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Will Bunch


Bob Costas Learns the Right Time to Talk About Guns in America: Never

Posted: 12/04/2012 8:47 am

Bob Costas is very, very silly man. The pro football world is still reeling from the tragedy in Kansas City, where 25-year-old Chiefs' linebacker Jovan Belcher shot his girlfriend Kasandra Perkins, the mother of their infant child, and then drove to Arrowhead Stadium and shot and killed himself in front of his coach and his general manager. Costas is the dean of NBC Sports, and so at halftime of Sunday Night Football, the top-rated show on U.S. TV, he was granted some 90 seconds to talk about the tragedy, which -- in case you've already forgotten -- involved a man killing his girlfriend with a gun and killing himself with a gun.

Amazingly, Costas choose this occasion to talk about... guns.

Actually, I didn't watch it live, and so at first I didn't realize that Costas had said the G-word on live TV. Instead, I started seeing the reaction on Twitter, and judging from the comments, I thought Costas must have made a joke about the Pope having gay sex with the Dalai Lama, during a two-hour Fidel Castro-style harangue, because that was the level of vitriol that was burning up my computer screen Sunday night.

So what type of crazy, farting-in-the-church-of-pro-football thing did Costas actually say?

Those who need tragedies to continually recalibrate their sense of proportion about sports, would seem to have little hope of ever truly achieving perspective. You want some actual perspective on this? Well a bit of it comes from the Kansas City-based writer Jason Whitlock, with whom I do not always agree, but, who today, said it so well that we may as well just quote or paraphrase from the end of his article. "Our current gun culture," Whitlock wrote, "ensures that more and more domestic disputes will end in the ultimate tragedy, and that more convenience store confrontations over loud music coming from a car will leave more teenage boys bloodied and dead. Handguns do not enhance our safety. They exacerbate our flaws, tempt us to escalate arguments, and bait us into embracing confrontation rather than avoiding it. In the coming days, Jovan Belcher's actions, (and its possible connection to football), will be analyzed. Who knows? But here, (wrote Jason Whitlock) is what I believe, If Jovan Belcher didn't possess a gun, he and Kasandra Perkins would both be alive today."

That was it. There was no call to take people's guns, or repeal the 2nd Amendment, not even a plea for anything mildly specific like limiting the number of guns a person can purchase each month or seeking background checks at gun shows. Just a discussion meant to start a discussion, beginning with this notion that maybe a nation that has some of the least stringent gun laws on the world and also has the highest rates of gun violence among industrial nations... by far... should take a closer look at the problem.

For that, Bob Costas was all but crucified. You can read the comments on a conservative, gun-friendly site like Free Republic, where the veteran sportscaster is called "ridiculous," "a pompous little jerk" and "a disgusting leftist midget," among the comments I can print. (The discussion thread is headlined "Vanity," a consistent theme, that the only reason one would want to talk about gun violence is to call attention to himself.) The chatter on Twitter, from the famous or non-famous, were only slightly better. Some disagreed with what Costas said -- all fine and good -- but many more were outraged that he raised the subject, even during a block in which he delivers commentary every week.

The worst of the worst, in my opinion, was a pretend journalist for Deadspin named Sean Newell who was so delighted to see the formation of a torches-and-pitchforks crowd on the Internet that he raced as fast as he could to get to the front of it -- the better to get tons of traffic for his website by attacking Costas and his "sanctimonious horse(bleep)."

The courageous Newell wrote that the murder and suicide was "sad and abhorrent"...

But it is only relevant, unfortunately, to many of us because he is an athlete. So how does the team react? Will they mourn him? Honor him? Is that appropriate? How will media paint the picture? These are all interesting questions to expose to a national audience. Instead the day ended with just another angry old guy yelling from his porch.

There you have it, America. How the (2-10, for what it's worth) Kansas City Chiefs react to a young woman's murder is "important." Gun culture, not important.

Bob Costas broke the fundamental rule of American discourse: Not knowing when or where it's appropriate to talk about guns. Rule No. 1: It's completely inappropriate to discuss the gun issue within 48 -- no, actually make that 72 hours after any kind of high-profile use of guns. This was the point that Brian Kilmeade made so astutely this morning on Fox & Friends, when he said:

I just don't know if it's appropriate enough on a Sunday night, less than 24 hours after the guy took his own life and killed his girlfriend, the mother of his baby, to make that stance.

Actually, it was 36 hours, but point taken. And you can multiply this factor when there's a multiple killing. Many commentators reminded us of that when an apparently deranged young man killed 12 people in a Colorado movie theater this July, and New Jersey's Chris Christie -- our national hero of the moment -- said TV discussions of gun control were "grandstanding," and media critic Howard Kurtz seemed to agree with him.

The funny -- OK, not funny -- thing is that there's victims of gun violence in the United States every day. This weekend, five people were murdered with guns in my hometown of Philadelphia-- so is it too soon to talk about how gun laws and culture contributed to their death?

Or too late?

The reaction to Costas proves what he should have already known -- that a pro football game isn't the time to talk such a serious issue. Or any sporting event. Or any entertainment-based program, the firmament of our American dreamland. And you know where else it's completely inappropriate to mention guns? A U.S. presidential election. The Washington Post even made this point, noting that gun control is "a topic taboo for even presidential candidates."

So if Barack Obama and Mitt Romney were afraid to talk about guns (and they were), no wonder America was so shocked when Bob Costas spoke Sunday night, shocked that a man in his position didn't know the right time to talk about guns in this great nation.


Call me crazy, but I'm not sure that's how it should be. I was only 5 years old in 1964, but over the years I've read and seen one of the greatest speeches on the cause of free speech, which was delivered that year by a Berkeley college student named Mario Savio. As the years pass, I think of his words frequently. He said:

There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part; you can't even passively take part, and you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop.

Look, I'm a politics fanatic and a sports fanatic -- and I don't want to see stark political commentary become a regular halftime feature. But every once in while, there is something that that, in Savio's words, makes you so sick at heart that exercising your right to free speech -- in a place and at a time that will shock some people, to wake them out of their slumber -- isn't just brave, but it is absolutely necessary.

Bob Costas threw himself on the gears Sunday night, even as the me-too machine of "popular" opinion chewed him up. It was absolutely the right thing to do.


Follow Will Bunch on Twitter: www.twitter.com/Will_Bunch

Bob Costas is very, very silly man. The pro football world is still reeling from the tragedy in Kansas City, where 25-year-old Chiefs' linebacker Jovan Belcher shot his girlfriend Kasandra Perkins, th...
Bob Costas is very, very silly man. The pro football world is still reeling from the tragedy in Kansas City, where 25-year-old Chiefs' linebacker Jovan Belcher shot his girlfriend Kasandra Perkins, th...
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Pongo Pygmaeus
Charlton Heston is my president
44 minutes ago ( 4:14 PM)
Will Bunch, isn't it funny we find such high rates of crime in the cities(like Philly) with stiffer firearms regulation. You also fail to see that violent crime has been decreaing for 3 decades while gun ownership (especially handgun ownership) has been increasing. Willy and Bobby, you do realize that just hours apart in Wyomimng that a young man murdered his father and that man's girlfriend with a bow & arrow before killing himself.

It is a given that there is inherent responsibility with any right, but a knee jerk call for regulations like tests and fees that some cities charge (which can be hundreds of dollars) can be a way of disenfranchising the poor & elderly of their civil liberties. As George Washington said:"Firearms are second only to the constitution; they are the people's liberty's teeth."
Trust me, I'm an attorney...
52 minutes ago ( 4:05 PM)
Costas is in great danger - he has surrounded himself with armed bodyguards.  Those men carry handguns.  Unless he's a bold faced liar, the mere presence of those guns makes him much less safe.  He should fire his bodyguards and move out of his gated community so that he's safe, like everyone he's trying to disarm.
2 hours ago ( 2:58 PM)
There is no freedom with out responsibility. This is a truth we all know. How long will we go on with our irresponsible gun laws? With all the talk and vitriol about freedom how can so many of us pretend that we do not have a problem with guns in our culture? When will we find that the price is just to high? We are fooling ourselves if we think that this will just be a problem for black teenagers or football players, or gang members or just those liberals that aren't smart enough to carry there own gun all the time. This behavior is just getting worse and worse. I want the gun nuts to explain what they would do to stop this problem. Just remember the idea is to reduce gun deaths. OK boys what have you got. I don't expect any thing out of the NRA they use to teach gun safety and responsibility, but they have long sense given that up in favor of more guns on the street and we sure aren't any safer with all that!
1 hour ago ( 3:52 PM)
Whatever you can come up with to stop an irate man from stabbing his wife, or strangling his wife, or beating his wife, would also work to stop an irate man from shooting his wife. What ideas do YOU have that would have stopped OJ Simpson from carving up Nichole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman?

If you have no answers yourself then you're only admitting that guns aren't the problem. People wanting to commit violent acts will still perform violent acts, gun or no gun. The only difference is that there aren't sports casters using the pain and suffering of others for their own hidden political agenda by claiming knives are bad.
44 minutes ago ( 4:13 PM)
I have a CCL and carry a glock 21. I've shot 5 men, 3 with my Glock during an attempted car jacking in north St.louis. One of them died two lived. On another occasion 2 men broke into my house, so I lit em up with my 12ga. Mossberg, one died the other lived, even after taking a full blast of buckshot to the center of his back as he tried to run back out of my house. The cops could'nt believe he lived considering the condition he was in when they showed up 20 minutes after I called them. Why do you want to take my right to defend myself away from me?
2 hours ago ( 2:53 PM)
Outlawing guns because of irrational people using them is no different than outlawing cars because irrational people drive drunk. Drunk drivers are way more dangerous
reasonable, except when I'm not
3 hours ago ( 2:10 PM)
We are more than the sum of our guns and gun rights, although that extremist lobby would have you believe that the right to bear arms was as sacred as Jesus' sweater. We have the obligation to see our rights - our life now - in light of the current day. It made sense to have nearly everyone own a rifle back in the day of mountain lions, timber wolves and Native Americans understandably ticked off about genocidal treatment of them to want some revenge: that was the climate. And 'militias' could be called up just by calling together average guys - you brought your rifle along if called up. A modern 'revolution' wouldn't look much like one from 200 years ago, either. We'd be massacred by jet airplanes, missiles or tanks if we arose against this government. That mention in the Constitution of a "well-regulated militia" would mean Uncle Sam would control the National Guard. In place of revengeful Native Americans, we now shoot each other on a regular basis, ignoring government agents and soldiers altogether. Something that sparse mention in the Constitution fails to mention. It fails to predict that widespread gun ownership meant more murders among the population - and no real way to stop it with ineffective local and state law enforcement. How come there are thousands of people killed by guns every year? Ask the damn gun rights people. They like it that way - or they'd speak up and offer reasonable limits that would
aaron kennedy
3 hours ago ( 1:29 PM)
Courageous and Powerful message. Hats off to Mr. Costas. These things need to change..!!!! Many Americans are not responsible enough to own weapons. I feel unsafe in my own country...

TURN OFF THE TV...!!!!!!
3 hours ago ( 1:28 PM)
So, can somebody please educate me on something. Do guns operate independent of human interaction? Do guns cause crime, like flies cause garabage? Why is it OK for any federal employee to possess a handgun, but not an American citizen? Why is nobody talking about the ever increasing violence in Chicago? I am willing to bet Bob Costas either A) has a armed security guard in front of his compound or B) has an armed security detail. It is complete hypocrisy.
O Happy Day!
4 hours ago ( 1:12 PM)
Prime time was the right time.
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5 hours ago (12:13 PM)
As an addition to the previous comment.The NRA also claims that if you pass laws to keep good people from getting guns the only ones who have guns will be the criminals.Not if you pass the right laws. The NRA with all its knowledge should be working on helping create these laws.
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My Guns and my Greyhounds exercise regularly.
4 hours ago (12:49 PM)
So what laws would YOU propose?
aaron kennedy
3 hours ago ( 1:31 PM)
Can it braddah.. Things need to change... Isn't THAT plain..?

Why is it up to the Progressive ones to come up with Plans that work for everyone...? EVERYONE needs to work together to lessen the amount of guns in our society. PERIOD.
4 hours ago (12:58 PM)
The NRA supported both the NICS Improvement Act- written by rabidly anti-gun Carolyn McCarthy-, and the Veterans Second Amendment Protection Act, which improves the VA's ability to treat veterans with mental health issues and allows for avenues to have their guns confiscated if they're a danger to themselves and others. The NRA also supports opening the background check system to the general public to close the gun show "loophole", and supports concealed carry licensing and training.

What are liberals doing to help?

Oh. They want to ban things.
3 hours ago ( 2:24 PM)
None of the things you list the NRA supports or is doing itself reduces the number of guns in the nation does it? And there is a correlation between number of guns and number of incidents of gun violence, is there not?
Voter, writer, photographer
5 hours ago (12:07 PM)
One element of this ongoing crime against humanity is the oblivious way so many otherwise-thoughtful, responsible gun owners get seduced by the shrill siren calls of the NRA about threats to ownership and ammunition sales -- such as what the NRA contributed (a lose interpretation of "contribution" applies here) to the past two presidential campaigns: dire predictions, panic-driving rhetoric that never comes true...

Like the forecast of "Obama coming for our guns" in the fall of 2008...never happened, nothing remotely similar was ever proposed by *anyone*...

But the lemmings with NRA cards went on a shopping frenzy, creating a shortage of some ammo in their NRA-driven panic buying...NRA membership swelled, too...

My father resigned his life membership to the NRA when i finally realized the organization he once admired (for its safety and training programs, in particular) was now a hack special-interest lobbying organization whose "special interest" was no longer gun owners or the much-vaunted "Second Amendment" to the Constitution...the "special interest" was and is the NRA's bank accounts and its executives salaries and perks.

No organization can tout law-and-order support and simultaneously support the sale of armor-piercing ammo to civilians...no hunting or sport shooting requires armor-piercing ammo...been shooting since my teens....

Never met a squirrel, deer or goose wearing body armor...
aaron kennedy
3 hours ago ( 1:33 PM)
3 hours ago ( 2:17 PM)
2nd Amendment is not for hunting...
5 hours ago (11:57 AM)
Most of these folks ,like Costas have armed guards protecting them. If I had a job like Costas I would too.That in itself should not disallow him or anyone else from having an opinion. I would like to mention that even in countries where guns are strictly enforced, dignitaries usually have protection by armed guards. They do this because thugs all over the world can get guns. The people,not the governments,in some countries are beginning to see this as a problem. There are rumblings in England whereby some folks and groups are working to get their gun rights back. I own a gun and keep it in good working order and practice at a gun range regularly. I also know the laws by which I can carry and use it.I am a responsible gun owner. Mainly, I pray that I never have to use it. Every family member and friend I know that has a gun feels the same way.
I watched this game and saw Costas comments and found them a bit odd for the venue but thought perhaps he was grieving ,saw no reason for the outburst that followed.I have indeed turned off most of the ugly chatter fom all sides about just about everything for awhile after this last election.I do not like to see how ugly we have become. One cannot blame guns for this irrational behaviour.That is just to easy.
4 hours ago (12:45 PM)
Then WHAT do you blame?
3 hours ago ( 1:46 PM)
... and by the way, Bob Costas' timing was right on -- at the very venue where the tragedy took place, less than 36 hours before the game, involving a football player and others who participated in that game at that venue,,,
3 hours ago ( 2:18 PM)
Well I could blame his family life( or lack of),football,his mental and emotional condition,people who probably used him.Any number of things as so many people are ,but I did not know him and it would just be a bad guess. To blame a gun is like blaming a pencil for a bad novel or a bad grad on a test,a bottle of beer for the actions of an alcoholic ,etc. It is the easy way out rather than saying we have problems with violence in this country and perhaps need to first establish why and explore ways to fix it Perhaps if he would have had help when he was diagnosed as a bully in high school his talent would be what he is known/remembered for rather than his violence. We just keep ignoring the real problems and blame the tools they use when they become destructive. This society is not providing our children with the tools they need to thrive and survive with each other. We are so busy being politically correct that we allow bullying and bad behaviour by our young. Sometimes it is OK, actually necessary, for
adults to tell young people when they are wrong and take corrective action when required. None of us are born knowing right from wrong or how to deal with feelings.It is the job of the adults in a childs life to guide them through this process . We are seeing the results of no one doing this.
no se mata la justicia!
4 hours ago ( 1:25 PM)
No one is blaming guns for irrational behavior, but if Belcher didn't have a gun he'd still be alive and so would his g/f (although he would still be irrational). We're not blaming guns for irrationality. We're blaming them for death.
2 hours ago ( 2:32 PM)
Rather either would be alive is an unkown.
2 hours ago ( 2:49 PM)
How do you know they would be alive? What if he had a baseball bat or a 5 iron? Or a kitchen knife? That's the problem, you blame the gun for death, not the INDIVIDUAL that chooses to use it.
5 hours ago (11:54 AM)
Kudos to Costas. It's about time public figures speak out on our primitive gun laws.
Unca Allen
Tyranny will rise when you do nothing
2 hours ago ( 2:32 PM)
The primitive gun laws help keep us safe. And if we're primitive, the criminals are hi-tech!. They have everything the law forbids, which is why they're criminals. Costas has four armed body guards who are so huge you can't see Costas behind them. Maybe we can see why you have no fans.
Haiti lives.
2 hours ago ( 3:25 PM)
He wasn't really implying that we need stricter gun laws, he was talking about gun culture. The idea in our society that people should own guns and be afraid of everyone. I am 65 and never owned a gun in my life and never felt the need to do so despite having been burgled, robbed at gunpoint and sexual assault attempted. I don't know a soul who used a gun to protect his or her family from harm either. Maybe I just live in a place where there isn't such a gun culture. Lucky me.
5 hours ago (11:53 AM)
"-- thing is that there's victims of gun violence in the United States every day"

Would you fix the grammar, please?
Unca Allen
Tyranny will rise when you do nothing
2 hours ago ( 2:33 PM)
Oww! The grammar police.
5 hours ago (11:53 AM)
Those with guns, are in a position to kill those they love with their guns in the heat of an argumentative moment. I guess their anger comes from an "it can't happen to me, mentality." I wonder how many people in this country know better, or would, if they were still alive.
4 hours ago (12:41 PM)
Anyone that is going to kill in the heat of an argumentative moment should be in a straightjacket. And it seems to me that the number of people needing to be in straightjackets is directly proportional to the rise of leftist moral relativism.

The guns are not the problem
2 hours ago ( 2:30 PM)
Unfortunately, those who by their action with guns thereby convince authorities that a straitjacket is appropriate, are so determined to be jacket-worthy only after they do something like "kill in the heat of an argumentative moment." Perhaps you can see the flaw in this process.

In order to seem even vaguely sensible, you'd have to show me all the leftist moral relativists who have killed in the heat of an argumentative moment, as the straitjacket idea, your own, was at first to be applicable only to those who would discharge a firearm in such heat. Most leftist moral relativists I know own no firearm.
2 hours ago ( 2:33 PM)
Now that ad hominem argument is the best evidence I have seen here for it being opposite day.
1 hour ago ( 3:30 PM)
I have been in dozens of heated arguments while carrying. Shockingly all those I argued with are still alive. I have seen knock down drag out fights at a range that neither party pulled their weapon and shot the other.Weird I know. Those with the means and will to do so kill. Regardless if they have a firearm or not.

I have even been in situations like the man in Florida. Except my situation the people in the car actually wanted my money and watch and were threatening. And neither me nor them left that situation with any extra holes.
5 hours ago (11:45 AM)
Hurray for Costas.