Welcome to SIPRI



  • 8 Jan.: Dr Allan S. Krass, 1935-2013

    SIPRI regretfully notes the passing of a former colleague, Dr Allan S. Krass. Dr Krass was a widely respected physical scientist and made invaluable contributions to the field of arms control verification. During his time at SIPRI in the early 1980s he contributed to the SIPRI Yearbook and wrote two fundamental studies of continuing interest: Uranium Enrichment and Nuclear Weapons Proliferation (Taylor & Francis, 1983) and Verification: How Much is Enough? (Taylor & Francis, 1985). We convey our deepest condolences to Dr Krass's family and friends.

    Read a short piece by Dr Krass describing his professional and personal experiences in Sweden.


  • 21 Dec.: Call for papers

    SIPRI is pleased to invite you to a workshop on the Economic Analysis of Conflict in New Delhi in March 2013. Read more (PDF).

  • 18 Dec.:  New video on China's Arctic aspirations

    China's Arctic Aspirations is a new Policy Paper published by SIPRI. It examines China's emerging Arctic policy and the factors shaping it. In this short film, co-author Linda Jakobson introduces some of the main themes in the report.

    Read more and download the report.

  • 12 Dec.: North Korea's missile launch

    Read the expert comment by SIPRI Senior  researchers Siemon Wezeman and Vitaly Fedchenko.

  • 12 Dec.: New SIPRI Update out now!

    Read it online. Do not miss the essay on dual-use trade controls, by Dr. Sibylle Bauer.


News archive

In Focus

SIPRI contributes to Norwegian risk assessments for arms exports (December)

During the summer of 2012, the SIPRI Arms Transfers and Dual-use and Arms Trade Control programmes cooperated with the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) to develop a checklist for Norwegian risk assessments for arms exports. The MFA has now adopted a checklist to limit the risk that Norwegian arms exports will be delivered to states that are unstable and have a poor record on human rights and international humanitarian law. The checklist places particular emphasis on the risk that exported military equipment could be used for repression or human rights abuses. Paul Holtom will present the checklist at a meeting on 18 December 2012 at the Norwegian parliament.

Contact Dr Sibylle Bauer, Mark Bromley or Dr Paul Holtom for more information.

Syria's chemical weapons (December)

SIPRI Yearbook 2013: launch dates

  • 18 Feb: Top 100 arms-producing companies
  • 18 March: International arms transfers data
  • 15 April: World military expenditure data
  • June (date tbc): Launch of the SIPRI Yearbook

Upcoming events

February 1, SIPRI North America, Washington, DC

Symposium on women in combat

In recent years, the US government has recognized the increased role of and need for women in the military, and it has lifted some exclusionary policies. However, there remains a great deal of resistance, including in the US military, to initiatives that call for eliminating the combat exclusion ban altogether.

This symposium is will examine the wisdom and impact of combat exclusion policies – past and present. It will bring together a diverse group of participants, including military personnel, academics, lawyers, and representatives of civil society organizations.