Fox Nation Headline: 'Rachel Madd-Cow Gets A Grammy Nomination?'
Either Fox Nation has an intern doing its headlines or it has no shame in its bias. Of course, the Nation page is normally more opinionated than the main site, but calling names in headlines is ridiculously childish. Today's case in point: "Rachel Madd-cow Gets a Grammy Nomination?"
Read moreAnn Coulter: Republicans Should Cave On Raising Taxes
I’ve long thought Ann Coulter is a fraud – and I don’t just mean over her voting habits. While she loves to throw around inflammatory rhetoric to hate monger against liberals, her actions are far more liberal than she’d like to let on. Besides her not-so-conservative personal behavior, her political behavior is fairly moderate. Remember how she adores New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and said if he doesn't run Romney would and then lose? This, despite the fact that she said Romney was the GOP's strongest candidate in 2008? How she gushed over Romney even after he lost? How she’s not much of a Sarah Palin fan? Coulter’s argument that Republicans should give in on tax cuts fit the pattern perfectly. Oh, sure, she tossed in some of her trademark invective for cover. And then argued fiercely with Sean Hannity that the GOP should cave for the sake of better media coverage.
Read moreEd Henry Tries To Have It Both Ways On Fox's Coverage Of Benghazi
Fox News' "objective" reporter Ed Henry is profiled by AP's David Bauder today. It's an interesting piece and worth reading. But Bauder pulls his punches in two key places regarding Henry's supposed objectivity. The biggest one has to do with Benghazi, where Henry says both that Fox has had "the proper emphasis" on the story and that "some of our shows, some of our commentators, have covered it more than it needed to be covered."
Read moreBill O'Reilly Spreads Christmas Paranoia: "Judeo-Christian Tradition Under Attack" & Ministers Need To Fight Back!
The DSM IV describes paranoia as "a pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of others such that their motives are interpreted as malevolent." As such, Bill O'Reilly would appear to be the poster boy for paranoia with his almost constant refrain about how "Judeo-Christianity" is under attack. And as part of his obsession with the non-existent war on Christians (which the "war on Christmas is part of) perpetrated by evil secularists, he has no anointed himself the defender of Christianity and that suggests some serious messianic delusions. Last night, O'Reilly not only ranted about how "Judeo-Christian" tradition is under attack; but he urged Protestant ministers (rabbis not included) to join Bill in fighting his hysterical and very paranoid crusade. (Bill already admonished the Catholic clergy to man-up). In non-clinical terms, dude needs a check up from the neck up cuz he's doing some seriously crazy talk.
Read moreDennis Miller Smears Sandra Fluke - Again!
When the Tea Party protesters were wreaking havoc at town hall meetings, Fox News provided full validation for their activism. But when a young female law student spoke out on behalf of women's reproductive rights, Fox News provided a platform for Fox pundits and their guests to smear her. Fox News advanced the popular right wing memes that Fluke is a libertine who wants free birth control and that she is an example of playing the victim - a role usually reserved, on Fox, for persecuted Christians. Perhaps the most venom came from Bill O'Reilly and his fellow defenders of the "pro-life" patriarchy which would deny women access to birth control and abortion while at the same time abolish the safety net for women who do give birth. And now that Ms. Fluke has been nominated for Time Magazine Person of the Year, the Fox boys are back in town with their patented vitriol. Last week, Dennis Miller and Bill O'Reilly didn't disappoint.
Read moreBob Costas Tells O’Reilly: I Don’t Back Up On Anything I’ve Said
Bob Costas visited The O’Reilly Factor tonight to discuss those gun comments he made a few days ago in the wake of the Jovan Belcher suicide/murder tragedy. It seemed that the two guys had a prior friendly relationship and if they didn’t before, they do now. Costas stood by his comments and added on to them, with minor challenges from O’Reilly. In fact, O’Reilly’s biggest concern seemed to be that Costas “call a Christmas tree a ‘Christmas tree.’”
Read moreFox & Friends Smear Pensioners As 'Takers'
Yesterday, Fox & Friends discussed a Forbes article about 11 states in bad fiscal shape because "takers" outnumber "makers." The article identified a "taker" as "someone who draws money from the government, as an employee, pensioner or welfare recipient. A maker is someone gainfully employed in the private sector." It's bad enough that Forbes likened firefighters and police officers to welfare recipients but Fox piled on by suggesting that the pensioners are the ones bleeding the states dry.
Read moreMegyn Kelly And Lars Larson Compare Costas’ Gun Remarks To Racist Rants By Hank Williams And Don Imus
On Monday’s America Live (12/3/12) the topic was Bob Costas’ now-infamous “anti-gun rant,” as host Megyn Kelly put it. Lars Larson, syndicated radio host, was introduced as a “proud gun owner” by Megyn Kelly, and then was asked his thoughts. He spent the rest of the segment comparing gun owners to victims of racism.
Read moreBill O'Reilly Chastises Fordham President For Denouncing Ann Coulter's Hate Speech!
Bill O'Reilly and Ann Coulter are soul mates of hate in that they both have no problem in personally attacking anybody or anything that doesn't comport with their toxic world views. As such, it was no surprise that O'Reilly, on Monday night, attacked Fordham University and its Jesuit president after the Fordham college Republicans rescinded their invitation for Coulter to speak at the university. O'Reilly, who took personal umbrage at the "insult" to Coulter; also sent out his stalker, Jesse T Watters, to try to humiliate Fordham's students in order to make the case that the students are "idiots." There is rich irony in the words of Fordham President Joseph McShane, SJ, who said that Coulter's "rhetoric is often hateful and needlessly provocative-more heat than light-and her message is aimed squarely at the darker side of our nature" as the same could be said of Bill O'Reilly.
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