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Monday December 3, 2012

The War on Christmas: Friendly Fire Edition

For Fox News, the war on Christmas has become a rote observance devoid of all its original meaning. (07:23)
Views: 309,880
Monday December 3, 2012

The War on Christmas: Friendly Fire Edition - Bill O'Reilly's Philosophy

Bill O'Reilly hands atheists another thing they can't f**king believe. (02:48)
Views: 145,692
Tuesday December 4, 2012

Cliffpocalypsemageddonacaust - Totally Solvable Budget Problem - Numbers on Paper

The fiscal cliff will only be averted if America's leaders can display bare bones competence and middle school-level maturity, so of course there's no hope. (08:04)
Views: 51,734
Thursday December 6, 2012

Keep Calm and Carry to Term

While morning sickness may be good enough for commoners, royals like a pregnant Kate Middleton puke fancy. (06:16)
Views: 11,563
Thursday December 6, 2012

Keep Calm and Carry to Term - Kate Middleton's Uterus

Samantha Bee investigates Kate Middleton's uterus and discovers a royal suckler's paradise. (02:17)
Views: 21,548
Friday December 7, 2012

Recap - Week of 12/3/12

Fox News questions the war on Christmas, House Republicans double down on white guys, Alan Simpson talks the fiscal cliff, and Sam Bee explores Kate Middleton's uterus. (04:09)
Views: 8,676

The Daily Show Collections

The War on Christmas The Daily Show covers the only war that's seasonal and involves gifts, trees, and merriment.
The Fiscal Cliff Catch up on the economic crisis in America with The Best F#@king News Team Ever.
Who Wants Leftovers? Before you overeat, stuff yourself with The Daily Show's coverage of Thanksgiving.
Democalypse 2012 Celebrate the 19-month election cycle with some of the best Democalypse 2012 videos.

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