CNN - 1 Minute Diebold Memory Hack

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EpiphanyProductions | January 10, 2008 | likes, 2 dislikes

As I pointed out earlier, the Diebold Skeleton Key is already in circulation;...

EpiphanyProductions | January 10, 2008 | likes, 2 dislikes

As I pointed out earlier, the Diebold Skeleton Key is already in circulation; seems they use the same key for all their voting machines!
Now let's watch a CNN reporter and Princeton professor show us how...

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  • Smash Diebold machines and throw them in the trash.




  • using these machines i bet its rigged so mccain wins and appoints gulliani his VP, afterall mccain is a war monger and wants to dish out some punishment for his time spent in the blockade, some dark dark days are ahead for the USA citizens,

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  • atencion inmediata !!! esto esta siendo nota a la fecha porque hackearon las cuentas personales de barack obama,britney spears y muchisimos mas !! esto tambien ha trascendido en cnn en español

  • No, we're talking about election fraud. That's the issue here.

    an aside: The dictionary definition of "hacker" is anyone that gains unauthorized access into a computer. It doesn't matter what method they use.

  • The issue here has nothing to do with whatever conception you have of someone online. We're talking about an online video.

  • The issue here has nothing to do with some anonymous 16 year old kid living in his parents' basement getting recognition for his skillz. We're talking about election fraud.

  • I agree with your statement. People get mad at me when I tell them something like that. When they "hack", I'd tell them that downloading a piece of software & pressing a start button does not make them a hacker. I always try to tell them that they can not be an expert in something they do not understand and the principle on which it works. The only way you can manipulate or make things do something is if you understand the concept behind it. Flying w/ autopilot does not make you a real pilot :)

  • No wonder Georgia is a deep red state.

  • this is why Americans have become pathetic. We can't get admit our voice doesn't count till the death of us. whats it gonna take for mainstream sheep to wake up to reality?

  • just finished watching "Hacking Democracy" where they said and showed us that actuly there is a program already inside the memory card that does change the votes.

  • I bet you money those Diebold machines are set for McCain to win....

    I bet on it it is crystal clear, ask NH, Ohio, FLA and NC...

    McCain will win... leave it to the GOP, notice Obama won all Republican states and come November McCain will win....

    Diebold is at it again, have been since 2000, why change it now?

  • Hahaha she says "Now we're hackers".

    No, a hacker CREATED that tool, you're a not a hacker for using it. You're a normal user just using a PREMADE hack. Then you turn into a script kiddie by proclaiming yourself a "hacker".

    Bah, now I get into my "hacker politics" and programming mood. I guess it really shocks me, the extent of the misunderstanding of hacking is just insane.

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