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The Battle For America
Corporations And The Super Rich Versus 'We The People'
Posted By Alan Breslauer On 28th January 2007 @ 16:05 In Fox 'News', John Edwards | Comments Disabled
Guest Blogged by Alan Breslauer [1]
This Heartland clip is the perfect complement to the extended threaded discussion BRAD BLOG [2] commenter Big Dan has been leading on corporatism and the media [3]. In this short segment, host John Kasich uses the new home of Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards as the pretext for attacking his two Americas campaign. Surprisingly, Kasich doesn't disagree with Edwards that two Americas exist and even calls Edwards an expert on the subject. The problem, as Kasich sees it, is that Edwards speaks of the great wealth divide when he should use his "sunny disposition" and own experience to "celebrate" all the opportunities afforded Americans. With "some elbow grease and a little ingenuity" even the "John Edwards dream" is possible!***
And that is as simple and clear a delineation of the two sides battling for America that one is likely to get in a 1:37 clip. In the red, white and blue, and incessantly patriotic corner, are Fox News, giant corporations and the super rich that own them. The masses, according to this corner and as articulated by Kasich, should just accept their lot in life without complaint yet remain motivated by the unlikely prospect of striking gold. In the other corner is John Edwards and others not controlled by the vast corporate system that has engulfed society. They are fighting incredible odds to try to revive the principle of equal opportunity for all Americans as well as adopt more equitable economic policies necessary to maintain a healthy democracy.
Which side are you on?
***This is not a guarantee and we make no claim as to the veracity of this statement. By law we are required to state that the odds of this occurring, even with "elbow grease" and "ingenuity," are less than the chances of George W. Bush telling the truth on any subject. This does not minimize the point, however, that the John Edwards dream is real and can happen to you. And that is what America is all about.
Article printed from The BRAD BLOG: http://www.bradblog.com
URL to article: http://www.bradblog.com/?p=4093
URLs in this post:
[1] Alan Breslauer: http://www.hotpotatomash.com
[2] BRAD BLOG: http://www.BradBlog.com
[3] corporatism and the media: http://www.bradblog.com/?p=4084#comments
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