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Illinois Set to Abolish Death Penalty
Posted By Brad Friedman On 11th January 2011 @ 16:53 In Illinois, Death Penalty | Comments Disabled
I suspect we could use some (hopefully) good news right about now. Here is a glimmer of some [1] for a change...
"We've had 20 innocent people on Death Row," said Jeremy Schroeder, executive director of the Illinois Coalition Against the Death Penalty. "It's time to be done with the moratorium and do the right thing."
"We have an historic opportunity ... to join the civilized world and end this practice of risking putting to death innocent people," [the bill's sponsor, State Sen. Kwame] Raoul said before the vote.
State Sen. Jeffrey Schoenberg, a Democrat who supported the ban, said he believes Quinn will "likely sign" the ban.
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URLs in this post:
[1] glimmer of some: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2011/01/illinois-set-to-abolish-death-penalty/
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