Shannyn Moore

Shannyn Moore


Just a Girl From Homer, Alaska Survived being sued by Sarah Palin...she quit half way through. I fish. A lot. I hold the world in a paper cup.

Alaska ·


  1. RT : West Anchorage Rep. Lindsey Holmes has switched parties and joined the Republican House Majority/ What took so long?

  2. Now Forty degrees and pouring rain on top of snow and ice. ! NPR is talking national drought...

  3. MT : No right in this country is as protected as the right 2 b an armed guy who tells women how 2 live. But guess who screams tyranny

  4. Half the assmonkeys chanting "Freedom!" make me think they got in the "Free-Dumb" line...

  5. I'll admit it...I'm trying to get that song from Rent stuck in your head...hoping it doesn't backfire on me.

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