Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Turd in the Punchbowl

Alex Jones appreciates David Icke even though he thinks he's an insane con man.

Icke, a former athlete, a former British TV personality and conspiracy speaker, once proclaimed himself the son of God. Icke also happens to believe ( or claims to) that the Queen, George Bush, Barack Obama and many many more, are all part of a clan of serpents who gained their positions via reptilonepotism in order to eventually (wait for it) enslave and eat us. Oh, and, they drink our blood, while they waiting for dinner to start. Just as a "hold me off."

The reason I bring up Jones is, I  have been a fan; until now. Just the way he was a devoted fan of David Icke until Icke started seeing reptiles everywhere, I now draw my line.

Jones drew his on Icke, years ago. And said "That's the problem with David Icke. He's got a good line to a point, then he discredits it all. It's like a turd in the punch bowl. That's his job." Jones also had this to say about his fellow speaker and author. "He's either an opportunist con man, or he's completely insane."
David Icke

That doesn't stop Jones from having the eccentric Englishman on his show from time to time so they can discuss issues, conspiracies, reptile blood, demons, and so on.

 Unfortunately Jones, (as does Jesse Ventura) definitely has his finger on some things which are very real, cabals, banksters, secret societies and so on. So his venom at Obama over the issue of guns, colors and taints all else; all the other good works he has done, regarding raping and poisoning corporations; his questions on detention camps that remain unanswered and of course his work going after secret societies.

Until Jones started digging, no one had ever heard of Bohemian Grove, or Bilderberg, or many others he has covered with glee and admirable, entertaining zeal. While he lacks the journalistic sanity of fellow conspiracy Texan, Jim Marrs, his ire and spirit have brought light where previously, there had been almost none at the national level. He now has 1 million listeners a day.

Perhaps the weight of celebrity is too much. Now he's throwing wrenches at his own brand, even as the whiff of cordite and heat from dead children, lingers in the air. And it's ugly. And it's pandering to gun nuts and the hate-lobby.

Just like David Icke Jones discredits himself. Intentionally or no he misdirects with his own version of the lizard people called "Obama-satan." AKA "Obamatakeyourgunswhiteboy".

A saner Jones, would cast a jaundiced eye at his own recent behavior and question whether or not there was a conspiracy behind it, a "false flag" as he and his devotees call them. "Has he been paid to act this way?" He might ask this question, himself, in a calmer frame of mind.

It's sad, really; this hucksterism or insanity that makes up his his blind spot now, the cancer on his hard drive.

To hear Jones and others - who actually do the bidding of corporate war monsters, banksters and ultra-zionists by sounding the assassination dinner bell for the freaks of this country - Obama is "in" on the deal to imprison America.

If Jones bothered to check recent history, if he learned a bit about rigged voting machines, or concentrated more on the corporate conspiracies, rather than those espoused by reptile watchers and survivalists, Jones would learn that Obama wasn't supposed to happen. Obama is an honest-to-god accident, given to the world by the workings of former Florida governor Charlie Crist, who grew a conscience for a moment and opened up voting to more citizens. Now you have an honest man, placed on a runaway train that is our national greed-head government, trying to throw levers in reverse, all the while endeavoring not alarm those very powers Jones decries; powers who would surely murder him, if they had the chance, just as surely as they killed Jack Kennedy in order to turn a profit for helicopter manufacturers.

Which is why all the shadowfolk are so eager to egg on the likes of Jones, Beck, and Rush  into spewing such vile rhetoric, to clang that assassination bell that much harder for the palmetto crickets in dirty Ford Broncos. To all-but call for the violent overthrow of the nation, inciting the hate-filled race-warriors all across the country, less than two days from an open air inauguration? Amazing and sad behavior for someone who claims to be a champion of "freedom".

Jones has followed the rushing waters of his own unstoppable ego and allowed himself to be carried into that sea of insanity. Because he is so culturally inured to hating Obama now, he won't or can't stop himself.

Jones is now the turd in his own punch-bowl. He continues to drink from it with the abandon of an alcoholic, every single day.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Mind Boggling Excuses Strange Conclusions

Some of the mind boggling excuses as to why the election of 2012 was an exercise in misery, add this one from Senator John Thrasher(R) of St, Augustine. "I was just upset that the supreme court was trying to tell us what to do," he said, offering his excuse for why the state legislature made use of a 2000 loophole in the state election laws allowing for each and every one of the state's 11 ballot amendments to contain the entire cryptic legalese ramblings of the "wording by committee of legal Shylocks", legislative initiatives. He was upset in the year 2000 during a debate on the summary stipulations in the law which stated that the amendments had to have "clear and concise" language for the amendment to be voted on using summaries. This, during a time when the ballots amendments to be whittled down to 75 words or less for each. In 2000 the legislature (Thrasher included) voted to remove that limit. But his gerrymandered legislative majority didn't take full advantage of this until 2012. As a stealth tactic they exploited it to the full extent of absurdity, and essentially stuffed the voting booth as a work around to stuffing the ballot boxes. It was a novel, cynical approach to electoral mayhem, which they are now explaining away in classic "it's not me that did it" fashion. And for some unknown reason, the 10 supervisor of election are agreeing that it should be discretionary for the use of 96 hours of early voting whenever they see fit rather than mandate 14 days AND THAT LAST SUNDAY, for "Souls to the Polls". So, depending on which political party your particular supervisor hails from, you will experience a different set of rules for when early voting occurs depending on which of the 67 Florida counties you live in, if the senate adopts that recommendation. The whitewash continues.

The "Perfect Storm" Election...yeah.

The Florida Senate Committee on Ethics and Elections Continues today. Please watch. The Supervisors of Elections are testifying today before the committee and are calling it The Perfect Storm Election. This catch-phrase/excuse is being trotted out today and is sure to be picked up by the brain dead media because it makes a nice headline and of course, that's as far as they go when it comes to investigation. At the moment I type this Lee County, one of the "failing counties" is now presenting their excuses for the election fiasco. Shannon Harrington, Lee Supervisor is to be given full credit for the name of the 2012 election. Again, watch, and enjoy the excuses.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Follow up to the Brevard Legislative Delegation

Rick Scott Watch at the Brevard Legislative Delegation 12/12/12

Dear Brevard Legislative County Delegation and Madam Supervisor

I wanted to answer some of the points that were made and bring up some points that were glossed over regarding elections in Viera on Wednesday Dec. 12. 2012

* Miami-Dade: Senator Gardiner seemed to imply that once the Miami-Dade situation is all worked out, everything will be fine with regard to early voting and long lines. Of course this isn't true, and I suspect the senator is well aware of his overstatement of the case. There were problems with early voting and long lines on election day reported all over the state. Three of the counties I mentioned in the information I provided you saw massive lines which were exacerbated -as I said - by Machiavellian power outages and scanner failures. In the case of Tampa Bay counties, as though the advent of rain and a tiny bit of thunder, were a novelty to the office of elections supervisor, and churches in African American polling precincts.

Keeping with the Miami-Dade problem here. MSNBC ran numerous stories leading up to the election relative to the lines we should expect in Florida owing to the ballot size. Rachel Maddow specifically mentioned Miami Dade was expecting an 11 page ballot because of  local amendments added to the bar exam we all took. How then is this a "surprise" in hindsight, now to be dealt with? Are we saying Rachel Maddow is more qualified to run our elections? She saw this coming and the State Division of Elections, the Secretary of State and the Legislature had no idea? Is not the division perfectly aware of where the bottle necks are likely to develop? If not, what need have we of this organization? Is every county "on it's own" when it comes to planning for such an election?

*Mr. Gardiner said "I suspect the legislature is being blamed for that" Yes. It is. And with good reason. As I said, the legislature counted on it, banked on it. Plotted for it behind closed doors, to hear former Republican Party Chairman Jim Greer in the newspapers. And the evidence that this is so, is in the very record of the legislature Mr Gardiner wishes to absolve with this blase summation. As I said, quoting Sen. Mike Bennett as HB 1355 was being discussed in May 2011, "I want them to work for it" he said, during a time purges and ballot amendments were being discussed. Losing track of space and time, whisking himself back to the Florida of the colored and white bathrooms in the 1950s,  Mr. Bennett went further and said "I want them to walk across town for it." There is very little doubt in the context (in that he specifically mentioned Africa) who his dog whistle was aimed at. African American voters. As a democrat when I see my fellow democrats having their opportunities their franchise removed, revoked on the basis of shady evidence, when I see the wheels of social engineering attempting, with great cynicism, to remove them from the lines, I get outraged, for there goes my vote as well.

Back to the Miami situation: Does the division not know how many early voting locations will be open? Does the legislature not know the ballot will be translated into Spanish for south Florida voters? Of course it does on both counts. In past elections, amendments often had an abstract of each bill, not the entire bill on the ballot. Not in 2012. Ms. Scott said it herself, it takes one quarter of an hour just to read the ballot let alone understand the amendments. Furthermore the ballot is written in such cumbersome legalese even attorneys from the ACLU had trouble decrypting it; before we hot-walk the tired excuse that "people didn't study it ahead of time". Here is a single sentence from amendment No. 5 (where the legislature thoughtull plotted, schemed, cannived, conspired and hoped we would put the judiciary beneath the power of a 2/3rds majority house and senate) it reads, in 9 point typeface:

"This proposed constitutional revision eliminates the requirement that a general law repealing a court rule pass by a two-thirds vote of each house of the Legislature that expresses the policy behind the repeal."

This amendment alone had 400+ words, densely packed, in tiny print. Ms. Scott was good to point out there was a six page ballot. She didn't mention how packed it was. No one on the board mentioned or questioned the need to ram all of these amendments on this test paper/ballot. If you let others do your voting for you, you lost rights to a third branch of government, or allowed people to take your tax money and put it toward religious schools.

You legislators all seemed resigned/mildly surprised by the ballot's size as well, as though you yourselves weren't the authors of it. How can this be? (We also must question the efficacy of reducing assessments on dwindling property values as we allegedly seek to "balance the budget" particularly when the starvation is always meted out to education and healthcare services.)

Never once are the failures of the voting machines which result in mystery rescannings, ever mentioned by yourselves or our SOE, Ms. Scott. I gave you several examples including a study, and even letters from the voting machine company "Dominion" that has screwed up elections in Volusia, Hillsborough and now St. Lucie county by failure to properly code the memory cards. There never seems to be a call to remove this brand from the state despite its poor record of service. Verily, as though officials depend on these errors for nefarious purposes of election rigging. The unspoken secret, elections officials never utter the name of the machines in public. (Taboo, children; it's taboo.)

Ms. Scott mentions she has 385,000 voters. Good statistic. It is great to have the luxury of having relatively few voters. Thus, the budget likely meets the needs of her office. Other counties aren't so fortunate. Voters shouldn't suffer for this. Nor, frankly, should Ms. Scott be given such high praise relative to other failures around the state when we are talking about a county that has mostly one party, republican. She doesn't have to worry about the obvious rigging, malfeasance and failures happening through other elections offices. It is also disingenuous to ask her if she feels 8 days are enough. Brevard with only 385k voters would not be a meaningful data point to make that case, "that eight is enough".

Nearly half of the states in the nation have early voting. We have 18 million people in Florida. We need early voting. We need to expand the number of days, not subtract from it.

Senator Altman's harping on this issue of "legal voting" is also like Tammany Hall petty-foggery of an earlier era. We don't HAVE a problem with this issue, when matched against the tens of thousands of votes that are tainted with the rescannings all over the state.

This is only a start on the myriad of issues which are of major concern to those of us who plainly see what will wash out to be a white wash of the problems in our election systems unless you officials actually start being honest with yourselves and the voters.

Thank you

David A. Kearns
Election Integrity Advocate