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'Green News Report' - October 18, 2011
With Brad Friedman & Desi Doyen...
Posted By Desi Doyen On 18th October 2011 @ 13:37 In Texas, Alaska, U.S. House, Environment, Halliburton, Barack Obama, Republicans, Election 2012, Thailand, Green News, BP Oil Disaster, EPA, Japan, Koch Industries, Rick Perry, Coal, Nuclear power | Comments Disabled
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IN TODAY'S RADIO REPORT: Republicans wave the white flag, surrender to China; Obama doesn't, as clean energy jobs are the fastest growing sector in the U.S.; Gov. Rick Perry's political appointees censor climate change from a scientific environmental report; PLUS: This week's historic floods now arriving in Bangkok, in a year of record flooding across the globe ... All that and more in today's Green News Report!
Got comments, tips, love letters, hate mail? Drop us a line at GreenNews@BradBlog.com [6] or right here at the comments link below. All GNRs are always archived at GreenNews.BradBlog.com [7].
IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see links below): Arctic Ozone Hole: Inaction Risks “Future Nasty Climate Change Surprises Far More Serious”; Solar is getting cheap fast; Radioactivity found in plankton near Fukushima; Coal: for every $1 in cheap electricity, coal causes $2 in damages; Interior to allow BP into Gulf lease sale; U.S. sanctions BP, contractors for Gulf oil spill; Canadian pipeline company threatens U.S. landowners with eminent domain; Judge strikes down Bush-era ruling on polar bears; EPA Tries To Put To Rest 'Myth' of Farm Dust Rules; Herman Cain's long tes to Koch Brothers; Scientists nderplay Climate Impacts; Climate Change Poses Immediate Threat To Health; Salmon-Killing Virus Seen for 1st Time in Wild; Bringing a 'dead' TN river back to life; House Republicans Score Another Symbolic Defeat for EPA; Where Did Global Warming Go?; Climate Change is Shrinking Species, Research Suggests...PLUS: 'Occupy the Tundra': One woman's lonely vigil in bush Alaska ...
“Every minute is critical from now on,” he told a televised press briefing late yesterday in which he asked for 1.2 million sandbags.
John Anderson, the oceanographer at Rice University who wrote the chapter, provided Mother Jones with a copy of the edited document, complete with tracked changes from top TCEQ officials.
'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (Stuff we didn't have time for in today's audio report)...
It is highly probable that we will see future nasty climate change surprises far more serious than the Arctic ozone hole if we continue on our present business-as-usual approach of emitting huge quantities of greenhouse gases. Humans would be wise to act forcefully to cut emissions of greenhouse gases, as the cost of inaction is highly likely to be far greater than the cost of action.
Once you strip away the econ jargon, the paper finds that electricity from coal imposes more damages on the U.S. economy than the electricity is worth. That's right: Coal-fired power is a net value-subtracting industry. A parasite, you might say. A gigantic, blood-sucking parasite that's enriching a few executives and shareholders at the public's expense.
“We are not going to suspend or de-bar BP from that lease sale. We have considered and thought about this issue quite a lot and we don’t think it is appropriate in these circumstances,” said Michael Bromwich, head of Interior’s Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, at a House hearing on the BP oil spill.
The river bore the legacy of more than a hundred years of acid runoff from the massive copper mine that gave Copperhill its name. Now, after 10 years of environmental cleanup that included building two massive water treatment plants on tributaries of the Ocoee, the river that gained fame as an Olympic whitewater course not only is meeting most water quality standards, but also is alive again.
"And right now, they're proposing here the largest gold mine in human history, the Pebble Mine, that's going to do catastrophic damage to the environment and the native community, in the premier wild salmon habitat in the world," she said. "So I'm not well-versed on the larger economic system, but I can relate to the idea of corporate wealth being lopsidedly in the hands of so few, when so many are struggling."
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[8] Bangkok's Governor Calls for Sandbags as Floods Besiege Thailand's Capitol: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-10-16/thailand-says-floodwaters-receding-won-
[9] Bangkok May Face New Eastern Flood Front: http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/bangkok-face-eastern-flood-front-1
[10] Thai PM warns Bangkok faces flood disaster: http://www.bradblog.comwww.cbc.ca/news/world/story/.../thailand-bangkok-flooding
[11] Heavy Rains Wreak Havoc Through Central America: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/17/world/americas/heavy-rains-wreak-havoc-through
[12] VIDEO: Epic dust storm descends on West Texas: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/nationnow/2011/10/epic-dust-storm-descends-on-we
[13] Perry Officials Censored Climate Change Report: The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality doesn't want you to know that climate change is causing sea level rise in Galveston Bay.: http://motherjones.com/politics/2011/10/perry-officials-censored-climate-report
[14] Rick Perry Officials Spark Revolt After Doctoring Environment Report: http://bit.ly/n8Q4Oc
[15] Gulf Algae Bloom Affects Much of Texas Gulf Coast: http://yhoo.it/onSeuM
[16] Perry Sharpens Rhetoric on Climate Science, Charges Data 'Manipulated' for Money: http://texasclimatenews.org/wp/?p=2439
[17] A Texas-Sized Scientific Revolt: http://bit.ly/pkx6TM
[18] Professor Says State Agency Censored Article: http://bit.ly/p5Td5I
[19] Top 10 Giveaways To Big Oil In Rick Perry’s ‘Jobs’ Plans: http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2011/10/14/344339/top-10-giveaways-to-big-oil-
[20] After Solyndra, Other Energy Loans Draw Scrutiny: http://www.npr.org/2011/10/03/141019154/solar-grantees-defend-loan-program
[21] Obama Rips GOP Defeatism: ‘I’m Not Going To Surrender To Other Countries’: http://thinkprogress.org/green/2011/10/06/337959/obama-castigates-gop-defeatism-
[22] Renewable Energy Fosters a Boom in Depressed German State: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/17/business/global/renewable-energy-fosters-a-boo
[23] California has 1 in 4 U.S. solar energy jobs: study: http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-solar-jobs-20111017,0,3230671.story
[24] Green Jobs Make Up 35% of Design and Construction Industry: “People Will Never Go Back to Building Inefficient Buildings”: http://thinkprogress.org/romm/2011/10/14/343295/green-jobs-design-and-constructi
[25] Debunking Another Green Jobs Attack by Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal: http://thinkprogress.org/romm/2011/10/11/340735/debunking-another-green-jobs-att
[26] The Washington Post’s boneheaded conventional wisdom on Solyndra: http://www.grist.org/solar-power/2011-10-11-the-washington-posts-conventional-wi
[27] Masters on “Unprecedented” Arctic Ozone Hole: Inaction Risks “Future Nasty Climate Change Surprises Far More Serious”: http://thinkprogress.org/romm/2011/10/09/339868/masters-arctic-ozone-hole-future
[28] Solar is getting cheap fast—pay attention, Very Serious People: http://www.grist.org/solar-power/2011-10-13-solar-getting-cheap-fast-very-seriou
[29] argues that PV will be the cheapest source of electricity for most of the world some time around 2018: http://www.grist.org/solar-power/2011-10-11-solar-pv-rapidly-becoming-cheapest-o
[30] Radioactivity to move up food chain from plankton near Fukushima : http://t.co/OB7tjkSH
[31] Coal is the enemy of the human race, mainstream economics edition: http://www.grist.org/coal/2011-09-30-coal-is-enemy-of-human-race-mainstream-econ
[32] Interior rebuffs call to bar BP from lease sale: http://thehill.com/blogs/e2-wire/e2-wire/187347-interior-rebuffs-call-to-bar-bp-
[33] U.S. sanctions BP, contractors for Gulf oil spill: http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/10/12/us-oil-spill-sanctions-idUSTRE79B7P420
[34] Keystone XL Pipeline: Eminent Domain Fight Has a Canadian Twist: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/18/us/transcanada-in-eminent-domain-fight-over-pi
[35] Judge Orders Review of Bush-Era Ruling on Polar Bears: http://nyti.ms/qPrtjz
[36] EPA Tries To Put To Rest 'Myth' of Farm Dust Rules: http://bit.ly/ovNXEW
[37] Long Ties to Koch Brothers Key to Cain's Campaign: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/extensive-ties-powerful-koch-group-boos
[38] Evidence Builds That Scientists nderplay Climate Impacts: http://bit.ly/rdwuN9
[39] Climate Change Poses Immediate Threat To Health: Experts: http://bit.ly/pJgyJl
[40] Salmon-Killing Virus Seen for 1st Time in Wild on Pacific Coast: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/18/science/18salmon.html
[41] House Republicans Score Another Symbolic Defeat for EPA --- This Time Over Toxic Coal Ash: http://bit.ly/o0axaP
[42] TN: 10 Years of Cleanup Bring Ocoee River Back to Life:: http://bit.ly/qppw0H
[43] News Analysis: Where Did Global Warming Go?: http://nyti.ms/reMJZC
[44] Climate Change is Shrinking Species, Research Suggests: http://bit.ly/nQPJNT
[45] 'Occupy the Tundra': One woman's lonely vigil in bush Alaska: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/nationnow/2011/10/bethel-occupy-the-tundra-faceb
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