After it was revealed that the NRSC secretly funneled $760,000 to Todd Akin in the final days of his losing Missouri senate campaign, Akin’s top advisor tells TPM it was the NRSC’s “incompetent leadership” and trashing of his candidate that played a key roll in Akin’s defeat.
Charlie registers as Dem at White House Christmas party …
From the Tampa Bay Times …
He did so during a Christmas reception at the White House, where President Obama greeted the news with a fist bump for the man who had a higher profile campaigning for Obama’s reelection this year than any Florida Democrat.
Purged House Republicans ask Boehner for explanation for defenestration.
As I’ve mentioned many times, I print emails that I do not agree with in all their particulars. I’m not a big industrial hemp activist, for instance. But this email really got to me, simply as an artifact, one of the shattered lives of the drug war …
Josh, I think I told you long ago that I an an ex-con, I got pulled out of college and sent to prison for two years in the early 70’s, for simple possession.Read More →
Obama taking Romney’s concession call on election night.
Speaker to speak live at news conference at 11 AM.
Mitch McConnell says President Obama’s effort to take the debt-ceiling off the table is part of the President’s secret plan to assume “unprecedented power” to spend taxpayer dollars to his heart’s content.
This morning at 10 AM eastern we’ll be hosting a Live Chat with Professor William Schabas, a Professor of international law at Middlesex University in London, at TPMPrime. The subject of the chat is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the implications of the UN vote to upgrade Palestine’s status to that of a non-member state. Get your questions in now and join us at 10 AM.
It seems crystal clear that Republicans will and know that they will concede the game on rates and try to reclaim power with a new debt ceiling hostage drama early next year. Having spent a few days in DC, it seems clear to me that absent a dramatic and preemptive climb down on the part of Congressional Republicans, this means we’re headed for the Mother of All Government Shutdowns.
Here’s why.
Read More →I just posted an update on the new discussion forum software we’re building for TPMPrime. Stop by and give us your input.
If you have any doubt that Jim DeMint’s brand of path-of-destruction, everything is political, lose as many Senate seats as possible brand of conservatism will fit in at today’s Heritage Foundation, check out this video.
Emerging ‘Fire Boehner’ lobby getting love from Palin-esque resignee DeMint.
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