"Help The BRAD BLOG Continue to Make Enemies!"
(26 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
Jeannie Dean
said on 5/7/2011 @ 5:14 pm PT...
You GOT it. Happily. I still owe you that fifty spot from last year when I canceled my annual subscription with the New York Times after YOU exposed them for getting the ACORN / PIMP SCANDAL so unforgivably wrong.
Been meaning to slip that in the mail along with my NEW fifty dollars from that same canceled NYT subscription.
I love this blog. I thank *god* (or whoevs) everyday that I still have one real news source I can trust.
Thank you for everything, Brad. Checks in the mail, next round of drinks is on me *DRESDEN TIME!* for rils...
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
sausage packer
said on 5/7/2011 @ 6:28 pm PT...
Why don't you just call the good folks at johnsonville sausage (WI) and ask them for some free wurst for a brat fry?
It works for metcalfe's market (a sentry store) in Madison, they hold the "world's largest brat fest" to raise money with free sausages from johnsonville.
Don't let anyone know you are selling johnsonville brats for a fundraiser though; because, just like in madison, good union folks might organize a boycott or your little brat fry and hold a much larger one featuring sausages that are not so highly processed with pig and chicken feces and moldy excrement encrusted intestines for casings.
Yup, those johnsonville wursts are just slimy and gross - no liberal or progressive would ever want to buy them.
So if you get some free sausages from them for your fundraiser, brad, you might want to keep your sources "under your hat".
How do I know that johnsonville products are so contaminated and unhealthy? EASY - I'M A SAUSAGE PACKER!
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 5/7/2011 @ 6:43 pm PT...
"Sausage Packer" - We don't have many rules for commenting at The BRAD BLOG, but one of them is to pick a name and stick with it. As you've previously commented here many times as "Stop Koch Crimes", it'd be appreciated if you stuck to that name. Thanks!
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
Carla Corman
said on 5/7/2011 @ 6:44 pm PT...
Has anyone noticed that Andrew Brietbart has been making the rounds promoting his book. C-Span had him on the other day and did not correct him on the fake ACORN story. I could not get through, and they did not read my e-mail. What a delusional character. He actually believes himself.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
Bamboo Harvester
said on 5/7/2011 @ 6:56 pm PT...
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
sausage packer
said on 5/7/2011 @ 7:52 pm PT...
oh, that guy that links to the pics of old moldy sausages? That's pretty funny, but not me.
But hey, I will post as I like and you can do what you like.
Not like you're the only blog out there and I will use whatever name I choose and people I share an ip address will do likewise.
And please be more accommodating of reader's needs. I would think a "liberal" blog would be more understanding of the diverse needs of readers.
Hey, some of us can't keep our personalities straight if we don't take our medication daily - and being "normal" all the time ain't no fun, so some of us take occasional "breaks" from our the routines our shrinks have us on.
Surely you have something better to do than hassle posters that are not trolling with wingnut talking points.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
sausage packer
said on 5/7/2011 @ 7:53 pm PT...
and I told you where to get free brats for your blog fundraiser too...
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 5/7/2011 @ 10:26 pm PT...
Thanks for keeping up with the blog, while you may not notice it much, many international readers come here to keep up to date with numerous on-goings in the world that is, the USA. Your coverage on the Wisconsin stuff is basically the only real news i've seen on the whole stupid situation there. thank you.
If I can I'll try to donate.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
Soul Rebel
said on 5/7/2011 @ 11:40 pm PT...
purchaser of johnsonville no more.... but lay off brad and give him some money.
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 5/8/2011 @ 1:34 am PT...
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
Jeannie Dean
said on 5/8/2011 @ 6:11 am PT...
Dear Sausage-Stopping-Koch-Packer Guy ~
Wow, fella.
Brad's a little busy right now trying to get a handle on so many *gross* anomalies, rampant violations of election law, and trying to track the ever-shifting recount numbers coming in from all over WI.,YOUR state recount (which would seem like a reasonable thing for you to show some interest in and not have any desire to detract from, but whatevs! I can see that's not your style) - so I'm gonna field this one for him so he can get back to work...
I've read you. And for the most part, enjoyed reading your comments, no matter how many times you "forget to turn off your boldness" as Larry B. observed. And I thought you had really interesting points about boycotts as an effective means to make a REAL social change. Tho' I don't think that's as effective and important as CLEAN ELECTIONS, but that certainly has it's place in these discussions and I looked forward to hearing what you had to bring to the table.
But you have suddenly morphed into a giant TURD. Why? What for? What have we ever done to you except read you, give you a place to vent, and promise not to buy Johnsonville feces encrusted sausages at your bold and repeated behest (*see? I listen.)
As Brad took the time to explain to you the other day, you were *not* placed on moderation by Brad when you started screeching foul, albeit as your former, sausage-alter-ego self. In the throes of your ignorance you called Brad all kinds of silly names, most of which were far beneath your level of creative skill.
You should know that all of have all had comments fall into the mod limbo from time to time, knowing Brad will fish them out when he can. He doesn't have a staff of thousands like your Johnsonville sausage king Nemesis...he's just one guy...
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
Jeannie Dean
said on 5/8/2011 @ 6:15 am PT...
(sausage spank cont'd):
...The Brad Blog flows pretty darn unfiltered, free and open with comments, posts from ALL KINDS OF "NOT LIBERALS" (and let that shite go, already - none of us here are liberals anymore, not even the LIBERALS.)
These rules have been thoughtfully set up to avoid "flash mobs" of the very Johnsonville Sausage Corporate Minions you keep screaming at us to fight. Well, you'll find they show up right here at the Bradblog - only one or two sausage packers turd encrusted trolls, posting under a thousand different user names. They pose as lots of different people to create the false ILLUSION of majority concensus.
It's very, very creepy. And dangerous.
And funny, every time they descend on us it seems to coincide with Brad reporting some new wonky election horror. Please, it takes all of our collective energy to back smack 'em back to the fiery rings of a Breitbart-ian Devil's playground.
Brad needs some help, here. If you're not going to chip in some dough, then please get out of the way so Brad can continue to fight the people you want him to fight, instead of nit-picking him / attacking and insulting us from the sidelines because you're not getting enough attention. This is not DKOS.
The Johnsonville Sausage packer's trolls are on their way here as we speak...O, are they ever.
Help us fight or please shut up. Thanks.
(Are you a heavy drinker? Not judging...I am too. Just curious.)
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
sausage packer
said on 5/8/2011 @ 6:38 am PT...
Hey, instead of brats, why don't you just sell your soul like the other superblogs that stand for nothing for than an alternative version of atrio's "101st keyboarding brigade".
Its so LOL funny that atrios wants to mock them, because he is all keyboarding and no bite either!
Raising money is something blogs have been effective at, BUT SO WHAT!
As important as some stories here are, they mean nothing without someone organizing meaningful action - ECONOMIC BOYCOTTS.
But that dialog does not happen here - I have yet to see you chime in, brad.
And the rest of the superblogs actually will flame and ban that talk.
So I can't give you money because it won't result in anything that will change anything anyhow.
Good luck - I think you should just get some of those free johnsonville turds (think they have a charity program) and start holdin' brat frys.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
sausage packer
said on 5/8/2011 @ 6:41 am PT...
Jeannie - you are another one of the "101st Keyboarding Brigade"!
Great smack, lady, but doesn't mean CRAP if you wont boycott the folks who fund everything you gripe about.
And if we don't have a robust disucssion in the open about how we have ORGANIZED boycotts, the folks we individually choose not to support don't give a damn because no one else knows we are withholding our dollars and no one else is being encoruaged likewise.
In fact, jeanne, you want to shut people up.
Pound on your keyboard and pretend you have just made a meaningful stand.
Enjoy your johnsonville brats this summer.
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
sausage packer
said on 5/8/2011 @ 7:24 am PT...
Great post here at Dkos - increasingly a good source of info on what is happening in WI, even covering the recount/election fraud (surprise, surprise, surprise!)
I can describe the exact moment of conception. On the evening of September 22nd, 1880, Father John O’Malley was sharing a meal with American journalist James Redpath. At some point in the meal the priest noticed that the American had stopped eating. When queried, Redpath explained, “I am bothered about a word. When a people ostracize a land grabber..." And Redpath struggled for a moment, before explaining, "But ostracism won't do" The priest, according to Redpath, "tapped his big forehead, and said, 'How would it do to call it "to boycott him?” Mr. Redpath wrote, “He was the first man who uttered the word, and I was the first who wrote it.” (Talks About Ireland, 1881) And thus was born another contribution to the English language. Of course the importance of this invention requires a little explination.
Damn, a diarist at kos gets it, and no one here will say BOO!
Brad, when you get your money to keep up your bloggin' will you please reconsider your position on supporting and advocating meaningful action so that we can that this to the next level and do the next right thing?
Bloggin' is fun, potentially can carry many messages, BUT IT ISN'T MEANINGFUL ACTION.
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
sausage packer
said on 5/8/2011 @ 7:26 am PT...
Here's link to rest of post - some good stuff here, I hope people take their fingers off "home row" for a few minutes and actually read what someone else has to say about how MEANINGFUL ACTION CREATED ALL THE CHANGE WE TAKE FOR GRANTED TODAY.
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
sausage packer
said on 5/8/2011 @ 7:27 am PT...
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
Off the Grid
said on 5/8/2011 @ 9:36 am PT...
awesome. divide and conquer is working. buy now.
Bloggin' is fun, potentially can carry many messages, BUT IT ISN'T MEANINGFUL ACTION.Amen!
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 5/8/2011 @ 12:21 pm PT...
"Stop Koch Crimes/Sausage Packer" -
Up until now, you have had free reign to post whatever you like, no matter how inflammatory, in comments, and you have done so, repeatedly in thread after thread. I've enjoyed many of your comments, and have appreciated your blogging activism, even on threads where it was not particularly appropriate, and even where you made inappropriately idiotic (and inaccurate) attacks on me, serving only to make a fool of yourself.
I even allowed you to continue commenting here after you'd violated one of the very few rules for commenting at The BRAD BLOG, by commenting under a different name, because I believed your heart was in the right place, and you deserved a chance to set things right after I gave you that warning.
But rather than make amends for that, you not only continued to disrespect that polite request, you have now broken a second commenting rule, in personally attacking another commenters. As noted in those few rules for commenting at The BRAD BLOG, you are free to attack me all you wish, along with other public figures. You are not, however, free to personally attack other commenters.
Give your blatant disregard for our very few rules for commenting here, despite polite warnings, your comment will now automatically be put into the Moderated Queue. They will be posted if you post under your original name "Stop Koch Crimes", if you mind our rules about personal attacks against other commenters, if the comments are germane to the topic at hand, and when either I or one of our moderators has the time to check the queue and approve the comment or delete it, as appropriate, as we can and as we wish.
I'm sorry you felt it necessary to belligerently and repeatedly abuse and disrespect our open commenting rules --- among the most open and unrestricted in the entire blogosphere --- and that in doing so you have decided to waste my time so that I've got to treat you like a kindergartner and approve/disapprove everything you post here. But you've presented me no choice.
If you continue to do so, your comments will simply be deleted automatically, since I really don't have time for this shit.
By the way, when you personally attack Jeannie Dean as part of the "101st keyboarding brigade", you succeed only, once again, in making a jackass of yourself. If you bothered to learn who and what you were talking about before shooting off your mouth, you'd have discovered that Jeannie Dean is one of the Election Integrity Movement's most valuable assets, as she has spent untold hours over the years on the ground in places like Florida, New Hampshire and elsewhere, documenting electoral disasters on video tape, holding election officials' feet to the fire while overseeing and documenting "recounts" and other pre- and post-election procedures for the world. She has done that, as well as spent untold hours organizing on Internet, and working with people on the ground in every corner of the nation for the bulk of the past decade, all on her own dime and on her own time.
You would be wise to figure out who your friends are, and who your enemies are, before making enemies of all of them next time. I hope you'll reconsider your otherwise well-meaning intentions and tactics in the very near future. You could have made a great difference in an important fight. Sadly, you've chosen instead to cut off your own nose to spite your own face while wasting all of our time in the bargain. What a stupid pity.
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
said on 5/9/2011 @ 4:55 am PT...
While I agree that criticism of Ms. Dean is totally unwarranted, lets not throw the baby out with the bathwater here. Massive, coordinated economic boycotts are truly one of the best, and sometimes the only, way to force change from the bottom up. Corporations (and many of those who run them) are greedy, souless and psychopathic. The only way to "hit em where it hurts" is to cut off their money, which is the blood those vampires suck from the rest of us. Let us not forget this extremely important fact.
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
Jeannie Dean
said on 5/9/2011 @ 11:21 am PT...
I wasn't (and haven't) condemned BOYCOTTS, LMK. In fact, I have already *added* Johnsonville sausages to my list of products NEVER to buy again. Read up, please.
My post to Mr. Sausage was about his tone, his attacks, and his TIME-SUCKAGE away From Brad when we need his focus elsewhere. His assistance (and yours) to fight the bigger fight against the very same people he is honking on mightily about.
Boycotts are great. So are clean elections.
We need both.
And we need our time (and some scant amount of respect amongst us, to fight them).
If you don't get that, then I have nothing further to be gained by talking to you.
Please, everyone, give Brad some dough.
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
said on 5/10/2011 @ 6:06 am PT...
Umm, not sure where you got the idea was implying anything to the contrary, Jeanne. My point was a general one, so sorry for the confusion if I wasn't clear. And there can be a connection between economic boycotts and supporting Brad. Take some of the money we don't spend on the corporate vampires and kick it Brad's way.
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
rainbow sally
said on 5/16/2011 @ 12:59 am PT...
Brad, the Japanese finally admitted that the fuel rods were 2800 degrees C. This should have been known by the explosions themselves. Hydrogen and oxygen in the precise amounts that are MOST explosive are obtained from the dissociation of water. (The Zircalloy story was BS.)
Here's how we knew. scroll down about 40% and look at the Thermal decomposition of water
Why aren't the scientists on the ball here? Not much of a commendation for education is it? And when will they look into hydrogen and electric powered vehicles (including propagation and generation) interms of the materials required, waste generated and economies benefitted?
And we'd have to suddenly junk all our old cars and by these modern UFO's?
Are scientists STUPID, or just devoid of conscience?
Anyway, the hydrogen was from dissociation of H2O by heat.
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
said on 5/16/2011 @ 8:52 am PT...
... rainbow sally said...
"(The Zircalloy story was BS.)"
Er, no.
For the same volume of water the zirconium oxidation reaction produces much more hydrogen at much lower temperatures than straight thermal dissociation .
That's chemistry
And likewise the hydrogen explosions at the other units can not be declared to be solely the result of other meltdowns.
(BTW: It's a good idea to preface things like this with an off-topic marker so as to remind folks of the actual purpose of the thread
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
said on 5/16/2011 @ 2:52 pm PT...
I am a long time reader and post from time to time. Recently I have been posting to complain about Facebook not allowing me to post links. I have found that when certain web site links are posted to my news stream, many are not allowed and removed after posting. Some simply won't post while others like yours sometimes post, but only the link with out headings, titles, subtitles nor thumbnails. Now I have noticed while posting Facebook status or links, that more and more website's URLs, like move to amend dot org, will not even allow the post unless it is spelled out and *not* a fully qualified URL. This is scrubbing my info stream as it appears to post at first, but view your post in an other window or refresh your screen and it disappears.
Written to Facebook and have gotten no reply.... anyone else notice this?
Brad is definitely on their list...
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
Jeannie Dean
said on 5/17/2011 @ 3:20 am PT...
YES, I've noticed a LOT TeknikAL - and have tried repeatedly to find a work around. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, cuz it really really is a *bitch* and COMPLETELY limits his circulation.
We KNOW Brad's on AOLs most censored, and the Chamber of Commerce has targeted him in an info-discrediting His links sure are slippery lil' suckers.
Anything anyone can do to get to the bottom of the FB thing would be *awesome*. Buy you some bath salts...throwing in a bottle of Makers.