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Watch this space for developments!
By Winter Patriot on 4/30/2005, 9:15am PT  

Guest blogged by Winter Patriot

I'm still in the dark about plans for this week's RAW RADIO ...
I know you are too, and some of you will be wondering ...
Hang tough, folks: I will post the schedule here as soon as I get it!

As Brad likes to say: "Developing..."

UPDATE FROM BRAD: Try as I might, I was unable to get up a new live broadcast from where I currently am this week on the road! The BRAD SHOW On the Air will return LIVE again next week from our previous On-the-Road location for one last broadcast before high-tailing it home to our (hopefully) permanent homebase broadcast center!

So, this week's BRAD SHOW will be a "Best Of..." --- yes, we've been at it for all of two weeks and already broadcasting a "Best Of..." :-) For the record, the radio gig came upon us quickly while we were on the road, and knew that we had previous obligations for this weekend which might make it difficult or impossible to get a LIVE show up and on the air. We did our best to make it happen, but just couldn't pull it off. However, if you missed any of these great hours, they will be new to you!

Tonight's "Best of The BRAD SHOW" features:

HOUR 1: Clint Curtis Interview (First BRAD SHOW hour ever! Rebroadcast from 4/16/05)
HOUR 2: Election Reformapalooza (Rebroadcast from 4/23/05)
HOUR 3: Intervew with Congressman Chris Bell, re: Tom DeLay (Rebroadcast from 4/23/05)
HOUR 4: Brad Show's Big Gay Hour! With Jim Key of the LA Gay & Lesbian Center and Mike Rogers of and (Rebroadcast from 4/23/05)

Attempting to update right now --- where you can get to "LISTEN LIVE" links for tonight's show, but even having trouble doing that from our super-secret, on-the-road, undisclosed location! Thanks WP for keeping things up-to-date here in our "absence". Hopefully things will get easier again in a couple of weeks!