Today in Brian Nieves: "I'm Fired Up!"

Today in Brian Nieves: "What an Absolute Rock-n-Roll couple of weeks this is gonna be!! I'm fired up! Julie & I just finished up another Double Power Player, we'll be Visiting Our Awesome Leadership Team in Farmington tonight, Hosting a Leadership Group Tuesday Night, Helping a Friend finish up his First Power Player Group in Joplin on Wednesday, Claude Hamilton will be in WashMo. on Thursday Night to do a BIG Leadership Meeting, Friday we'll sort out the particulars of Rick & Milly going DOUBLE Power Player, Victor has his first wrestling tournament over the weekend and the next week leads directly in to the BIG Seminar in STL with Raymond Abernathy and Orrin Woodward on Saturday, Dec. 8th where Team Kaizen will have Many MANY New Leaders crossing stage for various different significant accomplishments in the Leadership World! God has Blessed me with Meaningful Work and has Blessed the efforts of Our Team as we work our craft and help turn this ship called America around! Not everyone is called to do what Team Kaizen is doing but for those of us who have jumped in... We're Loving it!! TOGETHER, as a TEAM, we are Launching a Leadership Revolution!! TOGETHER, as a TEAM, we are Having FUN, Making MONEY, and Making a DIFFERENCE! Many of you have expressed interest in joining in some capacity and I apologize for not following through with you as well as I should but please understand that this movement, if you will, has EXPLODED faster than I thought it would!

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Today in Brian Nieves: "We are at war with the media and the teachings of Laziness and Dependence!"

Today in Brian Nieves: "Team Kaizen is Breaking Power Players Left & Right!! What is a Power Player? Simple: Power Players are people who have FULLY Engaged in the process of helping Find, Train, Coordinate & Build a Community of Leaders! Why are we doing this? Simple: We Believe our Community of Leaders, Our Team of Winners, The People we train up as New Millionaires, will use the Leadership they Build, the Influence they Gain, and the Wealth they attain for GOOD! Yes, we WILL change a Generation! "LIFE" isn't all about making money... I like money, plan to make LOTS of it, but money is just a tool. The REAL Mission is to rise up a Million New Leaders in North America and in doing so, make a dent in the problem that is Government. A Million People trained up to THINK, to Work, and to Engage in Fixing Our Great Republic WILL have a lasting effect on our Great Nation! We are at war with the media and the teachings of Laziness and Dependence! We MUST Work and WIN!! TONS... Yes, TONS of people have contacted me to express interest in joining us! I want you to be interested, I want you to join us, BUT - But, this project is NOT for the Faint of Heart, Know It Alls, Sissies, Wimps etc... Are you Sick & Tired of being Sick & Tired? Do you want to Have Fun, Make Money, and Make a Difference? Our Teams are having a Blast Together, We're Winning, We're Making Money and Best of All, We're Making a Difference!! Bottom Line: We're Launching a Leadership Revolution!" 

Stand With Walmart Workers on Black Friday

Last month, employees at 28 different Walmarts all walked out of work simultaneously to stand up for living wages. But this Friday — Black Friday — it’s gonna get even bigger.

Flashmobs, Twitter storms, and justice-themed caroling are just a small portion of what will sweep Walmarts nationwide on the biggest shopping day of the year.  You can stand with Walmart strikers, and find out now how you can take part in this national outpouring for good jobs by clicking here.

In October, for the first time in Walmart’s 50-year history, more than 70 workers at multiple Los Angeles-area Walmarts walked off the job to demand a living wage, affordable healthcare, and respect from their employer. The strikes caused a ripple effect, and soon there were strikes in 12 other cities around the United States. But Walmart refused to listen, even retaliating against their workers.

Now, thousands of Walmart employees from across the country are coming together on Black Friday in an unprecedented action. The action will protest Walmart’s continued retaliation against its employees, and advocate for improved working conditions and fair schedules. But most of all, these actions are about respect.

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Rainbow Power

Jim Lembke Melts Down Over President Obama's Re-Election

Defeated State Senator Jim Lembke (R-Lemay) had a bit of a meltdown over President Obama's reelection earlier this week:

Maybe, Jim, the constituents who voted for someone else didn't particulary appreciate type of "leadership." After all, saying that Barack Obama "embraces evil and hates our founding principles" when you have precisely zero evidence of either isn't exactly what the majority of your district or Americans happen to believe.

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A Look Back

Education Matters

Happy Place: "Apparently this election was not only divided along racial and financial lines, but on intelligence lines as well. Our favorite thing about this graphic is that the data Kenny used came from Fox Business, so if you're a Romney voter, this is basically Neil Cavuto accidentally calling you an idiot. Of course, Nevada voted for Obama despite being one of the least educated states, but we can probably chalk that up to the fact that he was the safest bet." 

Ray Hartman: Missouri is a "White State"

Ray Hartman reacts to this Tuesday's election results in St. Louis Magazine

Missouri is not a red state. It’s not a blue state.

It’s a white state.

That’s the arithmetic message of the 2012 elections. Five of the six statewide Democratic candidates won their races—three by landslide margins—on the same ballot on which President Barack Obama, their standard-bearer, was crushed by nearly 264,000 votes, or 9.6 percent.

If one glances at the divided national map, it would be natural to categorize Missouri as a “red state,” and a solid one at that. The president lost the state by more than he lost Georgia. And voters sent ridiculous majorities of Republicans—in every sense of the word—to the state legislature.

But that doesn’t account for the vast disparity between the performance of five of the Democrats who won statewide office and the man who was reelected by a landslide electoral margin. Yes, it can be argued that the reelection of Sen. Claire McCaskill—a longtime Obama ally—was aided by having run against an unhinged person. Write off her 15.5 percent victory margin as an outlier.

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