Hey! Tom Tomorrow's newest compilation is hot off the presses -- and available exclusively at TopatoCo (where you'll also find a variety of fine t-shirts and other merchandise)! Featuring the last two years of TMW cartoons in full, glorious color, an introduction by Eddie Vedder, and extensive annotation! Makes a great War on Christmas gift!

ALSO: please consider joining SPARKY'S LIST!


In the store.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 4:10 PM | link
Another note for subscribers

Further complicating my comical attempts to administrate Sparky’s List is the discovery that the email account I use there has not been properly forwarding to my primary account. Hilarity ensues. If you’ve written me and not received a response, my abject apologies. I’m sorting through the inbox now and trying to take care of subscription problems, etc.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 8:59 PM | link
New Eddie Vedder poster

UPDATE: The signed/numbered edition of this poster will go on sale in the TopatoCo store on Wednesday at noon Eastern time.

I designed the poster for Eddie Vedder’s show in Fort Lauderdale tonight. This one was initially slated for his tour last spring, which had to be rescheduled when he injured his arm, so this has been in the works for awhile now — I think they first contacted me for ideas last February.

I lived in Lauderdale for awhile as a kid, and remember the tourist iconography of that era well. And I’ve always loved the old-school big letter postcards — they even inspired the title of my first book, way back when (and I am very amused to see the prices some sellers are trying to get for that one, by the way). Anyway, when I heard FLORIDA, I knew right away what I wanted to do.

(What I didn’t know, when I submitted this idea eight or nine months ago, was that big letter postcards were going to be a running theme of merchandise this tour. But Ed liked my version and asked me to finish it up despite the overlap, so here we are.)

The signed and numbered edition of 200 (minus whatever I hold back for friends and family) will be going on sale in the fabulous online emporium in a few days, where you can also buy my damn book. And as an added thank you, one randomly selected poster order out of every ten will also receive one of the guitar picks I designed for Mr. Vedder.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 6:54 PM | link

I’ve just been informed these guys will be in stock in the Fabulous Online Emporium by mid next week.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 1:59 PM | link
Sneak peek

The Nash Metropolitan returns. It’s just like in Skyfall, when Bond brings the Aston-Martin out of storage.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 9:31 AM | link
A note for Sparky’s List subscribers

I’ve been very happy using Mailchimp, and would recommend them highly to anyone looking for a maillist provider. But I have run across one small glitch which subscribers need to be aware of.

We’re reaching a moment where the first wave of subscriptions are expiring. If the credit card number you have on file with Amazon is no longer valid because it was lost or stolen or it expired or whatever, you will be automatically unsubscribed. If this happens, and you want to resubscribe, email me first (tomtomorrow at gmail). I need to manually delete your account before you re-up, otherwise you’ll get caught in the aforementioned glitch which will keep unsubscribing you even once your Amazon cc info is updated.

And if you’re reading this note and wondering, “What is this ‘Sparky’s List,’ about which I have heard so much?” — well, I’m glad you asked.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 9:30 AM | link
Election aftermath

Read it on Daily Kos.
Read it at The Nation.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 9:21 AM | link
One year ago

I watched this happen.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 10:40 PM | link
The general’s legacy

Read it at Daily Kos.
Read it at The Nation.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 11:10 AM | link
Year in review

It is that time again, when I start compiling the weirdest/strangest/stupidest moments of the past year for what has become something of a tradition, my Year in Review cartoons (previous examples here and here). You get to relive the craziness of the past year, and I get to take a week or two off for the holidays like a normal human being. Everybody wins! The trouble is, I have the approximate memory of a gnat, so these things end up being research-intensive. So today, it’s time for another yearly tradition: my annual plea for help. Send in your suggestions for the craziest of the crazy of the past year, to tomtomorrow (at) gmail (dot) com. I’ll even pick a name at random from all the submissions and send a free signed book, just to sweeten the pot.

posted by Tom Tomorrow at 8:55 PM | link

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