How The Right Outsources Thinking To Rush & Loses Presidential Elections
Liberals often wonder what, exactly, the appeal of Rush Limbaugh to the conservative movement is. Surely, his top function is to make fun of the left. The chief motivating factor behind Limbaughs 20+ years of broadcasting is to tell his fellow conservatives about the crazy things liberals did today. Sure, he invents facts, makes up narratives, and smears people’s good names – but you knew that already.
But the element of Limbaugh that the mainstream media and others tend to notice is the vital, deranged purpose the former disk jockey serves for many on the right: thinking for them.
Many in the conservative movement may have an idea of what happened in the world, but for many of them they don’t understand what to think about it until Rush comes on at noon.
And Rush knows this. He designs his program as an educational affair, and he explains to a population that largely consists of older, rural people who feel surrounded by an increasingly multicultural and tolerant world just what to think about it all.
Take “low information voters.” This is a concept, most recently lamented by the left, of voters who don’t pay that much attention to actual politics. In reality, both parties fight to get this unmotivated bloc voting in their favor and often must reach out of the existing political frame to get them on board.
But in Limbaugh land, he has decided to explain away the Romney loss with “low information voters.” In the hand of a skilled propagandist like Rush, however, these people are the easily amused minorities on welfare and other government handouts that have been magically converted into Obama devotees. It’s basically the same old tired argument the right makes about minorities being duped into voting Democratic (in conservativeland no minority could ever possibly assess politicians and come to an independent position – check out the smears of Colin Powell).
In just two months since the election “low information voter” has become a conservative mantra. You can see it on Twitter, conservative forums, and conservative blogs. Like the harebrained idea that the left strategically collapsed the economy (on Bush’s watch, no less!) to throw the election to Obama (later refined to blame it on mortgages for poor minorities despite the contrary evidence) this is now the one, true narrative.
Spoon-fed to them by Rush, they have taken it hook, line, and sinker. It also feeds into the narrative that conservatism can never fail, never mind that it has a combined 134 million votes against it in back to back elections.
Rush explained it all. They now “know” it was “those” people that diverted America from its established path, and the exclusionary divisive racist/sexist politics of the right live to (hopefully) lose yet another day.