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  • twitter_jail

    Kuwaiti man receives two year jail sentence for criticizing Amir on Twitter

    Rashed Saleh Al-Enezi has been sentenced to a two year jail sentence for writing tweets that criticized Amir Sabah IV Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah.  Enezi is...

  • MLK

    Building a Solidarity Union: What we can learn

    From Labor Notes December 10, 2012 / Anna Kurhajec   Learning from those who build movements is crucial!  In this article Anna Kurhajec tells the story...


    This is an example of the fight we need to stop the destruction of public education:L.A. Teachers Use Privatization Fight to Build Community Power

    Fighting the privatization, financialization and corporatization of education is a daunting task.  It is made so by one, separating the struggle behind K-12 from the...

  • capitalism

    The Privatization of Education, SFCC and Occupy SF

    by Bob Gorringe Occupy SF Where should SF Occupy-Action Council (215 Golden Gate Avenue-2 PM every Sunday) direct its energy today? There’s the issue of...