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Why Nobody Should Ever Have to Trust an Elections Official: Tony Anchundo Reports to Jail
Former Monterey County Registrar of Voters Heads to Jail on 43 Criminal Counts, Stole More Than $80,000 in Tax Dollars from County
Once Told Us We Must Have 'Trust and Faith in Elections Officials, Or In This Case, Me'...
Posted By Brad Friedman On 3rd April 2007 @ 20:43 In California, Tony Anchundo | Comments Disabled
[1]While he was still the 13-year Monterey County, CA, Registrar of Voters, Tony Anchundo once told us live on air [2] that "There is obviously going to have to be some trust and faith in the elections official, or in this case, it's me."
On Monday, the disgraced Anchundo reported to jail [3] after pleading "no contest [4]" last December to 43 criminal counts [5] of forgery, misapplication of funds, embezzlement, falsification of accounts, and grand theft:
SALINAS, Calif. --- Tony Anchundo checked into the Monterey County Jail Monday morning, beginning his nine-month jail sentence for embezzlement.
The former registrar of voters plead no contest to stealing more than $80,000 of taxpayer's money.
And last month, a judge suspended a five-year prison sentence, ordering him to jail instead.
Anchundo could apply for home confinement or a work alternative program after serving 90 days.
He's also been ordered to repay more than $100,000.
We've said it before, but obviously it bears repeating (particularly to the members of CACEO [6] - California Association of Clerks and Elections Officials and the shameful Santa Cruz Sentinel [7]): Trust no one when it comes to your elections. You should never have to. Especially those who tell you they should be trusted.
While it should be self-evident by now, it's our duty to remind you (and the CACEO and the Santa Cruz Sentinel as previously owned by former CA SoS Bruce McPherson) that our country and Constitution and Rule of Law were not built on trust. They were built on checks and balances. The best elections officials in America (if not necessarily the CACEO) will tell you as much:
On that note, no American should have to trust in an electronic voting system which counts votes in secret, as never verified by the voter or any human being. Doing so makes as much sense as "trusting" in Tony Anchundo --- object lesson #1 in all that is wrong with trusting anyone or anything in this regard.
See the notice below on how you can (and must!) take action now to make sure Congress finally gets the message!
Article printed from The BRAD BLOG: http://www.bradblog.com
URL to article: http://www.bradblog.com/?p=4362
URLs in this post:
[1] Image: http://www.theksbwchannel.com/news/11498061/detail.html#
[2] told us live on air: http://www.bradblog.com/?p=1949
[3] reported to jail: http://www.theksbwchannel.com/news/11498061/detail.html#
[4] pleading "no contest: http://www.bradblog.com/?p=3937
[5] 43 criminal counts: http://www.bradblog.com/?p=3043
[6] members of CACEO: http://www.bradblog.com/?p=4327
[7] shameful Santa Cruz Sentinel: http://www.santacruzsentinel.com/archive/2007/March/28/edit/stories/01edit.htm
[8] said: http://www.bradblog.com/?p=2859
[9] wrote: http://www.bradblog.com/?p=3017
[10] Email Congress!: http://capwiz.com/pdamerica/issues/alert/?alertid=9406781&type=CO
[11] Call your members!: http://www.votersunite.org/takeaction/ban-e-ballots.asp
[12] www.BradBlog.com/Holt: http://www.BradBlog.com/Holt
[13] Return to the Mobile Edition: http://www.bradblog.com/index.php?ak_action=accept_mobile
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