"The Day After: About Those Voting Machines..."
(23 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
Ernest A. Canning
said on 11/7/2012 @ 3:31 pm PT...
Here's one more:
Crawford, TX:
"George W. Bush accidentally voted for Barack Obama."
Witnesses say that poll workers refused his request to redo his vote as it would violate state law.
Bush was then “ambushed” by Suzanna Everett of the Waco Times. "Mr. President," she asked, "Fox News is reporting that you've accidentally voted for Barack Obama. Would you care to comment?"
Bush said he did, but blamed it on "the incompetence of the folks who designed the ballot." He claimed that the screen was "maladjusted," adding: "You shouldn't put the senators and the congress people and the presidents all jumbled together like that. It's too crowded. Just confuses folks."
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 11/7/2012 @ 6:05 pm PT...
Herman Cain hadda voting problem too...
Former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain has denied reports that he sexually harassed a volunteer poll worker at his local polling station today.
The 66 year old retired Godfather's Pizza CEO admits he propositioned a 33 year old part-time nurse, but says everything was above board:
"All I said was 'Honey you can pull my lever anytime'. Now how is that sexual harassment? Sexual harassment is when you force someone to pull your lever. All I did was extend an invitation."
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
C. Burkey
said on 11/7/2012 @ 6:34 pm PT...
So the GMO Labeling initiative in California lost. I came over here *just in case* you had something to say about that, Mr. Bradblog.
I'm having a really hard time believing people wouldn't pass that labeling law. Where can I get some info? Who's talking about this? Where is the conversation? Is there any conversation? Or am I the only person wondering?
I mean, I thought you were from California, and I've been wondering about those Inka-Vote machines in L.A. County. But you don't seem to talk about California at all. Every time I come over here it's all about everywhere else.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 11/7/2012 @ 8:18 pm PT...
The W misvoting story is a hoax. Such a waste of a good story, but it's just a joke.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 11/7/2012 @ 8:33 pm PT...
Any word about MN's 6th district having problems? It blows my mind that Bachmann won again. How can someone who is visibly nuts and a national laughingstock get that many votes? Starting to wonder if the 6th district has a high concentration of Christian Bipolar Narcissists - people who could look at her and think "yeah, she's totally normal."
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 11/7/2012 @ 9:41 pm PT...
@Lori, Bachmann does have the same office address as Dominion Voting System, just saying.
The International Observers concerns...
"accuracy of voter lists, the transparency of campaign finance, recount procedures and access for international election observers.
Eight states denied OSCE observers; Alabama, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Mississippi, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Texas. Two, Alaska and Tennessee, offered restricted access which the OSCE refused.
Shhh Brad's sleeping.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 11/7/2012 @ 10:04 pm PT...
C. Burkey -
Well, ya know, there are 50 states, more than 4000 voting jurisdictions and several thousand races and ballot initiatives across all of them yesterday. Meanwhile, I'm just one guy.
That said, we've got lots of stuff here about California and even the crappy inka-a-vote system here in L.A. Hit the ol' search button amigo!
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
dixie blood
said on 11/8/2012 @ 5:25 am PT...
For the first our district was using optical scanners to count paper ballots. What bothers me is that the poll workers were recording the ballot number for each voter. That makes me think that my vote is not confidential and private anymore.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 11/8/2012 @ 5:46 am PT...
My hope is we can get paper trail and a voters paper receipt in EVERY state before any more elections are conducted. I just hope most others feel the same way. Also I would like to see 5 years of tax returns be released to be required to run for president
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 11/8/2012 @ 5:53 am PT...
I have been wondering today what the chances that (Anonymous) is responsible for the election not being stolen. They warned Rove not to pull anything and maybe that scared Ohio and Florida from the now famous voter shift seen in earlier elections.
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 11/8/2012 @ 8:12 am PT...
I'm glad to see some Romney voters appeared to have problems with machines flipping to Obama. That could make this issue get a little more traction if the other side starts demanding transparency too.
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 11/8/2012 @ 2:02 pm PT...
It seems like the problems this time around were again, more at the local level. The voting problems were the ones we have seen in the past voting machines not working in highly Democratic polling areas, some vote flipping, and some supression problems. Voter supression was not as bad as it could have been because of the courts system. I have not heard of a statewide attempt to alter the election.
Because of the attitude and speculation by the right I thought there was going to be something bigger than local tinkering. Rove was surprised that Ohio didn't go his way. He is usually more reserved and arrogant about his expectations. He was more upset than I have ever seen him. But he wasn't the only one.
I was seriously concerned that there would be a major national attempt to alter the election results through hacking computers. The right's overly arrogant speculation could have been that they had been drinking their own Kool-Aid, but I think they had reason to believe it would turn out the way they predicted. Brad, how much do you think Anonymous played in allowing the results to occur the way it did?
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 11/8/2012 @ 2:28 pm PT...
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 11/8/2012 @ 2:53 pm PT...
The link is not working Orangutan.
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 11/8/2012 @ 4:16 pm PT...
Husted's Last Minute 'Cold Feet' patch
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
said on 11/8/2012 @ 9:31 pm PT...
Hon, Election Protection just hit the big time --- this season's main arc, on SCANDAL? The ongoing coverup of the murder of a programmer who died because of his secret code for voting machines. Yes, *way*....
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 11/8/2012 @ 10:39 pm PT...
The Bachmann election is likely legit...we have all paper ballots in MN and we audit randomly selected precincts 2 weeks after election regardless how lopsided races are. bachmann is in very Red district a newbie Dem with nonAmericans recognition got to within 1 percentage point. That means lots o lots of Repubs voted for a Dem, can't be fun for them. When MN recounted Franken Coleman election by hand, tallies came out very simarily but were a net pick up for Feanken due to machines tending to undervote Dems a tich (bad marks machine doesn't pick)
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 11/8/2012 @ 10:53 pm PT...
In MN Franken Coleman election, Coleman was up 200 some votesa after end of coma swing and certified results, by end of hand recount, Franken was up about 50. After a series of challenges ate asked ballots and are view of improperly rejected ansentee ballots, Franken ended up winning by 200+ votes after that was all sorted thru. So machine count in a big state wide race was off by about 250 votes comaores to hand recount, mostly due to undergoes machine rejected but humans could understand. In Bachmann race, right now she is up by 4000+ votes in a much smaller race....if standard canvassing yields a much closer tally, then maybe recount in order.
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
said on 11/8/2012 @ 11:02 pm PT...
In MN Franken Coleman election, Coleman was up 200 some votes after end of canvassing and certified results,, then, by end of hand recount, Franken was up about 50. After a series of challenges improperly rejected absentee ballots, Franken ended up winning by 200+ votes after that was all sorted thru. So machine count in a big state wide race was off by about 250 votes compared to hand recount, mostly due to undervotes machine rejected but humans could understand. This is with statewide 3 million votes cast. In Bachmann race, right now, she is up by 4000+ votes in a much much smaller race....if standard canvassing of Bachmann race yields a much closer tally, then maybe recount in order.
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
said on 11/9/2012 @ 6:32 am PT...
With this many people voting and totally not prepared for the volume of voters, the only solution I can see is Compulsory Voting and with it voter registration.
I know Brad don't like this next part because of potential vote buying, but everyone is going to have to get their ballots mailed to them and turn them in in person. Otherwise they're going to insist on internet voting, which is waay worse IMO. By mail also, it gives the voter time to study the candidates/issues.
I haven't figured out how to keep our vote private either way, without the potential for GOP ballot fraud.
All I know is if we make it too costly no matter how it ends up, they will go to internet voting.
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
C. Burkey
said on 11/9/2012 @ 8:13 pm PT...
Thanks Brad. I did do the search as you suggested, and learned about what happened when you voted in 2008 and then wrote to the acting L.A. County Registrar. Sounds like it didn't go very well.
If there's anything more recent, I couldn't find it via the search function. I summarized things in a post at my site:
Jon Rappoport has a post about the GMO initiative. As it turns out, a number of votes in L.A., OC and two other counties have not even been counted; however, Monsanto's tallying up a win against 37 already. And several people I talked to said they voted against it because it would "make food cost more." Here's Rappoport's article:
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
C. Burkey
said on 11/9/2012 @ 8:33 pm PT...
From the Rappoport report:
I spoke with Erin Madigan White, media relations manager at AP. I asked her whether AP had made the projections for Prop 37 to media outlets.
She emailed me the following tidbit. It was not quite an answer to my question, but it was illuminating:
“To clarify: AP does not make ‘projections,’ but bases our reporting on counting real votes from every precinct. As our story notes specifically, ‘With all the state’s precincts reporting, Proposition 37 failed 53.1 percent to 46.9 percent.’”
When someone gives you this kind of sleight-of-hand maneuver, it’s called a clue. Let’s start with this phrase: “With all the state’s precincts reporting.” The precincts were all reporting PARTIAL results. Even today, there are 3.3 million votes in CA still to be counted.
This tells you that AP was lying. That’s right. Let’s call it what it was. They were lying about “all precincts.” It was an intentional con.
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
said on 11/9/2012 @ 11:18 pm PT...
#8 Dixie Blood. Back in the 1970's & 80's I voted on numbered paper ballots but the numbers were on perforated tabs that we'd tear off and hand to the poll worker just before depositing our ballot in the box. They were numbered for auditing. By numbering all ballots you could account for every single one between the unused ones and the torn off tabs and the tab count should equal the number of ballots voted.
You should ask your local elections office (part of the county clerks office for me) how voter privacy is maintained with with the numbered ballots and they should have a good answer for you. If not make some noise.