Andrew Wetzler –
Director, Land & Wildlife Program
Posted January 14, 2013
- Tags:
- arctic, CITES, endangeredspecies, europeanunion, International, internationaltrade, polarbears
Today in London's Sloane Square, a lovely life-sized statue of a polar bear by artist Adam Binder was unveiled by Stanley Johnson, the father of London's Mayor Boris Johnson, and an author and environmental campaigner. The unveiling is part of...continued→
John Walke –
Clean Air Director/ Senior Attorney
Posted January 14, 2013 in Curbing Pollution, Health and the Environment, U.S. Law and Policy
- Tags:
- CAA, cleanairact, EPA, particulatepollution, PM2.5, protectionnotpollution, soot
A remarkable confession and verdict in the world of pollution and politics happened quietly last month, noticed only by a few insiders. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency admitted, almost in passing, buried deep in an obscure document, that the former...continued→
Kate Sinding –
Senior Attorney
Posted January 14, 2013
- Tags:
- andrewcuomo, cuomo, fracking, gasdrilling, heatlhimpactassessment, hydraulicfracturing, hydrofracking, marcellus, naturalgas, newyork
On Friday, NRDC and its coalition partners submitted detailed comments on the Cuomo Administration’s revised draft rules for proposed fracking in the state, revealed last month, as the 30-day opportunity for public comment came to a close. As we have...continued→
Kaid Benfield –
Director, Sustainable Communities, Washington, DC
Posted January 14, 2013 in Environmental Justice, Green Enterprise, Living Sustainably
- Tags:
- greeninfrastructure, littlerock, pettaway, pocketneighborhood, smartercities, smartgrowth, sustainablecommunities
A group of civic and architectural partners in Little Rock has developed a great concept for improving a declining neighborhood, incrementally increasing density, and applying advanced measures for stormwater control at the same time. All this in a single-family,...continued→
comments (1)
Sasha Lyutse –
Policy Analyst
Posted January 13, 2013 in Living Sustainably
- Tags:
- food, frugalfeasts, organic, vegetarian
Our latest Frugal Feast featured a novel twist: frugal wines! To date, the rules of the road for our monthly feasts have been as follows: healthy, well-balanced dinners where the host's task is to source ingredients low on the food chain, mostly...continued→
Amanda Maxwell –
Latin America Advocate
Posted January 13, 2013 in Living Sustainably, Saving Wildlife and Wild Places, The Media and the Environment
- Tags:
- Chile, climatechange, costarica, fracking, hidroaysen, international, latinamerica, Latinamericanews, mexico, Osa, renewable, Semarnat, shalegas, solar, wind
Latin America Green News is a selection of weekly news highlights about environmental and energy issues in Latin America. January 2-11, 2013 Chile Chile’s Minister of Energy, Jorge Bunster, proposed a new tender system for renewable energy, which would competitively...continued→
Amy Mall –
Senior Policy Analyst
Posted January 11, 2013 in Health and the Environment
- Tags:
- blmfrackingrule, fracking, frackingairpollution, gasdrilling, hydraulicfracturing, hydrofracking, oilandgas
A recent Bloomberg National Poll found that 66 percent of Americans want more government oversight of fracking--a big increase over the last three months. Some people completely oppose fracking, but even those who don't want tough rules and enforcement. Bloomberg quotes a Virginia resident...continued→
Chuck Clusen –
Director, National Parks and Alaska Projects
Posted January 11, 2013 in Moving Beyond Oil, Saving Wildlife and Wild Places
- Tags:
- arctic, arcticnationalwildliferefuge, arcticocean, oil, oilindustry, shell, shelloil
Shell’s rush to drill in the Beaufort Sea off the coast of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and in the Chukchi Sea not only produced another blunder this month, when its Kulluk drill rig, carrying 150,000 gallons of diesel fuel...continued→
Seth Atkinson –
Staff Attorney
Posted January 11, 2013 in Reviving the World's Oceans
- Tags:
- ab376, california, courts, ecosystems, fisheries, oceans, sharks
Sharks have had a rough run of it. Just recently, an estimated 18,000 shark fins were discovered drying on a rooftop in Hong Kong, placed there by the owners to avoid public scrutiny. Representing just a fraction of the estimated...continued→
Ben Chou –
Water Policy Analyst
Posted January 11, 2013 in Living Sustainably, Solving Global Warming
- Tags:
- adaptation, climatechange, extremeweather, flooding, globalwarming, hurricanesandy, newyork, preparedness, sealevelrise, stormsurge, water, wetlands
In the annual State of the State address this week, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced a slew of initiatives aimed at better preparing the state for more extreme weather and storm events like Hurricane Sandy. In New York State...continued→
Kaid Benfield –
Director, Sustainable Communities, Washington, DC
Posted January 11, 2013 in Green Enterprise, Living Sustainably
- Tags:
- smartgrowth, sustainablecommunities, urbanplanning
People who know me understand that I get a little obsessed with language. I still use the subjunctive mood (something most people have never heard of); think "loan" and "impact" are nouns, not verbs; and believe "data" and media" are...continued→
NRDC News –
NRDC News Team
Posted January 10, 2013 in The Media and the Environment
Frances Beinecke was quoted in the Associated Press, praising the work of exiting EPA Administrator, Lisa Jackson, saying “There has been no fiercer champion of our health and our environment”… Frances also praised Lisa Jackson in a Politico op-ed, for striving...continued→
Alisa Valderrama –
Senior Project Finance Attorney
Posted January 10, 2013
- Tags:
- climate, finance, hurricanesandy, infrastructure, resilience, retrofit, stormwater
Three recent publications present compelling reasons why private financing for green infrastructure is going to be a hot topic in 2013, and likely for decades to come. 1) Cities are speaking up, increasingly loudly, about their aging storm and...continued→
comments (1)
Tiffany Traynum –
Program Assistant
Posted January 10, 2013 in Health and the Environment, Living Sustainably
- Tags:
- farming, food, food judge, foodie, foodjustice, GGA2013, growing green awards, growing green awards judges, health, sustainable agriculture
There’s a lot to look forward to in the New Year. A new season of MLB playoffs (Go Giants!) and another round of crazy reality shows are sure to have me on the edge of my seat. And if you...continued→
Deron Lovaas –
Federal Transportation Policy Director
Posted January 10, 2013 in Living Sustainably, Moving Beyond Oil
- Tags:
- biking, budget, bus, carpool, cars, cashout, commuter, congestion, congress, fiscal cliff, fuel, highways, legislation, parking, public transportation, roads, traffic, transit, transit benefit
As you may have heard, after a lapse Congress restored parity between drivers and transit riders when it comes to non-taxable commuting costs. Good articles have been written about this laudable turn of events here and here. As of this...continued→
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