LOGO: Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines. A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.
December 22, 2012
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AP/David Duprey

Debunking NRA Power, Apocalyptic Myths and the Fiscal Cliff

This week on Truthdig Radio: The myth of NRA power, the fiscal "obstacle course" and your guide to surviving apocalypses real and imagined.
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AP/Michael S. Green

Crony Capitalism’s Power Couple

Where are Phil and Wendy Gramm hiding now that UBS, like Enron before it, has been nailed by the G-men?
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Happy Holidays From Truthdig

Our annual holiday animation by Mr. Fish focuses this year on diversity. Enjoy!


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This week on Truthdig Radio in association with KPFK: The myth of NRA power, the fiscal “obstacle course” and your guide to surviving apocalypses real and imagined.

The Latest
Underwater Landslide Could Trigger Australian Tsunami

A slab of rock overhanging an underwater canyon near the northeast border of Australia threatens to generate a tsunami when it eventually breaks off, researchers warned Friday.

Posted on Dec 22, 2012 READ MORE  |  37 READS
French Actor’s Tax Move Sparks Debate About Patriotism and Greed

Gerard Depardieu’s blustery renunciation of his French citizenship for the purpose of avoiding a tax increase imposed to combat the fiscal crisis has exposed a bitter division in the French populace that includes some of its most famous citizens.

Posted on Dec 22, 2012 READ MORE  |  21 READS
Aviation Industry to FAA: Forget About Privacy

Last month, aviation industry executives asked the FAA to disregard concerns about civilian privacy when it comes to the potential future use of drones in domestic airspace.

Posted on Dec 22, 2012 READ MORE  |  503 READS
Teens: Smoke, Don’t Drink?

Teens who drink alcohol are more likely to damage brain tissue than those who use marijuana, a new study shows.

Posted on Dec 22, 2012 READ MORE  |  409 READS
We Value Belonging More Than Privacy

In his new book on the global surveillance machine, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and co-authors fail to give the societywide fear “of being lonely and left out” its proper credit as a driver of totalitarianism, Laurie Penny writes on New Statesman.

Posted on Dec 21, 2012 READ MORE  |  988 READS
Debunking NRA Power, Apocalyptic Myths and the Fiscal Cliff

This week on Truthdig Radio in association with KPFK: The myth of NRA power, the fiscal “obstacle course” and your guide to surviving apocalypses real and imagined.

Posted on Dec 21, 2012 READ MORE  |  1068 READS
‘Left, Right & Center:’ Guns and the Naked Fiscal Cliff

Truthdig Editor-in-Chief Robert Scheer and the other panelists discuss the NRA’s call for armed security at schools, violent media’s relationship to gun violence and the push for new gun control legislation on this week’s “Left, Right & Center.”

Posted on Dec 21, 2012 READ MORE  |  423 READS

What may finally consume the House Republicans is their boundless contempt for the American public—a contempt bluntly demonstrated in their refusal to consider any reasonable compromise with President Obama to avoid the so-called “fiscal cliff” Dec. 31.

Posted on Dec 21, 2012 READ MORE  |  2368 READS

Assuming we’re all still here: What is it that humans find so compelling about impending oblivion?

Posted on Dec 21, 2012 READ MORE  |  524 READS

This is the microcosmic lesson of the University of Colorado’s recent decision to pay a new football coach $2 million a year. The move - and the reaction to it - is a perfect illustration of America’s values, or lack thereof.

Posted on Dec 21, 2012 READ MORE  |  792 READS
Guns Galore

A writer suggests children be taught to “gang rush” shooters; studies show a slight shift in Americans’ attitudes toward gun toting; and it seems the lesson Israel has to offer on gun policy is education, not control. These discoveries and more after the jump.

Posted on Dec 21, 2012 READ MORE  |  916 READS
Youth Homelessness Abounds in America

The recession has left tens of thousands of young people with inadequate or no jobs struggling to find a home, even if they possess college credits or work histories.

Posted on Dec 21, 2012 READ MORE  |  846 READS
Chinese Scratch Heads After ‘V for Vendetta’ Airs

China’s state television network broadcast the anti-authoritarian movie that has become a symbol in the West of anarchic uprising against oppressive or totalitarian governments.

Posted on Dec 21, 2012 READ MORE  |  1216 READS
The Mideast Surprise of 2013?

Although the Obama administration has acceded to the imagery of knee-jerk support for whatever Israel does, behind the scenes its policies are beginning to look far less predictable. In fact, unlikely as it may seem, a showdown could be brewing between the two countries.

Posted on Dec 21, 2012 READ MORE  |  1796 READS
Crony Capitalism’s Power Couple

Where are Phil and Wendy Gramm hiding now that UBS, like Enron before it, has been nailed by the G-men?

Posted on Dec 21, 2012 READ MORE  |  6842 READS
Happy Holidays From Truthdig

Our annual holiday animation by Mr. Fish focuses this year on diversity. Enjoy!

Posted on Dec 21, 2012 READ MORE  |  2078 READS
A Word Against Nate Silver

Technically minded people have always been primed to become unwitting accessories to corruption, especially when speaking on subjects beyond their expertise.

Posted on Dec 20, 2012 READ MORE  |  2314 READS
Robert Bork: A Pass on Watergate, Not ‘Original Intention’

The judge’s death Wednesday brings to mind his singular moment: the Senate’s rejection of his Supreme Court nomination in 1987. The criticism and assault against him marked a sea change in the process of both nominations and confirmations.

Posted on Dec 20, 2012 READ MORE  |  1381 READS
Gingrich Switches on Gay Marriage, Limbaugh ‘Honored’ for Lies, and More

A look at the day’s political happenings, including speculation about actor Ben Affleck’s political future and Rachel Maddow’s sounding off on the government’s weak gun regulation efforts.

Posted on Dec 20, 2012 READ MORE  |  3033 READS
Fox News Interviews Santa Claus to Make Point About ‘War on Christmas’

The conservative cable news channel may have hit its lowest point in its annual coverage of the mythical war. And that’s saying a lot.

Posted on Dec 20, 2012 READ MORE  |  1170 READS
Grab a Fork, Mealworm Time Is Approaching

Bad news, meat lovers and occasional carnivores. Insects could become the sustainable meat of the future if world leaders do nothing and global warming remakes the climate.

Posted on Dec 20, 2012 READ MORE  |  979 READS
Liberals Back to Giving Obama a Pass

“Now that Obama appears poised to push substantial parts of Social Security and Medicare over the ‘fiscal cliff’—in exchange for a paltry, largely symbolic, increase in the top marginal income-tax rate—we might ask whether liberals will once again rise to Obama’s defense, no matter how indefensible his actions,” writes John R. MacArthur, publisher of Harper’s Magazine.

Posted on Dec 20, 2012 READ MORE  |  1696 READS
Newtown’s Moral Authority for Action

From such horrible tragedies emerge the beginnings of a national movement that shift sanctimonious politicians from talking to acting.

Posted on Dec 20, 2012 READ MORE  |  950 READS
New York Stock Exchange Operator to Be Sold for Billions

The owner of the “icon of American capitalism” is being sold to an Atlanta-based derivatives company for $8.2 billion as Wall Street’s trademark practice of high-energy verbal trading gives way to the digital kind.

Posted on Dec 20, 2012 READ MORE  |  412 READS
Cliffhanger: Obama’s Unnecessary and Unwise Concessions

Why is the president back to making premature and unnecessary concessions to Republicans?

Posted on Dec 20, 2012 READ MORE  |  1295 READS
Fiscal Cliff? Let’s Call Their Bluff

Taxpayers and governments that are pushed too far have been known to resort to radical policy measures, and there are some on the table that could fix the problem at its core.

Posted on Dec 20, 2012 READ MORE  |  1654 READS
A Simple, Excellent and Surprising Film

I think the message of “Amour,” if it may be said to have one, is that love is sometimes—probably rarely—eternal.

Posted on Dec 20, 2012 READ MORE  |  2964 READS
Mayhem in the Middle East

Last week on Truthdig Radio in association with KPFK: Juan Cole shares his informed comment on Syrian chemical weapons, Israeli apartheid and Egyptian unrest. Also, Robert Scheer on Bradley Manning.

Posted on Dec 20, 2012 READ MORE  |  667 READS
Anonymous Muzzled on Crusade Against Westboro Baptist Church

The hacker collective’s Twitter account was temporarily suspended Wednesday after the group posted personal information belonging to members of the Westboro Baptist Church.

Posted on Dec 19, 2012 READ MORE  |  4094 READS
Will We Forget Newtown’s Kids?

The gun lobby and the weapons merchants are counting on our notoriously short national attention span. They are counting on confusion, obfuscation and the quiet mobilization of allies to create one delay after another.

Posted on Dec 19, 2012 READ MORE  |  685 READS


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A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.
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