Guns Galore: Fox Holds Up Chicago as An Example of the Failure of Gun Laws
Chicago had a very high number of murders in 2012, and it also has some of America's toughest gun control laws. This morning, America’s Newsroom tried to use that factoid to prove that gun control didn't work, and brought a scary liberal guest, the Rev. Jesse Jackson, onto the show to rub his face in it. Jackson, however, rose to the occasion effortlessly.
Read moreFox Tries To Blame Burglary On Journal News Gun Map
In yet another attempt to demonize and destroy the New York Journal News – the small Westchester newspaper that printed the names and addresses of gun owners - Fox & Friends baselessly tried to blame a burglary of one of the gun owners on the fact that his was one of the names and addresses published. Even though Fox host Judge Jeanine Pirro – who was also a guest on the show and another gun owner outed by the paper – made it clear there was no evidence of cause and effect.
Read moreBill O'Reilly Teases "Banning The Bible From The Inauguration" On The Factor
I know, putting Bill O'Reilly and "tease" in the same sentence is truly gag worthy. But snark aside, it isn't surprising to see that America's culture warrior in chief and Catholic role model Bill O'Reilly jump on board the newest outrage from the right wing church of the perpetually outraged; i.e. MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell's commentary about having US presidents swear on a book that's full of holy whoop ass. Yesterday, official Fox chaplain and Roger Ailes clergy mouthpiece, Fr. Jonathan Morris, preached the TOTALLY BOGUS Fox propaganda message that the evil, librul O'Donnell is calling for eliminating the bible at presidential inaugurations - a book that not all presidents have used and a book from which Thomas Jefferson excised all the miracles. And not to be outdone, it looks like Bill, as reported on the Fox News Insider, will doing more of the same in his upcoming segment about "banning the bible from the inauguration!" Wo-hoo!!!
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Is Bill O'Reilly Lying About Hawaii's Food Stamp Participation?
Bill O'Reilly appears to be banking on the saying about how if you repeat a lie often enough, it will be believed. Last week, in his second attempt, via his hired stalker Jesse Watters, O'Reilly tried to paint Hawaii, the home state of President Obama, as a "libertine" state full of mixed race people getting free stuff. In his video tutorial, Watters claimed that Hawaii has the highest rate of food stamp usage. That was wrong. Friday night, Bill O'Reilly began his segment, "exposing Hawaii's liberalism," with the same allegation about how Hawaii ranks "number one in food stamps." Once again, that's incorrect - at least according to the Murdoch owned Wall Street Journal. Is O'Reilly merely misinformed or is he lying to push his twisted agenda? Is he, as Senator Al Franken used to say, pulling facts out of his ass?
Read moreFox Nation Distorts Justice Sotomayor's Quote Regarding Affirmative Action
If there's one thing guaranteed to get Fox Nation residents drooling, it's affirmative action which, according to the Nation dwellers, represents an unfair advantage for those minorities who are on a much lower level than those fine white, Christians who inhabit the racist, apartheid Fox Nation. Fox Nation has this headline: "Sotomayor: My Race Got Me into Princeton." The thread links to a CBS 60 Minutes article titled "Sotomayor on Role Affirmative Action Played in her Life." In discussing her admission to Princeton, she mentioned that "affirmative action played a role in her admittance to Princeton." Key words here - "played a role" - in other words it was, as is the intent of affirmative action, part of a constellation of factors used for admittance to Princeton. She did not mention her "race" and did not state that affirmative action "got" her admission to Princeton. But yeah, I'm sure that lots of Fox Nation denizens were rejected from Princeton because of those unworthy "races."
Memo To Fr. Jonathan Morris - God NOT Mentioned In the Constitution
Fr. Jonathan Morris is Fox News' primary go to source for Catholic infused right wing propaganda (or right wing infused Catholic propaganda); but he is so not a Constitutional scholar. That he should stick to forgiving sins (but not those of Fox News) and opining on the hottest trends in right wing memes was underscored by today's attack on MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell who, despite Fr. Johnny's best Broadway delivery, wasn't calling for the removal of the bible from presidential inaugurations. During his almost histrionic spittle fest, the sweet little padre claimed that O'Donnell was part of an imaginary (and very scary) group of activists who are trying to remove God from the money, the court house walls, and the Constitution. Problem here is that God is NOT mentioned in the Constitution - anywhere. This isn't the first time that Roger Ailes' special friend has made this mistake. No wonder Fox viewers are misinformed!
Fr. Jonathan Morris Attacks Lawrence O'Donnell As A God Hater!
As the mouthpiece for the Christian right, Fox News is always willing to promote whatever the church of the perpetually outraged is outraged about. Their new hissy fit involves the withdrawal of the pastor, who had been invited to give the benediction at the presidential inauguration, over publicity about his past anti-gay commentary.This prompted howls of outrage from the right wing including Fox's Todd Starnes who urged Christians to fight the gay bullies. More outrage when MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell, in discussing this issue on his show, snarked about the necessity of having the president take his oath on the bible - a book that teaches that homosexuality is a sin. Newsbusters Noel Sheppard called it a "disgraceful tirade" and the homophobic, pedophile priest defender, anti-Semitic Bill Donohue said that President Obama should take the oath on Karl Marx's Das Kapital. And today, Fox's one true priest for the perpetually outraged, Fr. Jonathan, Morris, devoted his weekly Fox & Friends sermon to Lawrence O'Donnell's comments which, in true Fox fashion, were distorted but Father knows best?!
Read more11 Out Of 12 Fox Nation Posts 'On Fire' Oppose Gun Control
Think Fox Nation reflects America? While Americans generally favor more gun control, you'd never know it from checking out the "on fire" posts at the "fair and balanced" web site.
Read moreFox News: Trillion Dollar Coin Will Weigh 17,774 Tons
For those of you not familiar with the story of the trillion dollar coin, here’s a very concise overview of why the idea is being considered. When you’re finished, you’ll understand exactly why the GOP is terrified of the coin being minted, even to the point of creating a bill trying to stop that from happening. Fox is contributing to the discussion by expecting their viewers to believe that such a coin would be made out of a trillion dollars of platinum, and weigh roughly 17,774 tons. Or, as Fox quaintly also put it, equal in weight to 89 blue whales. Or a ballistic missile submarine.
Read moreKrauthammer Wrongly Says Assault Weapons Ban 'Didn't Work'
On the January 9 Special Report, the "All-Star" panel discussed what the Obama administration might do about gun control. Charles Krauthammer opined that there will probably be an assault weapons ban like the last one but which “didn’t work.” But Krauthammer is wrong.
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