If in the face of lunacy, thuggery, unreasonableness, gross injustice, and corruption, as a president, if you fail to use the bully pulpit to simply speak the truth, then you are either complicit, ...
by Ray Pensador
0 Recs
In economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman's book, End This Depression Now! , there's a chapter titled "The Second Gilded Age" in which he describes the extraordinary rise in wealth and ...
by Bill Moyers
1 Recs
President Obama today on the debt limit:
Republicans in Congress have two choices here. They can act responsibly, and pay America’s bills, or they can act irresponsibly and put America through ...
by Jed Lewison
7 Recs
Just heard of a death in my family. Before traveling & having less time for Daily Kos, here are links to some other people's diaries on wording, framing, etc. I haven't had a chance yet to read ...
by workingwords
0 Recs
The Drug War and the War on Reproductive Health aren't just rhetorical. One woman's tragic death shows us the true human cost of devaluing pregnant women.
Written by Farrah Diaz-Tello for RH ...
by RH Reality Check
9 Recs
Not quite a month ago I published a "diary," Redington Pass , which contained not a single word of text. A simple series of barely adequate photographs I took during a day outing in the mountains ...
by DaNang65
6 Recs
It’s been exactly a month since we lost Richard Myers , and this seemed like a good time to reflect on how his death has affected StopRush, the social media movement to hold Rush Limbaugh ...
by ProgLegs
7 Recs
Back for another Monday, and we're back with Greg Dworkin as well. We're still on the debt ceiling, Chuck Hagel, and guns. But we also threw in the "good old days" of compromise and the flu, just ...
by David Waldman
2 Recs
Mockery :
by Horace Boothroyd III
0 Recs
An Open Letter to Roger Ailes, CEO of Fox News; Wayne LaPierre, Spokesman for the NRA; Talk Radio Hosts, both National and Local; Paranoia and Conspiracy Web Sites; and Tea Party Members of State ...
by A Southerner in Yankeeland
0 Recs
Over Christmas, I spent some time at home, visiting my parents, friends, and other members of my family. Where I'm from, it's not at all odd to encounter open and overt racism on a daily basis. What ...
by Grizzard
6 Recs
“First, any value in the balances in the Social Security Trust Fund is derived from dubious government accounting. The trust fund is not a real savings account. From 1983 to 2011, it collected ...
by leftreborn
5 Recs
While reading Steven Pinker’s The Better Angles of our Nature: Why Violence has Declined , I came across this, “today’s conservatives are more liberal than yesterday’s liberals” (page 476).
by SocioSam
4 Recs
The response of the NRA to the tragedy at Sandy Hook school was to call for placing armed guards is all schools. To many of us that seemed like an utterly preposterous proposal for many reasons. ...
by Richard Lyon
4 Recs
A sign at a vigil after the assassination of Dr. George Tiller, who was murdered by a "pro-life" terrorist
Ah, January in Washington D.C. Bare trees, icy sidewalks, inauguration plans ...
by Kaili Joy Gray
7 Recs
Remember Mark Sanford? He ran off with a lady friend while Governor of South Carolina and thereby graciously gave the world the phrase “hiking the Appalachian trail” as a euphemism for ...
by blue aardvark
3 Recs
Teachers at two Seattle high schools are standing up and saying "no" to a deeply flawed mandatory standardized test, the Measures of Academy Progress.
Teachers at Garfield High kicked off the ...
by Laura Clawson
21 Recs
It seems to be Mark Boal’s fate to consistently relive the plot of Almost Famous. He embeds himself with highly skilled professionals, reports what he sees, and is ultimately betrayed by those he ...
by Ryan Brooke
0 Recs
I'm knee-deep in reading the draft version of the U.S. National Climate Assessment ,
released last Friday. If last year's record number of wildfires, droughts, and extreme heat days, not to mention ...
by Michael Brune
3 Recs
"Children are often oppressed in religious households"; when I read that line in Mark Galli's op-ed over the weekend, I literally stopped reading mid-sentence. Here's the whole passage:
But ...
by glendenb
8 Recs
So many of you have sent me your appreciative comments on all these outdoors oriented missives I’ve been tapping out on the keyboard (including a trilogy of same on the Colorado Plateau ...
by richholtzin
14 Recs
This blog is cross-posted at StewartAcuff.com
We’ve talked a lot in this space about the abomination of income and wealth inequality, the shrinking of the middle class, and the loss of ...
by StewartAcuff
5 Recs
It is a well-known fact that President Obama wants a “grand bargain” with the Republicans , a deal that would reduce future deficits both by raising tax revenues and cutting spending, including ...
by Michael Lux
6 Recs
New England Kossacks is a social group of (but not limited to) DailyKos readers who live and/or work in New England (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont)
by Clytemnestra
14 Recs
A Facebook friend sent me the following message yesterday. His Message: Why, if it isn't one of the worst things I've ever seen. http://soldoutaftercrisis.net/index6....
by ProgressiveLiberal
10 Recs
In dealing with the upcoming debt limit crisis, President Obama will approach it in a fundamentally different way than he did back in 2011. But for a variety of very good reasons he will make it a ...
by Gary Norton
9 Recs
Old baskets are fascinating. They reflect traditions and skills, as well as changes to culture and lifestyle. They speak to us from the past and can tell us much about the weaver’s life and ...
by Ojibwa
17 Recs
Your noontime fix is on! Jonesing for something closer to home? You know you are!
The Fiscal Curb averted. Obama caves? TeaPubs whine. Now it's on to Gun Control.
The 'After Show'
by winkk
0 Recs
Link to Anonymous Facebook page illustrating the MIT defacement
Google Cached version of MIT's defaced ...
by Lisa Lockwood
109 Recs
by jotter
27 Recs
The Republican party doesn't know how to fit into a societal landscape furiously reorganizing before their blinking and largely uncomprehending eyes. They are the party, after all, that for ...
by polidiscoursor
8 Recs
Extremism broke my family; I don't want it to break my country. This is my story.
by Claire Conner
11 Recs
Yesterday, Ezra Klein reported in the Washington Post that:
The Treasury Department will not mint a trillion-dollar platinum coin to get around the debt ceiling. If they did, the Federal Reserve ...
by Letsgetitdone
11 Recs
Looking up Canal Street from St. Charles Avenue (on the left of the photographer) and Rue Royale (on the right). The stores are lit up for Carnival, with Daniel Henry Holmes' department store on the ...
by YatPundit
6 Recs
For folks wanting to watch President Obama's final press conference of his first term online, here's a live video feed. We'll also be liveblogging the press conference, but below the fold is the ...
by Jed Lewison
5 Recs
Congressman Adam Schiff (D-Calif) says he will introduce legislation to limit legal immunity for gun manufacturers and gun distributors. Rep. Schiff is seeking to reduce or roll back the Protection ...
by Hugh Jim Bissell
19 Recs
article originally appeared at TomDispatch.com.
To receive TomDispatch in your inbox three times a week, click here .
Given these last weeks, who doesn’t know what an AR-15 is? Who hasn’...
by TomDispatch
6 Recs
The Daily Bucket is a place where we post and exchange our observations about what is happening in the natural world in our neighborhood. Each note about the bugs, buds, and birds around us is a ...
by OceanDiver
39 Recs
Every day is a new day and with that, a new opportunity.
EVERYONE is welcome and please join us each morning at 7:30 AM PACIFIC
to tell us what you're working on, share your show & tell , vent, ...
by navajo
91 Recs
It's not just anonymous internet bloggers or YouTube publicity hounds. Talk of "revolution" is everywhere on the extreme right, these days. Form Pat Buchanan , Larry Klayman and Alex Jones ...
by Steven D
15 Recs
Yesterday, poopdogcomedy had a great post about Alaska Senator Mark Begich's bill to strengthen Social Security by eliminating the payroll cap on Social Security taxes so that high-income people pay ...
by RandomNonviolence
12 Recs
By Tim Price, originally published on Next New ...
by Roosevelt Institute
4 Recs
JSTRM opens the door to the "WayBack" machine once again and it sparkled me back to 1975 and the job at the cemetery. Which was a bit of a non starter, cause I got fired/layed off after a few weeks ...
by Joeshittheragman
1 Recs
The best that we can hope for appears to be a government shutdown. I am not sanguine as to the President's willingness to follow through on ...
by Vote4Obamain2012
2 Recs
Congress realizes that Medicare and Social Security lie directly in the path of a demographic tsunami. The first wave of baby boomers has already filed for benefits, and alarm bells are sounding on ...
by Gerald Scorse
5 Recs
Aaron Swartz committed suicide for reasons unacceptable to me. Please listen to Amy Goodman's coverage of his life and a speech he gave in 2010.
I can not imagine that here at dailykos are not ...
by mimi
7 Recs
Happy Monday, Bombers. Call me superficial, but I am recovering from Golden Globe Mania from last night (and I haven't seen any of the films and few of the TV shows). What I found most amusing was ...
by Floja Roja
43 Recs
The manufactured crisis weakening the postal service continues to do its work. In fact, the postal service is estimating that it ...
by Laura Clawson
16 Recs
The Purpose of most Native American ceremonies is not worship. Ceremonies are a celebration of and a renewal of the partnership between human beings and the spiritual world. Native American ...
by BlueJessamine
28 Recs
This diary was crossposted from RedRacingHorses. I'll once again be on the record as saying that I'm one of the last holdovers from DKE's SwingStateProject days and only post under the DKElections ...
by IllinoyedR
7 Recs
The message from some top Democrats was precisely that: Comprehensive Immigration Reform will be a top issue for Democrats in Congress this year and they expect to get it done. More than that, it ...
by mole333
1 Recs
I was very happy with the response to the first "What CAN we agree on?" diary. For the most part, the conversation and comments were highly respectful to both sides of the gun debate, and I applaud ...
by detroitmechworks
18 Recs
Aaron Swartz , Jake Appelbaum , Bradley Manning , Thomas Drake , Jeremy Hammond . . . wanted ...
by Jesselyn Radack
142 Recs
If we are going to avoid the worst impacts of climate change we need disruptive innovations that fundamentally alter the broken systems that continue to build out inequitable, fossil fueled societies.
by Jguay
4 Recs
This is the time of year when many more than usual are trying to get off the nicotine addiction associated with and the overall nastiness of smoking in general.
This is an open thread for the ...
by citizenx
11 Recs
Ordinary Americans, the 99%, are travelling thousands of miles to get a job only to find out they have nowhere to live .
Fleeing unemployment, boarded-up storefronts and foreclosures nationwide, ...
by mariesamuels
8 Recs
For this Very Special Meetup , we’re delighted to be hosting [Onomastic http://www.dailykos.com/user/Onomastic], one of the most prolific and generous-spirited contributors to this site, and [...
by sidnora
27 Recs
*This is my one-hundredth diary at Daily Kos*. Since I started writing, that's not quite two a week. It's not what anyone around here would call prolific , like kos at almost 13,000 diaries, or even ...
by Melanie in IA
59 Recs
Cross-Posted at THE DAILY MUSIC BREAK , the site that features good music regardless of era or genre. Visit for the music -- and a free daily or weekly email of links. Also on Tumblr , Pinterest and ...
by cweinsch
3 Recs
If you're like me, you've gathered, collected, bought, stolen, and were given numerous concert T-shirts over the years.
And, if you're like me, the shirts you got when you were a young, fit, 20-year-
by Senor Unoball
24 Recs
Want the scoop on hot races around the country? Get the digest emailed to you each weekday morning. Sign up here .
Pres-by-CD: Adding ...
by David Nir
1 Recs
by joanneleon
23 Recs
by shortfinals
33 Recs
by blueyedace2
19 Recs
So, it looks like the gunnies worst fears have come true. That map, bravely published a few weeks ago lists everyone who has a handgun permit in several New York counties. There was much dissention ...
by sporks
5 Recs
This is my first diary, so be gentle with me. It is short and to the point. I hope some will agree with me and help me to inform. I apologize for cross posting it but I wrote it as a comment before ...
by DaveS002
11 Recs
What nation can intentionally target children for death and still expect the win their hearts and minds? All the deaths, torture and wasted treasure was bad enough, but this is simply beyond the ...
by gjohnsit
17 Recs
I’m continuing my reporting on the current installment of Conservative Estimate, the recently founded website that is devoted to demolishing Conservatism.
On Friday, Alfred George showed how the ...
by ThePlainThinker
10 Recs
Good Morning Kossacks and Welcome to Morning Open Thread (MOT)
We're known as the MOTley Crew and you can find us here every morning at 6:30am Eastern. Feel free to volunteer to take a day - ...
by exlrrp
10 Recs
Paul Krugman on ABC This Week 1/13/2013
This morning on “This Week” Paul Krugman refused to bow to the usual pundit-talk, telling fellow round table members ...
by Purple Priestess
239 Recs
From here outside the gold fish bowl of US politics I'm sitting in slack jawed amazement of the number of times Ive read or heard in your media this quackadoodle argument trotted out that the 2nd ...
by Dave The Sandman
6 Recs
Wednesday, I called the newsrooms of Pennsylvania’s two largest newspapers.
All I got were disembodied voices telling me no one was available and to leave a message.
It was ...
by brasch
7 Recs
Paul Krugman, on ABC's This Week, calls out the Republican's Debt-Limit hostage-taking tactics for the dangerous, illegitimate strategy, that it is.
That the R's dare to call it "governing" -- when ...
by jamess
64 Recs
Last month Hobby Lobby earned the praise of Tea Partiers everywhere for standing up for its religious and Constitutional convictions in the face of government tyranny. Hobby Lobby ...
by ProgLegs
9 Recs
Apparently the firebrands in the House GOP have decided that they're tired of taking a hostage they can't shoot, and are pinky swearing with each other that they'd rather let the economy crater than ...
by SirFozzie
2 Recs