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Headlines and News
All | Past 1 Hour | Past 2 Hours | Past 6 Hours | Past 12 Hours | Past 24 Hours
- Supreme Court May Choose to Enter DOMA Fray as Support for Gay Marriage Rights Continues to Rise
- Welcome in 2013 With the Gift of Peace: Buy 10 Peace Calendars as Gifts for the Holidays!
- A War on Terror, or a War for Terror? -- Robert C. Koehler for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Blaming Obama for Republican Failures -- Dee Evans for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- David Swanson | Pearl Harbor Day Is a Day to Cherish the $1.3 Trillion We Blow on War Preparation Every Year
- Bernie Sanders Rips John Boehner for Calling for Cuts to Disabled Veterans’ Benefits
- National Anti-Fracking Group Launched
- Washington Pot Smokers Celebrate Legal Status and Fed Agents Stand Back
- GOP Adds Insult to Injury With Rejection of Disabilities Treaty
- McConnell Filibusters His Own Bill To Lift Debt Ceiling
- Fears Confirmed: Domestic Drones 'Fly Regularly' in US Airspace
- Is Stephen Colbert Running for the U.S. Senate?
- Robert Reich | Cliff Notes on the Three Real Perils Ahead
- Special Operations Command Leads Propaganda Fight
- Harry Reid Questions GOP's Rationality On Fiscal Cliff After Disability Treaty Fails
- NYPD Credits Occupy with the Drop in Crime After Sandy
- Bob Costas: "I Stand by What I Said"
- The New Border: Illegal Immigration’s Shifting Frontier
- Senate Republicans’ Profiles in Moral Cowardice
- VIDEO: Mr. Burns Explains the "Fiscal Cliff" (Humor)
- Papa John's, Applebee's And Others Pay Huge Price For Anti-Obamacare Politicking
- On Race and Taxes, Both Parties Insist Upon Speaking No Evil
- "A large majority of registered voters, including 77 percent of Republicans, say it’s a bad idea for members of Congress to sign a pledge to never raise taxes on the wealthy, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday."
- Tax the Rich: An Animated Fairy Tale
- VIDEO: “We are Running Out of Time”: Obama Urged to Match Rhetoric to Action on Climate Deal
- Fox News Correspondent Says Fox News Overplayed Benghazi. In Other News, Water Remains Wet.
- Obama Approval Rating Reaches Three-Year High In Poll
- Top Two Percent To GOP: Tax Us
- Snyder, GOP Leaders Unveil Right-to-Work Legislation; Protesters Flood Michigan Capitol
- Internal LAPD Email Raises Questions About Motivation Behind Arrests
- The Ridiculousness of Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio
- Bayou Frack-Out: The Massive Oil and Gas Disaster You've Never Heard Of
- US Polygraphers Questioned Accuracy of Tests on Detainees Overseas
- Amy Goodman | A Carbon Tsunami in Doha
- VIDEO: Jon Stewart Shreds Senate GOP for Vote on Disabilities Treaty
- Grandfather of 16-year-old US Citizen Killed by Drone Strike: "Why?"
- GOP Rep. Has No Answer For Why Republicans Won’t Vote For Middle-Class Tax Cuts
- Sen. Jim DeMint Resigning from Senate to Head Heritage Foundation
- The Battle for Democracy Is Year-Round
- Dan Gertler Earns Billions as Mine Deals Leave Congo Poorest Nation
- Handicapping 2014: A Pause Could Add Perspective
- America Likes Socialism More Than Fox News
- "Republicans realize that the top marginal tax rate is going up. This isn’t even a matter of them ‘caving’ or the President ‘winning’. Current law says they’re going up. And there’s no way to prevent that without a new law and the President’s signature. So it’s not just happening. For all intents and purposes it already has happened."
- FCC Must Not Give Rupert Murdoch More Control Over US Media
- The New Republicans: Weighed Down By Plutocrats and Preachers
- Watson Takes Command of Sea Shepherd Whale Defense Fleet
- To Push for Meaningful Defense Cuts, We Need Unusual Partnerships
- Scott Brown Prepares to Screw Himself on Fiscal Cliff Vote
- Same-Sex Couples In Washington State Begin Obtaining Marriage Licenses
- How Democrats’ Main Filibuster Reform Would Work
- Study: African Lion Population Shrinks to 32,000
- Pelosi: Dems Must Say No to Raising Medicare Eligibility Age
- Republicans Wave the White Flag
- Moyers and Winship | FCC May Give Murdoch a Very Merry Christmas
- Julian Assange Book, 'Cypherpunks,' Skirts Mainstream On Its Way To Market
- Pete Seeger: "You Stick Together ‘Til It’s Won"
- The Conservative Learning Curve
- Study: Health Reform Saved Consumers $1.5 Billion in 2011
- Are Republicans Getting Ready to Eat Dirt on Increasing Taxes on the Super Rich? There are signs...
- Mexican Court Rules in Favor of Same-Sex Marriage
- Justice to Wash. State: Pot Still Illegal Under Federal Law
- Washington County GOP Chairman Resigns After Taking Hits for Email Attacking Democrats as Communists
- Tanks Deployed in Cairo After Night of Deadly Clashes
- Juror Bristles Over Emanuel's Move to Erase 'Code of Silence' Verdict
- FOX and Roger Ailes Outed by Petraeus Tape -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- ALEC in Chains -- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- William Rivers Pitt | Until They All Come Home
- Geithner: Obama Administration Ready to Go Over the Cliff
- Incoming Wisconsin Assembly Speaker: Amend The Constitution To Allow Voter Suppression
- Terrorism Suspect Pleads in Yet Another NYPD Case Riddled With Questions
- Democrats Grapple With Renewed GOP Debt Limit Threats...Are They Ready?
- Philippine Climate Negotiator: 'Super Typhoon' Bopha Shows Climate Change Is Real
- The Rich Will Pay More Taxes, Boehner Says
- Mark Moford | All Your Heroes are Perverts
- White House to Ask for $50 Billion in Hurricane Relief Aid
- "Consider the current debate over letting the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy expire, and the largely forgotten rationale for cutting taxes in the first place. Hint: It wasn’t because rates were too high. It was because the surplus was too big. Yes, too big."
- Schizophrenics, Psychopaths Holding America Hostage
- Holding the Line on Ending the Bush Tax Cuts
- The Secret of Bernie Sanders's Success
- US Reducing Plans for Large Civilian Force in Post-2014 Afghanistan
- West Point Cadet Quits, Cites 'Criminal' Behavior of Officers: "The illegal infusion of military procedures and events with fundamentalist Christian proselytizing."
- VIDEO: UN Head Says World is in a Race Against Time
- "A federal appeals court is considering whether President Barack Obama violated the Constitution earlier this year when he bypassed the Senate to fill vacancies in his administration."
- Palestinians: Settlement Expansion Means 1 State
- Entitlements Are Fundamental Human Rights, Not Political Poker Chips to Be Bargained Away
- Sen. Boxer to Introduce Legislation to Combat Long Lines at Polls
- Obama Warns Against Another Debt Ceiling Fight
- VIDEO: Rachel Maddow on GOP Vote Against Bob Dole, Americans with Disabilities
- Extreme Drought Continues, Could be Most Extreme Weather Event This Year
- Citigroup Plans to Cut 11,000 Jobs, Close Some Branches
- Vote: Worst Political Prediction of 2012
- Nevada Film Festival Selects 'Over Troubled Waters' as Best Documentary Short
- VIDEO: Finally, a TV Ad That Tells It Like It Is: Exxon Hates Your Children
- Howard Zinn Never Stopped Demanding the Impossible
- Fox News Chief’s Failed Attempt to Enlist Petraeus as a Presidential Candidate
- HUMOR: ‘Twas The Month Before Fiscal Doomsday
- VIDEO: Jon Stewart on the "Fiscal Cliff" Talks
- Youth Unemployment at Highest Level Since World War II
- Reid: Filibuster Reform is Happening - Hopes Republicans Help, But a Handshake Won't Work
- Climate Silence, Nuclear Silence and Solar Silence: An Unholy Trinity
- Wal-Mart Nixed Paying Bangladesh Suppliers to Fight Fire
- America's 50 Worst State Legislatures
- $100 Million Adelson Pledges to Double-Down on Campaign Donations
- Reagan's "Welfare Queen" FOUND!
- How The Voter ID Crusade Backfired On Republicans
- The Republican Civil War Begins
- Fox News Kicks Karl Rove and Dick Morris to the Curb
- A new Public Policy Polling survey shows finds that 49% of Republican voters nationally say they think that ACORN stole the election for President Obama, as compared to 52% that thought ACORN stole the 2008 election, "a modest decline, but perhaps smaller than might have been expected given that ACORN doesn't exist anymore."
- Los Angeles and Long Beach Ports to Reopen After 8-Day Strike
- Opting Out of Health Care Coverage Seen Creating Employee Backlash
- Why Obama Won’t Negotiate With GOP Over Debt Ceiling
- Loss of Income Caused by Banks As Bad As a "World War," Says Bank of England's Andrew Haldane
- GOP Congressman’s Restaurant Refused To Serve Muslim Couple
- GOP Sen. Jim DeMint: Boehner’s "Fiscal Cliff" Proposal "Will Destroy American Jobs"
- Syrian Army Weakening as Rebels Make Gains
- Eliot Spitzer: Tax the Traders! It Would Solve Economic Crisis and Stop Reckless Activity
- Israel Rejects UN Call For Nuclear Transparency
- Sen. Sherrod Brown: GOP Cocoon is Impenetrable to Objective Facts
- The Netherlands Wants Its Bankers To Take A Hippocratic-Style Oath, Like Doctors
- Why Can Limbaugh Speak, but Not Costas?
- Under Calderon, 80% of Federal Organized Crime Detainees Went Free
- A 'Sustainable' Military?
- Republicans revive magical thinking: A nonpartisan tax expert says their new plan may not even be feasible.
- Employees at Billion Dollar Companies Fight for a Living Wage
- No Warrant, No Problem: How The Government Can Still Get Your Digital Data
- Top GOP Rep Wants "More Pain" For Middle Class, While Preserving Tax Cuts For The Rich
- House Democrats File Discharge Petition to Force Vote on Middle Income Tax Cuts
- Masses of Egyptian Protesters Force Morsi to Flee Presidential Palace
- "UN leader Ban Ki-moon warned Sunday that if Israel implemented its latest plan for new settlements it would deal an "almost fatal blow" to any prospects for peace with the Palestinians."
- Obama Stiffens Position on Tax Rate Increases for the Rich
- How Republicans Put Elizabeth Warren In The Senate — And On The Banking Committee
- Decade of US "War on Terror" Yields More "Terrorism"
- "Here’s a way to keep the Arctic cold: prevent aircraft from taking shortcuts over the Arctic or only allow cross-polar flights during the dark months of winter."
- US Weighing Military Options if Syria Uses WMD
- MSNBC Hosts Visit Obama: Ed Schultz, Rachel Maddow, Al Sharpton, and Lawrence O'Donnell all spotted entering the West Wing.
- Jewish Congregation Applauds U.N.’s Palestine Vote
- Senate Republicans Block Ratification Of U.N. Treaty On Rights For The Disabled, Citing Impact On Home-Schoolers
- Paul Krugman | Welcome Back to the Dark Ages
- Glenn Greenwald | Laptop Seizures by US Government Highlight 9/11-Era Climate of Fear
- VIDEO: Bradley Manning's Attorney David Coombs Speaks Publicly - 12/3/2012
- "The UN general assembly has overwhelmingly approved a resolution calling on Israel to open its nuclear programme for inspection."
- Climate Activist DeChristopher Barred from "Social Justice" Work
- GOP Balks at Short-Term Stimulus in Obama Plan
- Most New Yorkers Think Climate Change Caused Hurricane, Poll Finds
- Corporate Profits are Highest-Ever Share of GDP, While Wages are Lowest Ever
- Ray McGovern | Why to Say No to Susan Rice
- Carbon Pollution Up to Two Million Pounds a Second
- "The U.S. military's highest court ousted the judge in the Fort Hood shooting case Monday and threw out his order to have the suspect's beard forcibly shaved before his court-martial."
- How Wall Street Hollowed Out Industrial America
- Pregnant with an IUD: The Story of My Abortion
- Ashley Judd Seriously Exploring Senate Run Against Mitch McConnell
- VIDEO: Climate Cliff: As Global Emissions Peak, Hopes for U.N. Climate Deal in Doha at All-Time Low
- Elizabeth Warren Wins Senate Banking Committee Seat: Sources
- Fiscal Cliff Traffic Report -- Will Durst for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Hostess CEO Cuts Worker Pay, But Leaves Own Salary Untouched
- Bob Costas Not Backing Down from Criticism of Gun Craziness
- "There is no reason to take House Republicans seriously on their pledge to raise revenue until they explain, in detail, where the new revenue will come from – and until they say flatly that they are willing to pass their proposal by the end of the year."
- How Petraeus Quietly Stoked the Fires of Sectarian War Without Getting Burned
- Dick Armey Quits Tea Party Group in Split Over Direction
- NSA Whistleblower: Everyone in US Under Digital Surveillance, Trillions of Messages Stored
- 11 People Shot in Chicago Overnight
- VIDEO: United States of ALEC
- Expensive and Inhumane: The Shameful State of US Immigrant Detention
- Washington's Serious People Are on the War Path Against Middle-Income and Poor People
- Republicans Losing Blame Game on "Fiscal Cliff"
- Scottish Farmer Trumps Trump
- The House Makes an "Offer"
- Obama Plans for Climate Deal as Fiscal Cliff Talks Rage
- Spoiling For a Filibuster Fight
- McCain Once Offered Identical Assessment As Susan Rice On Benghazi Attack
- GOP Proposes Medicare Eligibility Age Increase
- Interesting: "Speaker John A. Boehner initiated today a small purge of rebellious Republicans — mostly conservatives — from prominent committees"
- VIDEO: Teacher Takes On ALEC: "This organization has no legal authority to make such policies."
- Papa John's Obamacare Stance Costs Company Its Reputation: Study
- Michael Copps | Promises to Keep on Media Consolidation
- Walmart's New Health Care Policy Shifts Burden To Medicaid, Obamacare
- Apple Censors Drone War
- Whistleblower: Nuclear Disaster in America is More Likely Than the Public is Aware of
- Dream Insider Informant Led FBI From Galleon to SAC
- HUMOR: Open Limerick To President Obama
- The Archeology of Decline
- FL's Former Republican Gov. Crist: "Crystal Clear" that GOP Claims of Voter Fraud are "Bunk"
- The Wealthy and Wall Street Want Us to Drive Off of a Fiscal Cliff That They Created -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Five Facts About America's Pathological Wealth Distribution -- Paul Buchheit for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Poor Women and Children Faced With Fiscal Threat
- Paul Krugman: The Big Budget Mumble
- Under Pressure, Boehner Submits Budget Counter Proposal
- Meet the Climate Denial Machine
- Obama Knifes GOP Plan To Avoid Rate Hike
- LOL Of The Week: The Worst Thing Allen West Ever Said
- "Criticized as Weak in Past Talks, Obama Takes Harder Line"