Mike Huckabee Spreads Christmas Islamophobia?
The whine, that Muslims getting a free pass while Christians are persecuted, is standard fare for the Christian right. And it's not only Fox Nation denizens that articulate this combination of victim and anti-Islamic victimhood. Fox's Mike Huckabee articulated the same sentiment during Bill O'Reilly's rant about how pastors need to grow some cojones and do some serious ass kicking of those nasty secularists who are trying to destroy Bill O'Reilly "Judeo-Christianity," Mike Huckabee provided warm affirmation with the requisite Fox claim that "Christians are treated differently than most other faith groups." And in the spirit of the season, he attacked those who defend separation of church & state - a concept that is not accepted by the Christian right and Mike Huckabee who would like to amend the Constitution to "meet God's standards." Huckabee then continued his homily with the requisite, persecuted reference to Islam that was a teensy bit untrue.
Read moreFox Attacks Obama For Having Too Many Christmas Trees
Perhaps because the "War on Christmas" needs new battles, or perhaps because there is no wrong way to attack the President, Fox Nation has posted an article condemning the First Family for displaying 54 Christmas trees in the White House. The "outrage" stems from Obama allegedly being extravagant with taxpayer money, "as Americans face a fiscal cliff," on "50% more Christmas trees than last year."
Read moreSuzanne Venker Has Some More Amateur Opinions That Women Should Submit To Men
Suzanne Venker, the niece of anti-feminist Phyllis Schlafly, is back on FoxNews.com for some more of her unqualified and unscientific pronouncements about the so-called "war on men." Although Fox is determined to have its viewers believe there is no such thing as the war on women, it seems equally determined to persuade them that there is a war on men. But we could end the war or have a truce if only women would just submit to men, let them drive and "become comfortable with sacrifice and capitulation."
Read moreFox Nation Headline, "Obama Re-election Layoffs Continue," Under Banner Citing More Jobs and Less Unemployment!
Fox Nation has decided that any lay-offs that happened after the re-election of President Obama are all Obama's fault. Their headlines falsely accuse the president's reelection of triggering "massive layoffs" when the reality is quite different. Today's Fox Nation article, "Obama Reelection Layoffs Continue" is laughable considering the gap between reality and Fox Nation.
Read moreBill O'Reilly Want Gays To Be Happy But Encourages Catholic Church Opposition To Gay Marriage? WTF?
In what was arguably one of the most bizarre Bill O'Reilly rants, evah, he recently justified his anger, over the bogus "War on Christmas," to official Fox priest Fr. Jonathan Morris who tried to talk Bill down while at the same time validating some of Bill's concerns about the demise of "tradition" such as the need to pray for re-criminalized abortion. (As if, padre). Self appointed morality czar O'Reilly scolded the Catholic Church for not publicly reacting to Caroline Kennedy's pro-choice speech at the Democratic Convention and "joked" that she should be "exorcised." (Not a traditional witch burning?) He then launched into a rant that was neck wrenching in its contortion. After claiming that he had no problem with gay marriage, he scolded the Catholic Church for not fighting hard against gay marriage. Really? On what planet is he living? The Catholic Church fired all its guns (and $) fighting gay marriage but that was obviously not enough for Bill who "got nothing against gay marriage." WTF?
Read moreFox Nation Headline: 'Rachel Madd-Cow Gets A Grammy Nomination?'
Either Fox Nation has an intern doing its headlines or it has no shame in its bias. Of course, the Nation page is normally more opinionated than the main site, but calling names in headlines is ridiculously childish. Today's case in point: "Rachel Madd-cow Gets a Grammy Nomination?"
Read moreAnn Coulter: Republicans Should Cave On Raising Taxes
I’ve long thought Ann Coulter is a fraud – and I don’t just mean over her voting habits. While she loves to throw around inflammatory rhetoric to hate monger against liberals, her actions are far more liberal than she’d like to let on. Besides her not-so-conservative personal behavior, her political behavior is fairly moderate. Remember how she adores New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and said if he doesn't run Romney would and then lose? This, despite the fact that she said Romney was the GOP's strongest candidate in 2008? How she gushed over Romney even after he lost? How she’s not much of a Sarah Palin fan? Coulter’s argument that Republicans should give in on tax cuts fit the pattern perfectly. Oh, sure, she tossed in some of her trademark invective for cover. And then argued fiercely with Sean Hannity that the GOP should cave for the sake of better media coverage.
Read moreEd Henry Tries To Have It Both Ways On Fox's Coverage Of Benghazi
Fox News' "objective" reporter Ed Henry is profiled by AP's David Bauder today. It's an interesting piece and worth reading. But Bauder pulls his punches in two key places regarding Henry's supposed objectivity. The biggest one has to do with Benghazi, where Henry says both that Fox has had "the proper emphasis" on the story and that "some of our shows, some of our commentators, have covered it more than it needed to be covered."
Read moreBill O'Reilly Spreads Christmas Paranoia: "Judeo-Christian Tradition Under Attack" & Ministers Need To Fight Back!
The DSM IV describes paranoia as "a pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of others such that their motives are interpreted as malevolent." As such, Bill O'Reilly would appear to be the poster boy for paranoia with his almost constant refrain about how "Judeo-Christianity" is under attack. And as part of his obsession with the non-existent war on Christians (which the "war on Christmas is part of) perpetrated by evil secularists, he has no anointed himself the defender of Christianity and that suggests some serious messianic delusions. Last night, O'Reilly not only ranted about how "Judeo-Christian" tradition is under attack; but he urged Protestant ministers (rabbis not included) to join Bill in fighting his hysterical and very paranoid crusade. (Bill already admonished the Catholic clergy to man-up). In non-clinical terms, dude needs a check up from the neck up cuz he's doing some seriously crazy talk.
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