In their desire to rehabilitate their anti-immigrant image, Republican lawmakers have been scrambling to put forth immigration bills far short of anything comprehensive as initially called for by House Speaker Boehner.
Every December, like a returning friend, the Havana International Film Festival returns -- a film event that this year will bring more than 500 movies from 46 countries. And after 34 years, the social reality in which is operates has changed dramatically.
It is a simple human truth that seeing a successful person who looks like you can provide even more powerful inspiration. Two young men reminded me of this lesson after The Huffington Post published its list of influential LGBT Asians. Visibility of LGBT racial minorities matters.
It never ceases to amaze me how much time Mexicans in Mexico spend trying to fix the rest of the world -- while I'm over here searching for bits and pieces of relevant news about my hometown.
It's a shame. Voting is sacred; it's the only way we ensure we have a government that represents our interests. Of course, we've learned there are some who don't want all Americans to participate and have a say. The jig is up.
America needs more programs that improve educational opportunities for low-income families, not ones that build more hurdles for their children to have successful life outcomes.
In another classic example of shiftless, taxpayer-supported mooching, a young, unempolyed British couple recently announced their plans to have a child and continue living unapologetically off the state. As one might expect, this has caused quite a worldwide frenzy.
Since writing my book and describing the injustices I faced within the legal system, I have received letters from transgender inmates within the prison system. Their individual stories are very sad and disheartening. The legal system does not provide equal rights for transgender persons.
There is no reason why any small town boy or girl should feel that HIV/AIDS is a world away. It's not, and I don't want them to wait to find out just how close it really is until it's too late.
Lawrence Downes is right: If the Republicans are going to offer real immigration reform, they will have to do better than this.
The principles are thoughtful, fair, humane and pragmatic. They also reflect the unity of the Latino community -- regardless of subgroup, geography, or party affiliation -- on the issues surrounding immigration.
What is the major influence related to religious tensions crossing borders? Hint: It's about much more than a small church in Florida burning a Quran or a Danish magazine publishing cartoons of a revered prophet.
Last summer, I tried to uncover some evidence by looking at virtually every fertility clinics' website to see what these websites say about the cultural norms present in the fertility industry. Despite going into the project knowing the concerns of other scholars, I was surprised by what we found.
When I went on Project Runway, I didn't really plan on getting into the subject of my HIV status. But when I revealed my HIV status, a weight was lifted off my shoulders. It turned out to be one of the most important conversations I had ever had. It changed my life.
World AIDS Day is important, as it reminds the public and governments around the world that HIV/AIDS has not been eradicated -- there is still a vital need to raise money, increase awareness, fight prejudice and improve education.
His literary honesty, his tenacity, and also a good dose of luck, allowed him to reach the dream cherished by every Cuban writer: to be published in other parts of the world.
Non-citizens may serve in the U.S. military as long as they are legal permanent residents, and many do. But immigration law requires the permanent deportation of every non-citizen convicted of one of a long list of criminal offenses.
Latinos aren't fooled by such measures that reward one set of immigrants over others and, most importantly, don't provide a path to citizenship for individuals who are every bit American.
The ACLU and its partners today filed a class-action lawsuit on behalf of young immigrants who came to the United States as children -- known as "Dreamers" -- to challenge Arizona's latest attempt to makes the lives of immigrants in the state unlivable.
Cheech Marin, 2012. 5.12