Why are we so terrified of one other, even during periods when actual crime rates go down? There is an obvious connection between that feeling of terror and the culture of violence that saturates Americans in violent language, violent imagery, and violent entertainment. Right now, instead of responding as parents and a nation by saying no to the culture of violence, we are apparently responding by defensively arming ourselves with more and bigger weapons. If that cycle of violence and fear is having such a deep psychological impact on adults, how do we expect our children to navigate or survive it? What is it about American culture that encourages tens of millions of Americans to either use guns as a form of entertainment or feel so fearful they believe they need guns in their homes, including semiautomatic weapons and high-capacity ammunition clips designed specifically to kill large numbers of other people, to feel a sense of safety?
I love a good Christmas story and this one from my dear friend Whoopi Goldberg gets me every time. It's a beautiful and simple story that I just had to share this holiday season. Happy Holidays to you all, and I wish you much magic! --MT
Here are gun law reforms that alone will save thousands upon thousands of Americans, and joined with other reasonable reforms, can truly turn the tide on gun violence in this country.
This year, remind yourself that you do a lot for your children every single day. Keep your efforts turned inward, and resist the temptation to use others' experiences as personal motivation even when it seems like everyone else is giving their kid the perfect holiday.
Instead of politicians defending a fictional "right" to bear military weapons, whether out of conviction or fear, it would be more American and humane to spend our time considering and protecting the rights of our children to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
It only takes one asteroid, 100 or so meters across, impacting the Earth to explode with the force of a dozen nuclear weapons. This is something we might wish to avoid! So what do we do?
Ultimately, video games, television and so forth are only reflections of American culture and consumer demand. If we break the culture, if we disrupt the firearm marketplace, consumer demand and the media marketplace will begin to adjust accordingly.
The lack of understanding in the West for the plight of Bethlehem and our silence in the face of its suffering is a metaphor for the entire Palestinian situation. In our mind's eye we can clearly see Israel and our imagined Bethlehem, but the Palestinian people of today do not exist.
This has become a party of hypocrisy masquerading as principled ideology. The GOP talks endlessly about the importance of reducing the budget deficit. But it isn't even willing to raise revenues from the richest three-tenths of one percent of Americans to help with the task.
Simply put, the NRA's answer to gun violence, one greatest plagues facing America today, is more guns.
This week's issue of Huffington largely focuses on the tragedy in Newtown, bringing together essays and moving photos to capture the horror and heartbreak of that day. Peter Goodman writes of the natural tendency, and the folly, of trying to make sense of such violence. And as we move forward as a country, the urge "to grieve and hold our children close," as Lisa Belkin puts it, is not enough.
The disciples were shocked. "Lord, didn't you say, 'All who take the sword will perish by the sword'? Jesus said, "That was before I noticed that everybody else was armed to the teeth."
If ever there was a sign that Facebook has completed its transition from social network to commercial network, this is it. Facebook is trying to turn a profit in a way that subverts the original purpose of the site. Paying for special delivery doesn't encourage socializing. It penalizes it.
Christmas movies are a genre unto themselves: between live-action and animated features, there are literally hundreds of titles out there. Inevitably, some are pretty bad, others amusingly cheesy.
In their embrace of absolute doctrine without regard to the facts on the ground, the anti-tax and pro-gun movements have contributed to the undermining of democratic society. Both stances refuse dialog and disdain compromise.
In order to avoid a recession that would aggravate the country's unemployment problem and reignite concerns about housing and household finances, Democrats and Republicans need quickly to find a way to work together.
It's difficult for one filmmaker to criticize another. That's a job best left to critics. However, in the case of Zero Dark Thirty, about the hunt for Osama bin Laden, an issue that is central to the film -- torture -- is so important that I feel I must say something.
Buying insurance is seldom gratifying. But here's a case in which plunking down cash for a policy is just ... good policy.
It's important for non-exclusive partners to have dialogue about their respective relationship preferences. Heartbreak comes from a discrepancy in intentions and expectations.
I just wish that LaPierre had been given more time to pass around more blame for gun violence in America. Given the opportunity to further expand on the true culprits, there's little doubt that the NRA would happily blame America's deadly epidemic on any number of things.
Networking gives you the advantage in the job hunt. By using connections and networks, you differentiate your name from the thousands of other online applications. Employers are quick to rely on networks because they save time and they are more reliable than résumés.
Silver's refusal to fully participate in gay identity is the real problem. We must acknowledge the cultural forces that allow a person to participate in homosexual sex while feeling like the concerns, bigotries and culture that surround homosexuality do not apply to them.
Absent a better politics, it's hard to imagine what might change the climate at a lot of local TV news shows that play up every nasty crime, or among the producers of internet games. We have to make them realize that they're doing something to kids and to our society that, as parents, and citizens, they're already living to regret.
When Dr. Terry Wahls found herself unable to walk or even sit up in a wheelchair, she became determined to improve. Having already seen the best doctors at the renowned Cleveland Clinic and taken the state-of-the-art drugs, she knew she had to do something radical.
There is no doubt that a huge asteroid impact on Earth would be devastating to many life forms. However, we often forget that asteroid impacts may have played a crucial role in the emergence of life on Earth, and possibly even in the fact that humans are here to talk about them!
In that moment, I realized I have a much longer list for Santa than I thought. I may not want presents under the tree and an overflowing stocking, but I want. I want a list of things a mile long. I just don't want things that can be wrapped.
If ever there was a time to press progressive priorities this would be it. So, this will be a true test of who he is and what he believes. Let's see what he does. You shall know him by his works.
The House Republicans have failed to pass their benighted Plan B. But other than "Republicans are in deep disarray" what does that mean for near term fiscal policy -- should we prepare the trimmings for a Merry CLIFFmas?
John Kerry as secretary of state would help Obama lead -- as a powerful voice for America on the world stage, a visionary leader who understands how to deal with complex challenges and a staunch friend of close allies like Israel.
Whether it's old fashioned carols or chart topping hits, the jangly melodies and cheery tunes might as well be nails scraping on a blackboard. Jingle Bells? More like jingle hell.
The only way forward, the only way out of this morass is to drive madly, insanely, way past the red line on the tachometer, right down the middle of highway. It's the only way forward on guns. It's the only way forward on the fiscal cliff nonsense. It's the only way forward, period.