LOGO: Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines. A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.
November 28, 2012
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AP/Gerald Herbert

Alito Rising: What to Expect From the Supreme Court’s New Alpha Conservative

The justice has expressed contempt for the sitting president and is ready for a leading ideological role.
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AP/Elizabeth Dalziel

Stand Still for the Apocalypse

Humans must immediately implement a series of radical measures or prepare for global collapse, according to a report commissioned by the World Bank.
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This ‘Hitchcock’ Is Frightfully Off

He was never dark or monstrous as this film makes him seem. Rather the opposite. There was something—well—childlike about him.


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Jon Stewart was highly critical of the media outlets that have vilified the big box retailer’s employees for wanting to unionize, and for speaking out for better pay and benefits.

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‘The Daily Show’: Jon Stewart Takes on Walmart, Black Friday

Jon Stewart was highly critical of the media outlets that have vilified the big box retailer’s employees for wanting to unionize, and for speaking out for better pay and benefits.

Posted on Nov 28, 2012 READ MORE  |  16 READS
Glenn Beck to Sell ‘Obama in Pee Pee’ Art

The conservative rabble-rouser is defending, as only he can, the First Amendment rights of an artist who painted President Obama being crucified on a cross.

Posted on Nov 28, 2012 READ MORE  |  230 READS
World Energy Report 2012: The Good, the Bad, and the Really, Truly Ugly

The “good news” of the World Energy Outlook 2012 is really the bad news: The energy industry’s ability to boost production of oil, coal, and natural gas in North America is feeding a global surge in demand for these commodities, ensuring ever higher levels of carbon emissions.

Posted on Nov 28, 2012 READ MORE  |  900 READS
Dumb Ways to Die

An Australian train company has employed grim humor in a sing-a-long a public service video warning against behaving carelessly in the presence of piranhas, unrefrigerated food and trains.

Posted on Nov 28, 2012 READ MORE  |  312 READS
Mushrooms Kill Four People in California

Consider this a public service announcement: In the state of California alone, from 2009 to 2010, 1,700 people suffered from what the BBC calls “mushroom-related illnesses.” Sadly, people sometimes die, as has just happened at a Northern California retirement home, from mistakenly eating poisonous mushrooms that resemble the edible variety.

Posted on Nov 28, 2012 READ MORE  |  1111 READS
Obama Signs Whistle-Blower Protections Into Law

The president put his seal of approval Tuesday on legislation extending support to federal employees who reveal fraud, graft and abuse.

Posted on Nov 28, 2012 READ MORE  |  1018 READS
Will Timothy Geithner Lead Us Over or Around the Fiscal Cliff?

If “pragmatic deal maker,” as The Wall Street Journal describes Geithner, means someone who believes any deal with Republicans is better than no deal, and deficit reduction is more important than job creation, we could be in for a difficult December.

Posted on Nov 27, 2012 READ MORE  |  738 READS
More Medea Than Madonna

In Colm Toibin’s “The Testament of Mary,” the mother of God is a troubled woman, haunted by Golgotha, hunted by assassins and waiting for death.

Posted on Nov 27, 2012 READ MORE  |  328 READS
Santorum May Not Be Done Running Yet, Nude Protests at Boehner’s Office, and More

A look at the day’s political happenings, including the entitlement program top Senate Democrats say is not on the “fiscal cliff” chopping block, and a former Republican senator has some harsh words for anti-tax advocate Grover Norquist.

Posted on Nov 27, 2012 READ MORE  |  2041 READS
Thomas Ricks Rips Fox News Again

The Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist whose interview was abruptly cut off Monday after he accused Fox News of “operating as a wing of the Republican Party” is lashing out against the conservative news network a day after the incident.

Posted on Nov 27, 2012 READ MORE  |  6364 READS
Bradley Manning to Address the Court

The alleged source behind the largest leak of state secrets in U.S. history is expected to speak publicly for the first time since his arrest in May 2010 at a pretrial hearing Tuesday afternoon. 

Posted on Nov 27, 2012 READ MORE  |  1303 READS
Egyptians Protest President Morsi at Mass Rally

Tens of thousands of Egyptians poured back into Cairo’s Tahrir Square on Tuesday for a demonstration against President Mohamed Morsi, who last week granted himself sweeping new powers—before a constitution could be written—claiming they were needed to protect the revolution.

Posted on Nov 27, 2012 READ MORE  |  211 READS
Hungarian Conservative Calls for Survey of Jews

A Hungarian politician from the far-right Jobbik party evoked the specter of the Holocaust when he urged authorities to “tally up” the number of Jews in the country, especially those in government, who he said could pose a “national security risk” amid the recent fighting in Gaza.

Posted on Nov 27, 2012 READ MORE  |  939 READS
How Sea Levels Will Rise

The New York Times on Sunday published a series of maps showing coastal and low-lying areas in the United States that could be permanently flooded as sea levels rise in the coming decades and centuries.

Posted on Nov 27, 2012 READ MORE  |  2704 READS
Testimonies by Israeli Veterans From Gaza and the Occupied Territories

It is true that Israel officially disengaged from the Gaza Strip in August 2005, withdrawing its ground troops and evacuating the Israeli settlements there. But despite the absence of a permanent ground presence, it has maintained a crushing control over Gaza from that moment until today. The testimonies of Israeli army veterans expose the truth of that “disengagement.”

Posted on Nov 27, 2012 READ MORE  |  2126 READS
Alito Rising: What to Expect From the Supreme Court’s New Alpha Conservative

The justice has expressed contempt for the sitting president and is ready for a leading ideological role.

Posted on Nov 27, 2012 READ MORE  |  7986 READS
Arafat Exhumed: Was the Palestinian Leader Poisoned?

Swiss, French and Russian scientists will conduct tests on samples taken from the body of Yasser Arafat, the first Palestinian Authority president whose official cause of death eight years ago is listed as stroke, but whose personal items were found to contain traces of polonium-210.

Posted on Nov 27, 2012 READ MORE  |  350 READS
Cracks in the Anti-Tax Wall

We’re seeing the first signs in years that on the question of taxation—one of the fundamental responsibilities of government—the GOP may be starting to recover its senses.

Posted on Nov 26, 2012 READ MORE  |  1050 READS
GOP Backs Off Norquist Anti-Tax Pledge, Fox News Dissed on Fox News, and More

A look at the day’s political happenings, including another legal challenge to President Obama’s health care law and billionaire Warren Buffet discusses what Congress should do about taxing the wealthy.

Posted on Nov 26, 2012 READ MORE  |  1665 READS
Fox News Touts Ridiculous ‘War on Men’

Ladies—especially you, feminists—listen up: If you want to know the real reason men don’t want to get married these days, you have only yourselves to blame. That’s according to anti-feminist and ardent Michele Bachmann defender Suzanne Venker.

Posted on Nov 26, 2012 READ MORE  |  14007 READS
Why Is the White House’s Council of Economic Advisers Helping the Republicans?

The White House is trying to scare average people about the consequences of the “fiscal cliff.”

Posted on Nov 26, 2012 READ MORE  |  2120 READS
CEO’s Demand Austerity to Fix Budget, Not End to Corporate Welfare

A group of corporate CEOs that contributed to the burgeoning deficit crisis want the poor and elderly to largely pay for the mess the greedy Wall Street fat cats helped create.

Posted on Nov 26, 2012 READ MORE  |  1109 READS

It appears the controversial decision by some retailers to start Black Friday sales on Thanksgiving has paid off.

Posted on Nov 26, 2012 READ MORE  |  439 READS
Michigan Republicans Propose Absurd Tax Credit

The good news for parents to be in Michigan: Republican state lawmakers want to give a tax credit for fetuses beginning at 12 weeks’ gestation. The bad news: Last year, the state eliminated tax cuts for children who were already born.

Posted on Nov 26, 2012 READ MORE  |  669 READS
Stand Still for the Apocalypse

Humans must immediately implement a series of radical measures to halt carbon emissions or prepare for the collapse of entire ecosystems and the displacement, suffering and death of hundreds of millions of the globe’s inhabitants, according to a report commissioned by the World Bank.

Posted on Nov 26, 2012 READ MORE  |  51857 READS
This ‘Hitchcock’ Is Frightfully Off

He was never dark or monstrous as this film makes him seem. Rather the opposite. There was something—well—childlike about him.

Posted on Nov 26, 2012 READ MORE  |  10850 READS
Obama Rushed Rules for Drone Assassinations in Case Romney Won

The New York Times reports that there is internal strife within the administration about the willy-nilly use of drones to kill people abroad (2,500 since President Obama took office) and, fearing defeat at the polls, the Obama administration was working overtime to lay down a set of rules governing robotic assassination.

Posted on Nov 25, 2012 READ MORE  |  2785 READS
Maybe British Newspapers Are So Awful They Need to Be Regulated

Will Hutton, writing in The Observer, says the “precious freedom of speech of an individual is different from the freedom of speech of a media corporation with its capacity to manipulate the opinions of millions.”

Posted on Nov 25, 2012 READ MORE  |  672 READS
Hiding the Church’s Treasure

I hope the nation’s Roman Catholic bishops contemplating the future of the church’s public and political engagement notice how the good deeds of the Roman Catholic parish of St. Francis de Sales have inspired people far beyond the confines of Catholicism.

Posted on Nov 25, 2012 READ MORE  |  2884 READS
Truthdigger of the Week: Chris McGreal

The success of societies depends on people who remember history and understand human nature, as Guardian columnist Chris McGreal does in his writing about the latest confrontation between Gaza and Israel.

Posted on Nov 24, 2012 READ MORE  |  2762 READS


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A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.
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