This Christmas, give the gift of Corrente (5)
[Welcome, New Economic Perspectivicians! Any help is appreciated, and if you want your contribution matched, write "OK" on the PayPal/WePay form, or lambert_strether [dot] corrente [at] yahoo [dot] com (mail me). For those who don't know, Corrente is not a sideline for me or a hobby; after I pay for the server, it pays some of my bills, too! The PayPal/WePay buttons are to your right. Thank you! --lambert]
[Okanagen's challenge is still (mostly) on the table. Adding, as Okanagen points out... It's still there. --lambert]
I'll start by telling the story of a moment. It is February 15, 2003 and I am in New York City, on the streets with nearly a half million people protesting the threat (it was but a threat then) of the US attack on Iraq.
The MSM--especially the New York Times, under the watch of hawk editor Bill Keller--is banging the drums of war. Saddam, weapons of mass destruction, al-Qaeda. We need to attack. This is a just aggression. Any sane person must understand the need, the reasonableness of it all, right?
But I don't. My guts tell me this is wrong, an arrogant folly, misinformed. My guts tell me I'm being lied to.
Tweet of the day
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"You quickly realize that no one is there for you but you know who? You. That's all you have."
One of the under appreciated hazards of fracking is its effect on democracy. Fracking is a big, intrusive process - one that sucks up lots of water, creates enormous amounts of traffic and an ungodly amount of noise, etc. Setting aside the environmental dangers and health effects (!), the heavy industrialization involved in fracking guarantees that communities will be abundantly aware of it.
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Will China Kill the TPP (the secret fair trade treaty you never heard of)?
- Corporatism
- Department of Bust Out Profit Models and Vampiric Capitalism
- antiglobalization
- asean
- auckland
- Australia
- china
- david goldman
- free trade
- jane kelsey
- japan
- korea
- millenium development goals
- New Zealand
- rcep
- reginal comprehensive economic plan
- Thailand
- tpp
- tppa
- transpacific partnership
- us manufacturing
Auckland anti-TPP protest (3News)
(This is the second of two posts about a “classified” free trade treaty called the Transpacific Partnership and a Chinese-friendly alternative the Regional Comprehensive Economic plan. As I outlined in my last post Will the RCEP Kill the TPP?, the TPP will virtually obliterate the right of member countries to protect labor rights, enforce environmental and food safety standards and otherwise protect their citizens from amoral and rapacious corporate profit-seeking.)
Chuck Schumer is completely useless
Athenae has the latest on how our worthless politicians are failing those in the path of Sandy.
I want to pour a special measure of scorn for Schumer. He is a very powerful Senator. He has access to microphones. He has the ability to get in front of a camera. He is in a position to do something. But he does nothing. What a FAIL.
What is going on in Michigan?
Julia? cd? Anyone from Michigan who could enlighten us?
Police Lock Public Out of Michigan Senate
Unions protestors shouting “Hell no! We won’t go!”
Right-to-work protestors flood Capitol
One of the good ones
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Thursday Morning Lo-Fi RIP blogging
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Will George Orwell please pick up the white courtesy phone?
We have a question on Orwellian language:
U.S. Special Operations Forces have a brand new home in Afghanistan. It’s owned and operated by the security company formerly known as Blackwater, thanks to a no-bid deal worth $22 million.
You might think that Blackwater, now called Academi, was banished into some bureaucratic exile after its operatives in Afghanistan stole guns from U.S. weapons depots and killed Afghan civilians. Wrong. Academi’s private 10-acre compound outside Kabul, called Camp Integrity, is the new headquarters for perhaps the most important special operations unit in Afghanistan.
"Camp Integrity"...
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"If We Did Not Share in the Prosperity, Why Should We Have to Share in the Sacrifice?"
Good question, even if it is asked by Al Sharpton, Obama superfan. Matt Stoller:
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Countdown To Christmas (19)
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Winter's onset
A few more forty degree days. Back in the day, when oil was ten cents a gallon, the thermostat was right by the door, so the furnace could kick on whenever anybody entered the house! Those days are long gone, aren't they?
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Obama, US, NATO Heart Al Qaeda in Syria (WTF?)
NATO ministers met in Brussels today, December 5th, to approve Turkey’s request for Patriot missiles and for foreign and US troops to be deployed to their border with Syria.
The US/NATO War-machine plows onward in the attempted illegitimate overthrow of Syria, much as it did with its successful illegitimate overthrow of Libya.
Turkey has offered geographical strategic assistance to the US- and NATO-backed so-called “rebels” trying to overthrow Assad’s Syrian regime. Turkey now offers itself as a flimsy fig-leaf for craven powerful western intervention into Syria.
The latest “sky-is-falling” propaganda is that the Syrian regime is threatening surface-to-surface missiles armed with chemical weapons.
Liz Fowler leaves White House job for Big Pharma job
You remember Liz; the Wellpoint VP who drafted ObamaCare after Max Baucus hired her as his chief of staff? Well, she's left the White House to cash in.
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Common household remedies request
What the heck ever happened to wooden kitchen matches?!
Peterson acolyte assaults rational being at DC hotel conclave
A conservative scholar [paid propagandist] at the Heritage Foundation, Edmund F. Haislmaier, attacked a nonprofit employee Tuesday morning in a hotel where both men were attending an event sponsored by the Campaign to Fix the Debt.
Since the United States can never go broke*, don't "fix" the debt!
The incident, at the Grand Hyatt Hotel downtown, occurred after Burke Stansbury, of the Seattle-based nonprofit Campaign for Community Change, and about 20 other progressive activists interrupted a speech by Republican Sen. Rob Portman (Ohio) to encourage the senator to protect Social Security and Medicare in fiscal cliff negotiations.
Why can't we limit the campaign season to 60 days, outlaw TV advertising, and muzzle the pollsters?
Got a Minute? Tell Me What You Think!
This just takes a second, promise. While playing around with the new site, I created a very short post asking for reactions to a new knitting project. Check it out if you have a minute, and tell me what you think. You can comment at either site (I think).
Help lambert help the rest of us save America
If we are to take our country back we need a place to discuss what is being done and what needs to be done. lambert, at enormous personal cost, both in terms of money and opportunity cost, has built a public square where that discussion can take place. He has created a public square where everyone is a front pager; a place where each of us can post about those things we know and care about, thus creating a treasure trove of expert commentary. But there is a limit to what sweat equity can do for our movement. lambert needs your help, please donate. [The PayPal and WePay buttons are to your right. And Okanagen has followed CoyoteCreek in offering to match contributions; please write "OK" on the PayPal/WePay forms or lambert_strether [dot] corrente [at] yahoo [dot] com (mail me) so I can match the gifts up. --lambert, blushing modestly]
Wednesday Insectidote, Dec. 5
Today's insectidote is another butterfly. I like the light touches of blue on this one... very subtle.
This Christmas, Give the Gift of Corrente (4)
Being not so flush as Coyote, I would like to put up a matching contribution of $150. So please give so we can get another $300 to the blog that everybody hates and nobody reads, or everybody reads and nobody hates or inside out/vice versa or however that formula goes.
Come on and hurt me people! You know you want to! [And please put OK somewhere in the WePay/PayPal forms, or mail me at lambert_strether [dot] corrente [at] yahoo [dot] com, so I know who's putting the screws to Okanagen! --lambert]
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Countdown To Christmas (20)
Caithlin De Marrais - Seasonal Persuasion
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I thought this was pretty cool
Guy gets injured. Docs tell him he won't be able to walk again without canes.
15 years later, takes up yoga, loses 140 pounds, and can walk again unassisted.
Obama on social insurance: "I'm willing to horse trade"
The Hill. Nice to know Obama thinks we're animals.