Welcome to the New VR Website!

Regular visitors from the old site may have noticed that not much has changed over there for some time- That's because we've been putting together this new site! The old site is still there, you can still access it by clicking on the Archive link above, but the new site is where all the new material will be posted going forward.

We think you'll like the new site; It's more user-friendly, easier to navigate, and searchable. The new site also has a feed aggregator which will allow you to keep track of updates to all our other sites in one place.

So spread the word, and keep fighting the good fight with us!

Romney’s ORCA Project And How It May Have Been Targeted By The Protectors

Crossposted from Occupy For Accountability


Two weeks ago we published a letter we received at our whistleblower Post Office Box from a shadowy group of cyber sleuths called “The Protectors.”  In short, the letter stated that the group installed a firewall on servers that were going to be used by Karl Rove to manipulate election results.  Moreover, the letter stated that the group also caused the catastrophic failure of Team Romney’s ORCA get out the vote project.

At the time, we questioned whether these were two separate attacks and whether the ORCA attack, if separate, would be moral and legal.  We have gathered additional information and have concluded that ORCA and the digital manipulation scheme were most likely two prongs of Karl Rove’s plan to rig election results and that The Protectors’ firewalls may have caused the failure of ORCA and was therefore more than likely legally justified.  

Karl Rove Loses Election After Being Checkmated By Cyber Sleuths?

Crossposted from Occupy For Accountability

Last month, we offered a million dollar reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone who rigged a federal election on November 6th.  We urged computer experts to contact us with information about any election manipulation of the tabulation results.

We Received A Letter

On November 12th, we received a letter from “The Protectors,” apparently a group of white hat cyber sleuths, mentioning our reward and stating that two months ago, they began monitoring the “digital traffic of one Karl Rove, a disrespecter of the Rule of Law, knowing that he claimed to be Kingmaker while grifting vast wealth from barons who gladly handed him gold to anoint another King while looking the other way.”

“The Protectors” said that they had identified the digital structure of Rove’s operation and of ORCA, a Republican get out the vote software application.  After finding open “doors” in the systems, they created a “password protected firewall” called “The Great Oz,” and installed it on servers that Rove planned to use on election night to re-route and change election results “from three states.” 

CNN: DOJ sends voting rights monitors, observers to 23 states

-By Terry Frieden 

November 2, 2012- Washington (CNN) - The Justice Department Friday announced that it is dispatching more than 780 federal observers and monitors to 23 states to watch for potential problems which would violate voting rights protected by federal law.

The Justice Department said it was sending observers to 51 jurisdictions in those states to help enforce federal voting rights laws which protect ballot access.

In addition to concern about discrimination based on languages and ethnicity, the federal officials will be ensuring voters with disabilities are accommodated, and ensuring that no procedures are used to subject voters to different procedures on the basis of race, color or national origin.

Many of the locations being targeted for the 2012 general election have appeared on similar lists for past elections. Justice officials say the federal monitors will maintain low profile positions, and will not be involved in the voting process unless problems arise.

The total of 780 officials is about the same size as the contingent sent to watch the 2008 presidential election.

Reader Supported News: A Hostile Takeover of Our Country

-By Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

October 29, 2012- American democracy is under assault.

In one super-PAC alone, Karl Rove and the Enron grifter Ed Gillespie, have assembled $200 million from big polluters and Wall Street moguls to buy the 2012 election.

Two of the Koch Brothers, Charles and David, pledged $130 million to elect candidates who favor unrestrained corporate profiteering.

The senators and congressmen they fund and elect are not representing the United States-they are representing Koch and its oil industry cronies, Big Pharma, and the Wall Street banksters currently mounting a hostile takeover of our government.

I have no problem characterizing these corporate-centric super-PACs as treasonous. We are now in a free fall toward old-fashioned oligarchy; noxious, thieving and tyrannical.

The most corporate-friendly Supreme Court since the Gilded Age had declared in its notorious Citizens United decision that corporations are people and that money is speech. Those who have the most money now have the loudest voices in our democracy while poor Americans are mute.

Million Dollar Reward Offered To Expose Election Fraud

Today, we offered a million dollar reward for hard information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone using corrupt or fraudulent means to rig a 2012 federal election so the real winner loses.  The information must result in a correction of the fraudulent election and must be new information not previously reported.

There has been a great deal of nefarious activity in the run up to this election mostly by partisans on the Republican side of the aisle. Karl Rove is receiving a great deal of scrutiny for raising hundreds of millions from GOP billionaires to defeat President Obama.

So we want cyber sleuths and whistleblowers of all stripes to keep an eye out for things that normally stay hidden, such as manipulation of the tabulation results.  We have a tip line 1-888-VOTETIP or send to tips@velvetrevolution.us.

AlterNet: Going Undercover at the GOP's Voter Vigilante Project to Disrupt the Nov. Election

The Republican True the Vote project is a well-funded scheme with training sessions for activists across the country. Will it work?

-By Steven Rosenfeld

August 24, 2012- I was nervous getting onto the flight to Denver. Since 2004, I have been a national radio producer, investigative reporter, author and consultant—writing about how elections are won, lost, bungled and improved, with a big focus on voter registration. But I had never snuck into a meeting of right-wing voting vigilantes who are the frontline of a national voter suppression strategy, and where the main speaker was a man whose new book I’d aggressively debunked days before, in an AlterNet article lauded by a leading election law blog and Washington Post . The meeting was a state summit organized by a group called True The Vote. The author was John Fund, who absurdly claims that more than 1,000 felons voted illegally in Minnesota in 2008, sending Democrat Al Franken to the U.S. Senate, where he was the final vote that passed Obama's health care reform.

VR Ramps Up For Election Protection 2012

August 15, 2012- Over the past year, VR has been doing most of its coverage and updating on its Occupy For Accountability  and Protect Our Elections sites. Now, with the 2012 election getting closer, we will be ramping up coverage of election related issues on this site too. We are urging everyone to work hard to fight for clean, honest elections and support the right to vote by every person who is eligible to vote under the Constitution.


On at least four occasions over the past year, a person or persons made phone calls to county enforcement agencies, spoofing the victim's phone number, and/or reporting fictitious criminal activity calculated to bring a SWAT team ready to deal with an armed and dangerous resident.

These four events include:

·     Attempted SWATTing of Michael Stack, Montgomery Township, New Jersey, June 23RD, 2011.

·     Attempted SWATTing of John Patrick Frey, Los Angeles, California, June or July 2011.

·     Attempted SWATTing of Erick Erickson, Macon, Georgia, May 27TH, 2012.

·     Attempted SWATTing of Brett Kimberlin, Bethesda, Maryland, May 31ST, 2012.

National Bloggers Club Legal Action Notice

Pursuant to the right wing smear campaign that has been running against us for the last week, A document hold request has been sent today June 4th 2012 to the National Bloggers Club Inc, Foster Friess and Stephen Friess.

The filing is posted here:

Message to VR members regarding current Right Wing smear campaign

May 25, 2012

We want to thank all of you for your tremendous support this week.  Keep those donations flooding in so that those opposed to fair elections, human rights and progressive values will see that their malicious attacks on youth, women, activists, Muslims, and the 99% will not be tolerated in our beloved democracy.  Please note that we are working closely with both state and federal law enforcement officials and have given them lists of all those who make inappropriate statements or contacts.  Again, thank you so much for all the donations.  We feel like Planned Parenthood after the attack on them.  


War Tribunal Finds Bush, Cheney Guilty of War Crimes

Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal orders reparations be given to torture victims

Via Common Dreams:

May 13, 2012- Former US President George W Bush, his Vice-President Dick Cheney and six other members of his administration have been found guilty of war crimes by a tribunal in Malaysia.

Bush, Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and five of their legal advisers were tried in their absence and convicted on Saturday.

Victims of torture told a panel of five judges in Kuala Lumpur of their suffering at the hands of US soldiers and contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Among the evidence, Briton Moazzam Begg, an ex-Guantanamo detainee, said he was beaten, put in a hood and left in solitary confinement. Iraqi woman Jameelah Abbas Hameedi said she was stripped and humiliated in the notorious Abu Ghraib prison.

Transcripts of the five-day trial will be sent to the chief prosecutor at the International Criminal Court, the United Nations and the Security Council.


Thom Hartmann: CISPA...The Patriot Act for the Internet?


Richard Stallman: CISPA nearly abolishes people's right not to be unreasonably searched

Early on, Obama and Rangel targeted by GOP

Via New York Amsterdam News:

By Herb Boyd, May 3, 2012- For more than four hours, a confederacy of Republicans assembled in the Caucus Room, an upscale restaurant in D.C., only hours after Barack Obama’s inauguration, plotting ways in which to immediately begin undermining his presidency.

This meeting included such senior politicos of the GOP as House members Eric Cantor, Jeb Hensarling, Pete Hoekstra, Dan Lungren, Kevin McCarthy, Paul Ryan and Pete Sessions. The Senate members were Tom Coburn, Bob Corker, Jim DeMint, John Ensign and Jon Kyl.

Among the other Republican notables were Newt Gingrich and strategist Frank Luntz. Oddly, neither Mitch McConnell nor John Boehner was present.

USA Today: 'Time' names The Protester as 2011 Person of the Year

-By Douglas Stanglin, USA TODAY

December 14, 2011- Time magazine has named "The Protester" as its Person of the Year for 2011, citing a worldwide outburst of people-power from Tunisia to Moscow to Wall Street.

"A year after a Tunisian fruit vendor set himself ablaze, dissent has spread across the Middle East, to Europe and the U.S., reshaping global politics and redefining people power," the magazine says.

An excerpt:

It's remarkable how much the protest vanguards share. Everywhere they are disproportionately young, middle class and educated. Almost all the protests this year began as independent affairs, without much encouragement from or endorsement by existing political parties or opposition bigwigs. All over the world, the protesters of 2011 share a belief that their countries' political systems and economies have grown dysfunctional and corrupt — sham democracies rigged to favor the rich and powerful and prevent significant change.


Donate to Velvet Revolution and receive a DVD documenting the Occupy Movement of the 1960’s.

We need your continued support to help us fight for the 99%.  When you make a donation of $25 or more, we will send you a free DVD of the renowned documentary, Dominoes!

Progressive filmmaker John Lawrence Ré has offered us his terrific uncensored 60 minute film, Dominoes – described as a rollercoaster ride through the the Vietnam War years, from Watts burning in 1965 as Black America tried to take back their lives, to the student rebellions around the world in 1968, to the last US helicopter fleeing Ho Chi Minh City in the spring of 1975.  It’s a trip  --  uncannily similar to what is developing this year across the world with the Arab Spring and the Occupy Movement --  you won’t want to miss as it plays out against a wall to wall soundtrack featuring Santana, Neil Young, The Rolling Stones, Grateful Dead, Van Morrison, BB King, Marvin Gaye and many more.  Check out the trailer below:

Check out this clip of CSNY.

Huffington Post: Clarence Thomas Should Be Investigated For Nondisclosure, Democratic Lawmakers Say

-by Jennifer Bendry

September 29, 2011- Democratic lawmakers on Thursday called for a federal investigation into Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas' failure to report hundreds of thousands of dollars on annual financial disclosure forms.

Led by House Rules Committee ranking member Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.), 20 House Democrats sent a letter to the Judicial Conference of the United States -- the entity that frames guidelines for the administration of federal courts -- requesting that the conference refer the matter of Thomas' non-compliance with the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 to the Department of Justice.

Press Release: Slaughter, 19 Colleagues, Call for Investigation into Justice Thomas’s Non-Disclosure

Under Law, Judicial Conference Must Refer Issue to US Attorney General

WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Louise Slaughter, Ranking Member of the House Rules Committee, together with 19 Members of Congress, today sent a letter to the Judicial Conference, requesting that the Conference follow the law and refer the matter of Justice Clarence Thomas's non-compliance with the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 to the Department of Justice. Throughout his entire tenure on the Supreme Court, Justice Thomas has checked a box titled "none" on his annual financial disclosure forms, indicating that his wife had received no income, despite the fact that his wife had in fact earned nearly $700,000 from the Heritage Foundation from 2003-2007 alone.

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