Two years ago, Harvard professor Kathryn Edin was in Baltimore interviewing public housing residents about how they got by. As a sociologist who had spent a quarter century studyin[...]
NEW TOWN N.D. –When the black gold rush began, no one on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation expected it to take down Main Street. A modest strip of one- and two-story build[...]
We are committed to bringing the underreported, difficult stories of economic hardship in this country to light. Your tax-deductible donation will help.
By Dashka Slater Originally Distributed via OtherWords ( For those on the economic ladder’s lowest rungs, the middle rungs have almost completely disappeared. [...]
Quote of the Day, January 10, 2013, excerpted from “Criminalizing Poverty” by Bobbie Ibarra, Executive Director of the Miami Coalition for the Homeless From the early 1[...]
Wince of the Week, January 6, 2013. The EHRP Team winced when we read this: For the first time ever, more than a million public school students in the United States are homeless. [...]
Listen to EHRP writer and journalist Steven Gray discuss his recent article with NPR radio host Michel Martin on “Tell Me More”. Gray talks about the struggles of the s[...]