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AP: Miami-Dade Election Results Audit Shows Problems!
As Previously Reported in Miami-Herald and Eerily Similar to Recent Report from Arizona!
Posted By Brad Friedman On 26th May 2005 @ 11:20 In (Uncategorized) | Comments Disabled
After reading the item posted here last night [1] about what seems to have happened in Arizona, please take a look at what AP is now reporting as having happened in Miami-Dade...
In many precincts, the number of people who signed in to cast votes was not tracked carefully, or in some cases was not compared with the actual number of ballots cast at those precincts.
The group also said there was a touchscreen machine malfunction; when votes were tallied the results from one machine had been counted three times, creating a discrepancy of 171 votes that became part of the certified canvass, the group said.
"It slid right through and nobody caught it," said Martha Mahoney, a professor at University of Miami and a group member.
Fifteen of Florida's 67 counties used touchscreen machines, including most of the heavily populated ones.
Election officials welcomed the criticism and said the machine that gave a 3-for-1 tally has been sent for testing.
The item above, run this morning by AP seems to be a report on the same news item run by Miami-Herald almost three weeks ago [2] which includes many more details on just how out of line the final results were from the information in the poll books.
All of this is a pattern that most of us --- who have being paying attention --- saw months ago. Will the MSM see it now that these various reports are being confirmed in various segments of the "legit" media?
Article printed from The BRAD BLOG: http://www.bradblog.com
URL to article: http://www.bradblog.com/?p=1422
URLs in this post:
[1] item posted here last night: http://www.bradblog.com/archives/00001420.htm
[2] same news item run by Miami-Herald almost three weeks ago: http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/news/local/11586356.htm
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