Brad Friedman's Articles & Editorials Published Elsewhere...
Some of my articles, editorials and contributions other than at The BRAD BLOG...
- National Memo:
- Salon:
- "Ohio Republicans sneak risky software onto voting machines", 11/5/12
- "Power outages still threaten the vote", 11/4/12
- "Power loss threatens vote in six-plus states ", 11/1/12
- "Election power out?", 10/29/12
- "Wider fraud investigations sought in GOP vote scandal", 10/23/12
- "Voter registration scandal widens", 10/19/12
- "Operative linked to voter registration fraud still working for GOP?", 10/12/12
- "Fla. voter registration fraud charge has ties to Romney", 9/26/12
- "Voter fraud retires shameless GOP official ", 2/27/12
- "Diebold voting machines can be hacked by remote control", 9/27/11
- "Hack the vote? No Problem", 9/13/06
- Mother Jones:
- "Audio: Chris Christie Lets Loose at Secret Koch Brothers Confab" (Secret Koch Tapes - PART 2), 9/8/11
- "Exclusive Audio: Inside the Koch Brothers' Secret Seminar" (Secret Koch Tapes - PART 1), 9/6/11
- "Counter-Coulter", January/February 2006
- The Trial Lawyer:
- "La Chamber Nostra: One man's adventure being targeted (along with his family) by 'the Mob' that is the U.S. Chamber of Commerce" (Not available online, see magazine website for more details), Spring 2011
- AOL News:
- Slate:
- "The Faith-Based Vote", 10/27/10
- Truthout:
- The Gouverneur Times:
- "Exclusive: Officials Were Warned", 12/11/09
- Huffington Post:
- The Guardian (UK):
- "Sarah Palin goes rogue, joins Fox", 1/13/10
- "Fox News's Faux News", 11/16/09
- "Franken Gets the Last Laugh"", 6/30/09
- "Holding Democrats Accountable", 3/3/09
- "A Model of Election Integrity", 1/7/09
- "Turning a blind eye to war crimes", 12/22/08
- "Thanks for your help - Now go away", 11/24/08
- "Counting every vote", 11/10/08
- "The patriotism litmus test", 10/29/08
- "The Republicans' Acorn witch hunt", 10/16/08
- "The Republican voter fraud hoax", 10/13/08
- "Careening down the slippery slope", 9/26/08
- "The Republican War on Democracy", 8/20/08
- "'Anthrax killer' remains a mystery", 8/11/08
- AlterNet:
- "Justice Sought: Former San Diego ACORN Employee Files Lawsuit Against Rightwing Activists", 7/14/10
- "NYT Public Editor Finally Admits ACORN 'Pimp' Hoax Reporting Failure: 'Times Was Wrong'", 3/22/10
- "New York Times 'Stands Behind' Its Contested Reporting on the ACORN 'Pimp'", 2/9/10
- "'Firearms of Jesus Christ' Expose Prompts Anti-Semitic Hate Mail", 1/25/10
- "Our Media Need a Fair and Balanced Doctrine", 10/14/09
(On behalf of Commonweal Institute) - "New Study Details Massive Voter Roll Purges Underway in At Least 19 States", 10/1/08
- "Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner: 'We Will Be Ready.'", 9/22/08
- "Step by Step Guide to Hacking Electronic Voting Machines", 9/10/08
- "Ann Coulter: Vote Fraud Criminal", 8/20/08
- "Voting Machine CEO Reportedly Lies About Foreign Ownership of Firm", 5/21/08
- "An Opposing View on the Progressive Voting Machines Debate", 3/23/07
- "False Choices in Holt E-Vote Debate", 2/28/07
- ComputerWorld:
- "Q&A: E-voting security results 'awful,' says Ohio secretary of state", 10/8/08
- "E-voting firms in hostile-takeover tussle", 4/10/08
- "Q&A: Ohio secretary of state looks anew at e-voting - Jennifer Brunner discusses how her state tackled EVEREST", 1/14/08
- "Sarasota's FL-13 Election 'Slammed' by Viral Worm Attack on First Day of Early Voting", 5/16/07
- "More proof of e-voting trouble (cue crickets)", 3/8/07
- "Sequoia for Sale - But Who Would Buy It?", 1/2/07
- "Election 2006 - An E-Voting Disaster", 11/10/06
- "Hacks, Lies & Video Tape: 'Hacking Democracy' Reviewed", 11/1/06
- NYTimes'
- San Francisco Bay Guardian:
- Harvard's Nieman Foundation of Journalism:
- Columbus Free Press:
- "A Line in the Sand: Busby/Bilbray", 6/27/06
- Editor & Publisher:
- Hustler:
- "The End of Democracy", August 2010
- "Sibel Edmonds: The Traitors Among Us", 2/27/10
- "Is Ann Coulter a Felon?", 6/6/08
- "Taking One for His Country: The Stephen Heller Story", 8/16/06
- "The Death of Democracy: The Ray Lemme/Clint Curtis Story", 7/6/06
- BuzzFlash:
- Democratic Underground: