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The Most Dangerous Stereotype About Divorce

12. 5.2012
A recent New York Times article about divorce has it all wrong.
8 Ways To Talk To Your Kids After Divorce

8 Ways To Talk To Your Kids After Divorce

12. 5.2012
It's no secret that one of the biggest challenges a parent faces after divorce is communicating with your children.
Kids Say The Darndest Things... After Divorce

Kids Say The Darndest Things... After Divorce

During divorce, you look everywhere for assurance that you're going to make it through. You comb through self-help books, meet with a therapist,...
6 Ways To Conquer Stepparent Anxiety

6 Ways To Conquer Stepparent Anxiety

Have you ever felt the anxiety of anticipating your step kids' arrival? Did you secretly feel as if you don't want them to come?
What Divorcing Parents Need To Know Before Going To Court

What Divorcing Parents Need To Know Before Going To Court

As a family law attorney in New York, one of the questions I am asked on a near daily basis is "At what age can a child choose which parent...
Stepmothers’ Secret Confessions

Stepmothers’ Secret Confessions

The women have a "dirty little secret." They come to my office, leave messages on my phone, call me on Skype and send emails from all over...

Do Divorced Parents Have Something to Prove?

Despite divorce rates and the increase in blended families, many adults still have preconceived notions of kids of divorce.

Divorce Diaries: Why We Need A Plan B

11. 6.2012
It's at times like this that being in two homes is most difficult.
Why The Holidays Are Especially Hard For Kids Of Divorce

Why The Holidays Are Especially Hard For Kids Of Divorce

11. 1.2012
Every year I have to make a decision. Should I spend Christmas morning at dad's and Christmas afternoon at mom's?

Why The Holidays Are Especially Hard For Kids Of Divorce

11. 1.2012
Every year I have to make a decision. Should I spend Christmas morning at dad's and Christmas afternoon at mom's?

The Best Thing About Being A Divorced Mom

When it came to sports with my boys, why did I become pinch hitter?
What Divorcing Parents Must Know

What Divorcing Parents Must Know

Children are the innocent and powerless victims who will deal with the consequences of divorce throughout their lives.
4 Ways To Help Your Teen Through Your Split

4 Ways To Help Your Teen Through Your Split

Many divorcing parents put all their attention on helping their younger children cope while assuming that their teenager will understand...
The Shocking Secret That Caused My Parents’ Divorce

The Shocking Secret That Caused My Parents’ Divorce

Natasha Burton  10. 3.2012
We asked adult children of divorce to share how their parents’ splits affected their lives in the long run, for better or for worse....
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