another, extratropical or winter storm system. Still, there is much that can be said here, even though scientists are careful to emphasize the remaining uncertainties...
    • NASA Warned New York About Hurricane Danger Six Years Ago (Mother Jones) [emphasis added]:
      Scientists told us a storm like Sandy would be catastrophic. When will we listen?
      [I]t’s not just about what we knew—it’s also what we know going forward. We know that if you think this is bad, well, global warming will make it still worse in the future.
    • Climate Change and Sandy: Why We Need to Prepare for a Warmer World (TIME EcoCentric):
      But the possible effect of warming on hurricanes is one of the less perfectly understood aspects of climate science, and there’s still a lot of natural variability at work that makes it difficult to fingerprint the human influence of a major storm.
      Climate change is just one more factor contributing to the growing danger from extreme weather. That’s why we need to build societies—and infrastructure—that can be resilient in the face of a natural disaster, or an unnatural one.
      We don’t demand absolute certainty before we take action in foreign policy, the economy or health. We’d be fools to wait until there’s perfect scientific consensus on the role that global warming may be playing in tropical storms before we take action to prepare for both. “Anyone who says there’s hasn’t been a dramatic change in weather patterns has been denying reality,” New York Governor Andrew Cuomo told reporters today. “We need to make sure that if there is weather like this we are more prepared and protected than we have been before.” As 8 million struggle without power in Sandy’s wake, that much should be painfully obvious.
    • Was Hurricane Sandy supersized by climate change? (Guardian UK):
      Hurricane Sandy cannot be attributed directly to climate change, but warming does mean there is more moisture in the atmosphere
    • Did Climate Change Cause Hurricane Sandy? (Scientific American):
      The hedge expressed by journalists is that many variables go into creating a big storm, so the size of Hurricane Sandy, or any specific storm, cannot be attributed to climate change. That’s true, and it’s based on good science. However, that statement does not mean that we cannot say that climate change is making storms bigger. It is doing just that—a statement also based on good science, and one that the insurance industry is embracing, by the way.
    • In Hurricane Sandy's Fury, The Fingerprint Of Climate Change (Huffington Post Green):
      "The irony is that the two presidential candidates decided not to speak about climate change, and now they are seeing the climate speak to them," said Tidwell. "That's really what's happening here. The climate is now speaking to them --- and to everyone else."
    • VIDEO: Bill McKibben on Hurricane Sandy and Climate Change: "If There Was Ever a Wake-up Call, This Is It" (Democracy Now!)
    • 5 Things Hurricane Sandy Reveals About Global Warming (Popular Science):
      It's tempting to link the nature of this week's "Frankenstorm" to human-caused climate change, but the scientific realities are nuanced. Here are five surprising takeaways.
    • Extreme hurricanes hitting U.S. more frequently, study says (LA Times) [emphasis added]:
      On Monday, a paper published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences, or PNAS, concluded that large Katrina-sized hurricanes were twice as likely to form off the United States' southeast coast in hotter years than they were in colder years.

    'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (Stuff we didn't have time for in today's audio report)...

  • Essential Climate Science Findings: