terrypinder's Profile
Earth and physical sciences. Professional Curmudgeonist. Gardener. Writer. #lgtbi left massa's religion alone along time ago.
Real Name: awildguess take
DOB: Gen X/Y Cusp
Gender: a dude who digs other dudes
Location: Salusa Secundus, Pennsylvania, stuck in this one, 17061
Occupation: twitter porn star
Groups: SciTech, Black Kos community, DKos Pennsylvania, Geeks, Hurricane Kos, Philly Kos, The Royal Manticoran Rangers, Barriers and Bridges
Hobbies: writing, geophysics, cartography, science, reality, gardening, assorted misanthropy
Home Page: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=35900721
Twitter: shortstack81
LinkedIn: hahahahahahahah
Diaries published: 127 (21 days since last diary on Mon Jan 14, 2013 at 05:13 PM PST)
Comments posted: 48336 (0 days since last comment on Mon Feb 04, 2013 at 12:55 PM PST)
Diary frequency: often
Comment frequency: frequent
Total Recommends: 7179
Total Comment Ratings: 278623
Most Recommended Diary: According to the Washington Post's Sally Quinn, atheists can't claim citizenship, 423 comments, 532 recommends
People Following terrypinder: 125
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terrypinder's Most Recent Diaries:
In the wake of Aaron Swartz's suicide after being hounded by Federal prosecutors , I wondered if people knew where to find peer-reviewed articles for free.
It's tough.
JSTOR and many other ...
by terrypinder
49 comments on Mon Jan 14, 2013 at 05:13 PM PST with 38 Recommends |
National Palace in ruins
Late in the afternoon on the 12th of January, 2010, the three million or so residents and visitors on Haiti's southwestern peninsula were going about their business. In Port-
by terrypinder
7 comments on Sat Jan 12, 2013 at 01:53 PM PST with 10 Recommends |
News broke last night about a potentially exciting discovery. Tau Ceti might have a family of planets , one of them quite possibly, in the sweet spot for life.
by terrypinder
54 comments on Wed Dec 19, 2012 at 09:23 AM PST with 153 Recommends |
I’m about bloody sick of this. So here we go:
by terrypinder
325 comments on Mon Dec 17, 2012 at 05:56 AM PST with 293 Recommends |
Hi there, and welcome aboard. We’re going to be doing some causality violating here in our time machine, so please keep all your fingers inside the time machine so we don't cause any intentional ...
by terrypinder
24 comments on Wed Nov 28, 2012 at 07:36 AM PST with 29 Recommends |
In late summer of 1996 a hurricane moved northwest toward the US East Coast. This hurricane was named Edouard, and at one point, it was forecast to continue on that northwest track and strike near ...
by terrypinder
13 comments on Wed Oct 31, 2012 at 08:20 AM PDT with 17 Recommends |
Recommended by terrypinder
- Monday is here one more time and the opportunity for science talk is here once again. Time to brighten your day with selections from science sites across the globe. New discoveries, new takes on ...7 comments 21 Recs
- Gretchen Morgenstern of the NYTimes joins the list of people writing critical summations of Geithner's term at Treasury as if the economy consisted only of Wall Street banks and as if the major ...223 comments 25 Recs
- Vicente Guerrero, Afro-Indio 2nd president of Mexico, who abolished slavery in 1829 Once again, the month ...192 comments 136 Recs
- Within the last hour, the French National Assembly has just (2 Feburary) adopted by 249 for and 97 against the first article of the gay marriage. French members of parliament (known as deputies) ...58 comments 55 Recs
- Well not quite! Last June I was fortunate to be able to attend NN12. It was my fist time at Netroots and I had never attended a convention that didn't involve comic books, D&D;, music, at least ...55 comments 61 Recs
- Late Friday, the ex-gay group Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays (PFOX) submitted an amicus brief in the Supreme Court case seeking the restoration of California's Proposition 8. The brief, viewable ...38 comments 76 Recs
- The logo sure does sound official, doesn't it? Well, given the diaries posted thus far, all of which explain some essentials of geology, including the larger tri-series on the Colorado Plateau, I ...65 comments 59 Recs
- Fortunately not in Oregon because an injunction stopped the killing and the populations stabilized. But in other western states the numbers are grim for one of the top three predators native to this ...261 comments 188 Recs
- If you want to get a taste of the unscientific claptrap frequently being paraded in fundie circles, Kevin Swanson of Generations Radio gave us a lulu on his Thursday podcast. Swanson had as his ...126 comments 130 Recs
- Commentary: African American Scientists and Inventors by Black Kos Editor, Sephius1 In a career spanning over forty years, Howard S. Jones , Jr. has become one of our nation's most respected ...131 comments 97 Recs