By: Jason EasleyNov. 20th, 2012more from Jason Easley
Changing demographics aren’t just winning elections, they are also reshaping cable news. MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell beat their Fox News competition every day last week in the key 25-54 demo.
According to TVNewser, “For the week of November 12-16, Maddow’s 9 p.m. program averaged 480,000 A25-54 viewers, while “Hannity” had 439,000. In the 10 p.m. timeslot, “The Last Word” averaged 396,000 viewers in the demo, and “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren” had 362,000.” Thanks to Bill O’Reilly, Fox News edged MSNBC in total prime time 25-54, 454,000-420,000. Partially due to the fact that they are available in more homes, Fox News still dominates in total viewers, but the fact that younger viewers are powering MSNBC is a definite threat to the Fox News empire.
Fox News has the oldest audience in television. The average Fox News viewer is 65 years old. In 2010 the average MSNBC viewer was 59, but they are the top cable news network with both African Americans and younger viewers.
One of the trends that has not been discussed is the fact that the audience fueling MSNBC’s rise shares many characteristics in common with the coalition that turned out to the polls to reelect Barack Obama. A new report from the Pew Center Project for Excellence in Journalism found that MSNBC and Fox News tilted their coverage in opposite directions during the final week of the presidential campaign, “In the final week of the campaign, both Fox News and MSNBC became even more extreme in how they differed from the rest of the press in coverage of the two candidates. On Fox News, the amount of negative coverage of Obama increased-from 47% in the first four weeks of October to 56% the final week. Meanwhile, positive discussion of Romney grew, from 34% of segments to 42%. On MSNBC, the positive coverage of Obama increased from 33% during most of October to 51% during the last week, while Romney’s negative coverage increased from 57% to 68%.”
It isn’t a coincidence that as MSNBC’s ratings have increased in direct relationship to their positive coverage of Obama. Fox News viewers will be comforted by the fact that they still lead by a large margin in total viewership, but MSNBC is gaining on them. The aging of the population will continue to benefit Fox News in the short term, but the demographic shift that tilted the 2012 election to the Democrats is also impacting cable news.
MSNBC is building a coalition that can win a demo today, and could challenge Fox News for cable news supremacy tomorrow. MSNBC is on the rise. If the 2012 election does translate into a leftward shift, Fox News’ days of ratings supremacy may be numbered.
Since election day, Rachel Maddow has been beating Sean Hannity in the key demo ratings. Fox News has re ...
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The bad news keeps coming for MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann. The 2010 ratings data is starting to trickle in, ...
The first month plus at MSNBC A.K. (After Keith) has been a mixed bag. On the upside Rachel Maddow’s rat ...
The cable news ratings for the third quarter of 2010 were released today, and Fox News is showing signs ...
clarence swinney
Nov. 20th, 2012 at 9:28 am
10 years 2001-2010
total loss of revenue(borrowed)=$1901 Billion
Gifs to rich
bottom 60%=16.4%=Yuk!
For Hostess farce
john nichols the “Vulture capitalism ate your twinkes”
Simmons Mattress deja vu
Rate this comment: 19 1
Shiva (Moderator)
Nov. 20th, 2012 at 9:36 am
Who is getting the under 59 viewer?
Im glad MSNBC is doing this. Hannity is probably the biggest liar on TV along with Steve Doocy
Greta’s only clear call to fame now is the fact she has a relationship with Palin
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Nov. 20th, 2012 at 9:48 am
I no longer get MSNBC because Comcast charges $35 more a month. Yet I can get Fox News and CNN at a lower monthly rate. It’s curious, since Comcast owns NBC.
Level the playing field and MSNBC will get more viewers than Fox.
Well-rated. - Rate this comment: 63 1
Nov. 20th, 2012 at 11:16 am
Well if FOX average is over 65, just the ‘demographics’ and natural life span is reuducing their numbers daily.
Rate this comment: 17 1
John Clark
Nov. 20th, 2012 at 11:22 am
I am 67 and I would rather roll naked in broken glass than watch fox.
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Nov. 20th, 2012 at 10:08 pm
69 here and you took the words right out of my mouth.
It is age discrimination to assume that seniors are stupid enough to listen to FOX.
I was born smart and did not lose any intelligence as I got older, just got wiser !
Rate this comment: 20 1
Leaning Left
Nov. 20th, 2012 at 11:39 am
This white 62 year old has been watching MSNBC for years. FOX is for ignorant, scared, white people.
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Nov. 20th, 2012 at 1:22 pm
61 year-old white lady here. College and law school educated, which is likely why I cannot watch the idiocy that is Fox “News.”
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Nov. 20th, 2012 at 11:46 am
I think it is a revelation that homes receive FOX and CNN but must pay Comcast more for MSNBC. No wonder they have a bigger share ratings. Also this seems like the way Comcast can support right wing media and suppress left wing media. Very interesting.
Does anyone else see a problem with news bias with this policy by cable companies?
Rate this comment: 19 1
Nov. 20th, 2012 at 1:40 pm
What I find scary is that the right are now getting rid of progressive talk radio stations. KPOJ (Portland) was taken down without warning last week and Clear Channel turned it into a THIRD sports station. (There are three right-wing radio stations serving that market, at least one of which is connected to Clear Channel.)
Seattle’s KPTK is about to be flipped from progressive to sports also. Another progressive talk radio is going down as well.
And, BTW, KPOJ and KPTK were the only progressive commercial radio stations in those LIBERAL markets, while Right-wing radio is offered in 2-3 radio stations in those markets.
Here in Los Angeles (also a very BLUE market), we have four Right-wing talk radio stations and one part-time Progressive radio station.
Propaganda is being fed into these markets and it is a true testament to the good people in these markets that they still vote BLUE!…
Rate this comment: 14 0
Nov. 20th, 2012 at 2:37 pm
In South Florida, the last progressive station was replaced by the FIFTH Sports station in the market back in 2010. The liberal bastion of South Florida has no liberal AM talk stations but several right-wing vacuum chambers.
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A Walkaway
Nov. 22nd, 2012 at 10:36 am
Vacuum as in sucking the brains out of the listeners?
To think I actually used to listen to them… especially Rush Limbaugh (20 plus years ago).
Maybe getting rid of the right-wing vacuum was what started my brains to function, and I began to realize that THEY were the source of the evil I saw almost every day.
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Nov. 20th, 2012 at 12:18 pm
I am a nurse working in a very conservative county in Texas. I hear the most hateful and misonformed things from mostly elderly and always white folks either in my care or as family members of patient I care for. There is a direct coorelation between the hateful rhetoric and attitudes and one thing. FOX NEWS!! What is interesting is that these people by and large appear to be courteous, kind, and thoughful while at the same time repeating the propaganda spewed from this tabloid “news” station. I try to be tactful when I come across these despicable comments and shed a little light on their darkened minds. I act always with love and respect, while offering up the facts in a non-confrontational manner. It is ss sad to see nice people warped into believing the crap that FOX News peddles for profit. I wish and I pray that people who watch tripe like this wake up to the realization that Fox is a contemptible and very un-american cable news channel that is only ho9lding our nation back, and making enemies where there should not be any. DIE FOX NEWS!!!
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Robert Bernardi
Nov. 20th, 2012 at 1:07 pm
I use to find Fox News entertaining and I would have to admit I likes some of their views but being a Democrate never really agreed with most of their positions. As time passed while watching O’Reilly or Hannity if a guest did not agree with their position of a topic that person would just be ignored. Their motto of Fair and Balanced left me to wonder. I now watch MSNBC and to be realistic they are as to the left as Fox is to the right. At least they will listen to an opposing view. The cable news merry go round is a part of our culture now and all I would ask of people is not to just rely on one source. You have to be able to listen to both sides of an argument and maybe even read a few articles until you can make an informative decision. God help me did I say READ. Just try to stay informed.
Rate this comment: 9 1
A Walkaway
Nov. 22nd, 2012 at 10:42 am
More false equivalence.
There is no comparison… in fact, numerous research articles (using linguistic content and discourse analysis) have shown that ALL of the reporting is actually very conservative (with maybe one or two exceptions) as well as racist. Even the most accurate and best of them all, NPR, gets things wrong at times – always with a conservative slant.
I proved it to myself, when I examined the reporting on the Jena 6 situation. Turns out the only accurate source who had all of the facts was an internet website dedicated to defending the Jena 6… and they were derided as communists and socialists.
I compared what was reported to official documents (court records, eyewitness statements, official reports, sworn testimony).
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Nov. 20th, 2012 at 2:23 pm
Being an educated 74 year old, I have never been able to tolerate Faux Newsbabble and have watched MSNBC since its inception as a news broadcasting network. As do most of my peer group. I remember both Maddow and O’Donnell when they were substitutes for the now defunct Keith Olbermann hour. They earned their own shows. As far as I know not one of us have ever been surveyed.
IMHO both Rachel and Lawrence are Amercian Treasures. So much for demographics.
Perhaps the demographics don’t take into account our activities in the 60s, the 70s and onwards, underestimating the elders who are still alive and well, on Medicare and (goddess forbid!) social security.
We care a lot about the issues we are ALL facing, who doesn’t? . We even have more time to be proactive. But perhaps we should keep this a secret? ;)
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D. W. Skinner
Nov. 20th, 2012 at 2:48 pm
I am betting FOX is on its way out… people are just sick to death of the negativity and now its widely known that they lied and lied and lied to their own viewers making them think Romney was winning by a landslide..
Rate this comment: 9 0
Nov. 20th, 2012 at 3:10 pm
I’m an MSNBC fanatic i must admit!
My favorite thing about them is, tho’ they clearly lean to the left, they admit that to start with.
They have people on who represent both sides of the issue and MOST IMPORTANT, they let their guests speak. They don’t talk over them, yell at them, or cut them off. They respect the viewer enough to let us hear BOTH sides and make our own judgement. When you respect ME, I respect YOU!
Congratulations to MSNBC! Well deserved!!
Rate this comment: 13 0
Joanne Lohuis
Nov. 20th, 2012 at 3:15 pm
We can blame Fox News for swaying the population, but it seems to me that as human beings, we seek what we already believe. I watch MSNBC because I think they are smart and well-informed. AND because their bias is like mine. Let’s not pretend these Fox News watchers aren’t watching Fox for the same reason. To support their already small-minded, self-centered, ill-informed opinions that women and minorities are incroaching on the “rights” of white men. Middle-aged white woman here …
Rate this comment: 6 1
Nov. 20th, 2012 at 10:14 pm
Which came first the chicken or the egg.
I believe the idiot, ignorant, low hanging fruit came first and the faux political shows came about because of the ready made audience.
Rush Limbaugh is prime example. He plays to the ignorance, racist bigots that are out there waiting to be affirmed by an someone who they THINK believes as they do and appreciates them.
Limbaugh is just another grifter taking advantage of people who like to be affirmed in what they ALREADY believe.
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Mel Haun Sr
Nov. 20th, 2012 at 3:42 pm
I turn the Channel to MSNBC every evening at about 2000hr ( sometimes earlier )and usually leave it there till they start to repeat. If I miss the broadcasts, I get it on cable the next day. Thank goodness for the whole crew, Rachael, Ed, and all the rest.
Rate this comment: 7 1
Nov. 20th, 2012 at 5:10 pm
MSNBC, although has a liberal slant, is more even than just about any other news source. Rachel is level-headed and smart and she has a great sense of humor as well.
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Cindy Garcia
Nov. 20th, 2012 at 6:10 pm
I am a white, female Registered Pharmacist and will be 65 in 2 days, but I WILL NEVER watch Fox News (unless I want a good laugh). Oh, and I am not gay, but Rachel Maddow is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. She’s right up there with Michelle Obama.
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Thomas Kent
Nov. 20th, 2012 at 7:16 pm
I’m 66 (will be 67 in January) and I watch MSNBC. Thankfully, my local cable company ( carries MSNBC.
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Nov. 20th, 2012 at 10:00 pm
61-year-old white lady here; ex-software geek. Literally grew up with the Internet. Well-read, History Minor.
Knew too much history either to remain a Republican or an Evangelical. Plus, I have a functioning memory and a great bu11sh1t alarm.
If I watch Fox for 30 seconds, I’m laughing.
If I watch it for 5 minutes, I’m sad for the poor fools who trust them.
If I watch it for 30 minutes, I feel suicidal.
Pure pure poison, & every propaganda trick Goebbels ever recommended. Atwater & Ailes knew what they were doing.
Rate this comment: 4 0
Nov. 20th, 2012 at 10:21 pm
I’m 64 (today!), white, and a devoted watcher of MSNBC, tho I change to The Young Turks, Eliot Spitzer and my former governor Jennifer Granholm on Current on occasion. However, the best progressive talk show host is not on MSNBC or Current. You have to go on the computer to get Thom Hartmann on Freespeech TV, but it is worth it. Hartmann combines intelligence,a variety of topics as befits a true renaissance man, and brings Republicans and Libertarians on his show and debates them in an atmosphere of mutual respect. He is the class of talk media regardless of political persuasion.
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Nov. 22nd, 2012 at 2:01 am
Happy birthday!
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Nov. 20th, 2012 at 10:47 pm
Fox News is rapidly becoming a laughing stock and this was reinforced on election eve when they melted down right along with Karl Rove in front of millions.
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Nov. 21st, 2012 at 12:18 am
Rachel wins with me hands down. MSNBC is a great news station…love watching it up here in Canada.
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A Walkaway
Nov. 22nd, 2012 at 10:46 am
Rachael is the only one that I consider to be truly liberal, although I must also say that I don’t watch the news or TV any more (can’t afford cable or to hook up an external antenna – and our TV is an old-style analog only used only to watch DVDs and videotapes).
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Warren Hart
Nov. 21st, 2012 at 1:56 am
I’m a white male in my mid 50′s and I only watch MSNBC. I found that MSNBC is the only TV news that even tries to have an honest debate about the real issues. I think Rachel Maddow is the best, though there’s no one on I dislike. Rachel has more information in an hour than the rest have all day long. The best and most intelligent contributor is Joy Reid though I enjoy most of them. Anyway, that’s my 2 cents.
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Gosto Tothiwim
Nov. 21st, 2012 at 3:21 am
I’m 65 and thankful to have avoided the senility required to watch Fox.
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