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Department of Justice Is Ruining Lives and Wasting Taxpayer Money Prosecuting Marijuana Cases in Legalized States The Five-Step Process to Cheat the Middle Class Worker Supreme Court Should Expand Voting Rights for Citizens, Not Help Limit Them Tracking Students With Radio Frequency Identity Chips Is a Violation of Civil Rights The Koch Brothers, Superstorm Sandy, and the TeabaggersHeadlines and News
All | Past 1 Hour | Past 2 Hours | Past 6 Hours | Past 12 Hours | Past 24 Hours
- 2012 military suicides hit a record high of 349
- Jodie Foster Speaks About Coming Out and So Much More in Candid, Moving Golden Globes Speech
- Poll: Most Americans support new gun control measures after Newtown massacre
- CNN's Erin Burnett: Hagel Has Now 'Tempered' His View Favoring Diplomacy Over War in Iran
- Aaron Swartz, a Spark in Life and Death
- Department of Justice Is Ruining Lives and Wasting Taxpayer Money Prosecuting Marijuana Cases in Legalized States -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- William K. Black: Jacob Lew Is Another Brick in the Wall Street on the Potomac
- How a Government Report Spread a Questionable Claim About Iran
- Weapon Wonderland Song Parody
- The Five-Step Process to Cheat the Middle Class Worker -- Paul Buchheit for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Roe at 40: ‘It’s never been this frightening before.’
- The pro-GM lobby's seven sins against science
- The four business gangs that run the US
- John Brennan: The New Normal
- Paul Krugman: Japan’s Huge Economic Move
- RFK children speak about assassination in Dallas
- White House may consider funding for police in schools after Newtown
- Lines harden in debate over guns
- More Second Amendment Madness
- Prosecutor Dismisses Charges Against Aaron Swartz
- Twelve Questions Progressives Should Ask Jack Lew
- How the world manages to waste half its food
- State Suspends Handgun Carry Permit Of Tactical Response CEO
- Ten Awful Crimes That Get You Less Prison Time Than What Aaron Swartz Faced for Freeing JSTOR Articles
- John Boehner’s Secret
- Glenn Greenwald: The Lessons of Western Intervention
- Obama Knocks GOP on Debt Limit; Says US Not a "Deadbeat Nation"
- The debt sequester mash up
- Obama Says He'll "Vigorously" Pursue "Meaningful" Assault Weapons Ban
- Planned Parenthood Gives Up the “Pro-Choice” Label: What Does It Mean for the Movement?
- Keeping a growing Austin green — and weird — is no easy task
- A new grand strategy for the U.S., built around sustainability
- Was Patriot Coal Designed to Fail to Dump Retiree Pensions?
- Humor: Public Warned About Counterfeit Trillion Dollar Coins
- Mexico's drug war undiminished in some areas close to Texas, authorities say
- Chuck and the Chicken Hawks
- Why the Unemployment Rate Is So High
- Series of Brooklyn Billboards Put Racial Inequity on Display
- An Open Letter to President Obama
- PFAW Delivers 178,000 Petitions Calling for Bachmann’s Removal from Intelligence Committee
- The Suprising Unknown History of the NRA
- Obama Says US Warplanes Involved in Somali Rescue Mission
- Treasury Nominee Jack Lew Retained Citigroup Foreign Investments After Joining Obama State Department; Public Kept In Dark
- At Presser, Obama Demands Congress Raise $16.4T Debt Limit
- Noam Chomsky: The Responsibility of Privilege (Video)
- Eugene C. Patterson, Pulitzer Prize-winning newspaper editor, dies at 89
- What Watchdog? How the Financial Press Has Failed the American Public
- The Case Against Aaron Swartz Was Complete Garbage
- It's Time To Right The Colossal Blunder That Is The Iraq War
- Matt Taibbi & Bill Black: Obama's New Treasury Secretary a 'Failure of Epic Proportions' Taibbi and Black dissect the career of Jack Lew, who has been a cheerleader for the financial industry at the public's heavy expense.
- Glenn Greenwald: The inspiring heroism of Aaron Swartz
- How Unions Went From Border Hawks To Immigration Doves
- Satire: The Ultimate Way, to Trick the NRA
- Interview with Francis Fukuyama 'Where Is the Uprising from the Left?'
- How Our Universities Have Been Turned into Corporate Marketing Centers
- Tea Party Trashes Boehner’s Capitol Hill Office
- The Social Security proposal you never hear
- George Packer: The Political Isolation of the American South
- "Failure of Epic Proportions": Treasury Nominee Jack Lew's Pro-Bank, Austerity, Deregulation Legacy
- Comprehensive immigration reform: The time is now
- Aaron Swartz's family condemns MIT and US government after his death
- A Voice from Afghanistan: "US Drones Bury Beautiful Lives" (Video)
- RIP, Aaron Swartz
- Obama Administration To Seek Citizenship Pathway For Immigrants, Including Current Undocumented Workers in Many Cases
- Paul Krugman: Japan Steps Out
- NYT Editorial: "The fiscal cliff agreement did not fully reform the alternative minimum tax. It will continue to allow the highest-end taxpayers to escape, while still afflicting many others."
- True believers and the NRA: ‘No compromise’ It Is About a White Male Paranoid State of Mind
- Will the Far Right Keep Congress from Acting on Gun Control?
- Another day, another shooting suspect in America
- NRA president calls on gun makers to give him more money
- The Frenzied Conspiracy Theories of Jeff Boss
- Meet The House GOP’s Anti-Science Committee
- Sweeping new gun laws proposed by influential liberal think tank
- Invisibility in Django Unchained: Broomhilda in Chains
- White House Denounces GOP Brinksmanship Over Debt Limit
- Online Activist for Open Internet, Aaron Swartz, Commits Suicide at Age 26 Co-founded Reddit and Developed RSS
- Treasury: We won’t mint a platinum coin to sidestep the debt ceiling
- Obama faces 'limited' options on executive action on gun violence
- Like President Obama, Rahm Emanuel pivots on gun control
- Media Failures Lead to Flawed Understandings in Cherokee Adoption Case
- Canadian Aid to Haiti Tied to Mining Interests Yves Engler: Strategic objectives of Canadian aid are to strengthen a pro-elite police and advance Canadian commercial interests
- Afghan Peace Volunteer says drones bury beautiful lives
- 100,000 cops
- Hawks on Iraq Prepare for War Again, Against Hagel
- White House answers petitions demanding secession from union: ‘No’
- 2012: “Are You Serious?” Awards
- Colonialism and the Green Economy: Villagers Defy Pressure to Forfeit Farms for Carbon-Offset
- Register Guns and License Owners
- Truthout Radio with Marisa Holmes on Debt
- Standardized test backlash: Some Seattle teachers just say 'no'
- NBC Sports is sponsoring the largest gun show in America
- Buttons, Memorabilia Popular as Inaugural Store Opens
- ‘Fracking’ success sparking talk of oil shale boom
- NM-Sen: Organized Labor & Sierra Club Back Udall-Merkley-Harkin Filibuster Reform
- With the Resurrection of Immigration Reform We'll Hear a Lot About Securing Our Borders, But What Does It Really Mean?
- Zero Waste: Including Grassroots Recyclers in Buenos Aires, Argentina
- GOP Senator Promotes Iranian Propaganda To Oppose Chuck Hagel
- Timeline of the NRA
- Reform Advocates Celebrate "Supermax" Tamms Prison Closing
- 7 men gang rape bus passenger in India
- New Mexico's Latina Gov. Susana Martinez makes waves in the GOP New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez chides fellow Republicans for estranging Latinos, but she has angered some herself.
- Will Obama cave on Social Security? With chained CPI a likely part of any debt ceiling deal, outraged progressives are organizing in advance
- Jared Diamond: It’s irrational to be religious Supernatural beliefs might not make sense, but they endure because they're so emotionally satisfying
- CIA Drone Wars Protested at CIA
- Will Obama Cave on Social Security?
- Californians Deal With Freezing Temps, Snow
- Reddit cofounder and online activist Aaron Swartz dead at 26
- Why the Feds opted for a sweeping safety review of Boeing 787
- Cancer Sell: An undercover investigation of the clinics offering cancer patients little but false hope.
- Robert F. Kennedy Jr. | Mercury Poisoning Is a Growing Menace
- Shell's Arctic Drilling Experiment Has Been an Epic Failure
- Marines order clubs on base to allow same-sex spouses
- Naomi Wolf | Will Obama's 'War on Weed' Ignore Voters?
- In gun debate, video game industry defends itself
- Wells Fargo’s Mortgage Gains May Be Unsustainable
- Bahraini activist’s triumphant return
- Glenn Beck Attempts a Laughable Make-Over as a Libertarian
- Why the Government Should Pay Farmers to Plant Cover Crops
- Taliban Commanders Say They Were Tortured by Pakistani Intelligence
- How Did a Book Glorifying Rape and White Skin Get Into an Elementary School Classroom?
- California School Shooter Had a ‘Hit List’
- Conservatives Are Always Triumphant and Also an Oppressed Minority, According to Notably Stupid New Book
- How Anonymous Hacking Exposed Steubenville High School Rape Case
- What America's Most Vulnerable Need: A Bill of Rights for the Homeless
- Energy Efficiency Tax Credits Are Back Just in Time
- Bill O'Reilly's Fact-Free War on Planned Parenthood
- Release of DREAMer Erika Andiola’s Family Highlights Youth Movement’s Power
- John Brennan vs. a Sixteen-Year-Old
- Americans Feel Austerity's Bite as Payroll Taxes Rise
- Think Media Consolidation Is Good for Journalism? Think Again
- GOP Rep.'s Gold Standard for Gun Stores Was Sued for Negligence
- US Interference Spoiling Yemen's Revolution
- The 10 most interesting states in politics
- Three Monopolies We Need to Keep an Eye on
- UN: Execution of 17-year-old domestic worker broke international law
- Ford Plans 2,200 Salaried Hires, Biggest Boost Since 2001
- 47 States Report ‘Widespread Flu’
- The parent company of Reynolds Tobacco is a key sponsor of events celebrating North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory's inauguration this weekend, capping an aggressive year of political spending by the tobacco giant.
- Millennials Occupy TransCanada Offices Across the US
- Judge approves $1 million settlement in pepper spray lawsuit
- Ten Things Science Taught Us About Happiness in 2012
- Venezuelans Continue to Defy Washington Post
- The US Coal Industry Wants to Boost Exports to Asia - Native American Tribes Stand in the Way
- Eugene Robinson: Hot Enough for You?
- Five Federal Policies on Guns You’ve Never Heard Of
- Farmers Rally at White House to Protest Monsanto's GMO Empire
- Corporations Spread the Flu
- Portland residents panic as men armed with assault weapons ‘educate’ the city
- The Problem With Charity: Water
- Guns Sales Soar in US as Nation Weighs Tougher Limits
- Teacher could be fired for stomping on U.S. flag
- Obama faces heat from left on Wall Street reform after Lew nomination
- State Suspends Handgun Carry Permit of Tactical Response CEO
- NRA Gun Control Crusade Reflects Firearms Industry Financial Ties
- Kurdish Protests Grow in Paris Over Assassination of Three Women in French Capital
- Did the Hostess Bakers Go Galt? Did a Conservative Get It Right? Almost...
- Jesse Jackson Jr. Update: "Sandi Jackson resigned as Chicago's 7th Ward alderman Friday, the latest chapter in the stunning, scandal-laced downfall of what had been one of the city's most prominent and powerful political duos."
- Report: A botched rescue mission meant to save a hostage in Somalia left the hostage and another French solider dead.
- Gun Enthusiast With Popular Online Videos Is Shot to Death in Georgia
- Obama to Accelerate Handover to Afghan Army
- Crazy Gun CEO Apologizes With Attorney
- Pundits Take Aim at the Elderly
- French secret service hostage and soldiers killed in Somali rescue mission
- America’s Bloody Price for Power
- On the News With Thom Hartmann: Another School Shooting in America, and More
- Ohio school board votes to arm janitors in wake of Newtown
- Senate Democrats to Obama: Bypass Congress on debt limit ‘if necessary’
- Supreme Court Should Expand Voting Rights for Citizens, Not Help Limit Them -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Debt Ceiling and Guns: Using Presidential Authority to the Fullest
- Jay Rockefeller Retires: Can Any Democrat Still Win His Seat?
- If You Aren’t Alarmed About Climate, You Aren’t Paying Attention
- Heat, Flood or Icy Cold, Extreme Weather Rages
- Turf War Feared After Syrian Rebel Leader Killed
- Paul Krugman | California in Surplus
- GOP Amendments Could Derail Sandy Aid Again: "At least that's what some House Republicans fear. Or hope, depending on whom you ask."
- Vanishing Immunity Deal Throws More Steubenville Players Back in Spotlight
- GOP Rep: Todd Akin "Partly Right" On Legitimate Rape
- Right Wing Goes Crazy After Anti-Gay Pastor Withdraws from Inauguration Program
- Industry Consultants Warn Frackers: Do Not Underestimate the Global Anti-Fracking Movement
- A Guantanamo Prisoner Is Buried as New Details About His Death Begin to Surface
- Meet The Hero Of The Marriage Equality Movement
- VIDEO: Death of a Prisoner
- Australia Is The Canary In The Global Warming Coal Mine
- Pro-Gun Advocate: Arming Black People Would Have Prevented Slavery
- British Sex Abuse Report Details Decades of Claims
- Inside the Terror Factory
- Giffords Anti-Gun Group Gets $1 Million Texas Donation
- Colorado Theater Shooting Suspect To Stand Trial
- "Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV)announced Friday he will not seek a sixth term."
- Was Hitler Really a Fan of Gun Control?
- Russ Feingold: Democrats Sold Out in 2012 and Need to Quit Big Money
- Obama, Karzai Meeting to Discuss Ending Afghan War
- Michele Bachmann Still Hasn't Paid Presidential Campaign Staffers
- Why a Woman Should Lead the FCC
- Paul Krugman | Coins Against Crazies
- Gun Mania: "Sales of firearms tend to spike after atrocities like Newtown. National elections can have the same effect."
- The Wild Origins of the Trillion Dollar Platinum Coin
- Biden Butts Heads with NRA in Gun Violence Drive
- The New War for Afghanistan's Untapped Oil
- WalMart Empire Clashes with China
- FBI Documents Shine Light on Clandestine Cellphone Tracking Tool
- David Swanson | Waking Up in Tehran
- Greeks Stand Up to Protect Their Water From Privatization
- Karl Rove Accidentally Unmasks the GOP’s Debt Ceiling Ruse
- Tracking Students With Radio Frequency Identity Chips Is a Violation of Civil Rights -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- The Koch Brothers, Superstorm Sandy, and the Teabaggers -- Steven Jonas MD, MPH for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Unarmed Empowerment and the Gun Debate -- Robert C. Koehler for BuzzFlash at Truthout