The Myth of Human Progress
What Is an Assange?
Rich Bergen: So You Believe In Some Gun Control, Just Not In Action.
Richard (RJ) Eskow: JetBlue and Its Friends Are Trying to Ruin Your Old Age
Rick Staggenborg, MD: *Guns And The Coming Revolution (1)
Tom Santoni: Impeach Obama!
Sandy Shanks: Iraq Today (4)
Stephen Lendman: Israel's Sham Elections
Martin Hill: Willie Nelson, put down the bong: Guns aren't just for the military (1)
Martin Hill: We Love You Maxine! A Tribute To A Great American Dog's Life
Kevin Anthony Stoda: Sara Aziz: Eviction of Palestinian outpost exposes double standard on settlements
William Finnerty: Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Enda Kenny confident of a deal ...
Suzana Megles: Will the 2013 Congress be Better for the Animals?
Kevin Anthony Stoda: Will other states join trend in divsesting from gun companies?
Daniel Penisten: Musings About The "Khans" Of Our Species
Steven G. Erickson: Movies Pre-9/11 and Post 9/11 Excuses
Kevin Tully: Republicans are Naked in the Streets
Lance Ciepiela: *Five Pillars of the Growing Inequality in the U.S.
Common Dreams: Chicago Takes the Lead in Assault Weapon Divestment
Daily Kos: Teabaggers destroy brand, look for new brand to destroy
Michael Moore: Excerpt from 'Less Drama in White House After Staff Changes'
A national sex strike! Spain's 'high-class hookers refuse to sleep with bankers until they open up credit lines to cash-
George H.W. Bush released from hospital
Obama: No negotiations with GOP over debt ceiling
Iran unable to get life-saving drugs due to international sanctions
Assad still confident that he can control Syria
Tom Engelhardt: The Pentagon as a Global NRA: For Washington, There Is No Arms Control Abroad
Powell: Hagel "superbly qualified' to be next Defense secretary
William Boardman: Unlawful Nuclear Power in Vermont
Sen. Corker Says There Are Questions About Chuck Hagel's "Temperament"
Rob Kall: Jesse Klein; The Bully Society: School Shootings and the Crisis of Bullying in America's Schools.
Rob Kall: Exclusive: Rob Kall Interviews Noam Chomsky: America in Decline, US Operating Procedures for Blocking Democracy
Rob Kall: Glen Ford on Susan Rice, Gaza, Obama, Progressives
Rob Kall: Victoria Collier-- Election Theft, Integrity, Reform-- Update
Rob Kall: Carne Ross; The Leaderless Revolution
Rob Kall: Lawrence Wilkerson Interview; "It's not a Coup. It's Worse!"
Rob Kall: Cindy Sheehan-- VP Candidate, author Revolution, a Love Story
Rob Kall: Exclusive Interview: Chris Hedges: Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt
Rob Kall: Geoffrey Nunberg on Assholes, A-holism-- Who are the Biggest, and Becoming an A-hole as A Career Move
Rob Kall: Exclusive Interview with Phil Donahue on War, Media, Obama and Romney...
"How do you justify closing 12 schools in North Philadelphia?" School Closing Plan Gets An Angry Reception | Socialist O
Phil Gingrey, Todd Akin, and Richard Mourdock: The GOP's rape problem is spreading
Bill Black: The Most Embarrassing Financial Column of 2013
Jan. 19th is 'Gun Appreciation Day': Mark Your Calendar
Deafening global silence on Julian Assange
Dan Froomkin: How Many Dead and Wounded Soldiers Ago Did Obama Give Up on Afghanistan?
Rob Kall: (Concluded) Petition: Reject Susan Rice As Secretary of State. She is a Nightmare of liberals and progressives
Rob Kall: (Concluded) Petition: Bring International Election Monitoring to the 2012 Ohio Elections
Scott Baker: End the Debt Crisis with debt-free United States Notes!
Vidya: (Concluded) Get DiHydrogren Monoxide out of our lakes, rivers, and oceans (4)
An Eskimo: Yesterday is ashes; tomorrow wood....
Gregor Gysi: Capitalism thought it won, but it didn't-it's just what remained.... (1)
Bill Clinton: The number one rule of competitive politics [is t...
Marshall Ganz: Some people say, 'I don’t want to talk about myse...
Mahatma Gandhi: First they ignore you, then they laugh at you.......
John Heywood: There are none so blind as those who will not see....
George Orwell: The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be...
L.P. Hartley: The past is a foreign country.......
Salomon Bochner: Mathematics is a form of poetry.......
Henry Ford: Whether you think you can, or you think you can't,...
Darren Wolfe: Public Burnings Of Voter Registration Cards
Mystic Wizard: Guruji's North American Tour (8/18 - 9/23)
Darren Wolfe: No Checkpoints! Darren Wolfe To Be On The Angel Clark Show On Wednesday!
Burl Hall: Envision This Interview Of Cr Lawn
TNProgressive: Gun Control: A Radio Conversation (1)
R-CALF USA: Former Gipsa Chief Dudley Butler To Address Independent Cattle Producers In Dakotas
Roberta Seldon: Increasing Collaboration To Build A Sustainable Future
M. Wizard: Pen World Voices Festival Of International Literature (1)
Roberta Seldon: Maintaining Economic Vitality In A Changing Climate
Dr Stuart Jeanne Bramhall: American Spring: Exploring Untold History
Tsara Shelton: Spinning in Circles and Learning from Myself (8) |
Mary Wentworth: Socialized into Subservience |
Lorna Blumen: Bullying: A Pain in the Brain (3) |
Gk Thomas: War is Kind (2) |
Marcia G. Yerman: Fracking Causes Friction In "Promised Land" (1) |
Frosty Wooldridge: Our new year: your new moment |
Tracy Turner: "Ragnarok Armageddon Apocalypse Calamity" on "Article: Cancerville USA - Government Corporate Carcinogenic"
Tsara Shelton: "Maybe I'm biased... but I like it!" on "Page 2 of Article: Joyfilled Mothering: Empowering Women fo"
Tsara Shelton: "Actually, I like it!" on "Spinning in Circles and Learning from Myself"
Ad Du: "I only watched Jodie Foster ..." on "Impromptu:The Golden Boredom Award"
Michael Collins: "Shame on me" on "Article: Kill for Peace - US and EU Sanctions Deny Medicine"
Michael Collins: "It is about oil and energy" on "Article: Kill for Peace - US and EU Sanctions Deny Medicine"
Michael Gillespie: "Because you can't" on "High Noon in America or: How I learned to Love Gun Control"
Kim Cassidy: "you won't like this," on "Spinning in Circles and Learning from Myself"
Carol Jackson: "Whatever we make it is what it will be. Heaven or hell.." on "Article: The Myth of Human Progress"
MJ Creech: "Complicated issues" on "Article: Kill for Peace - US and EU Sanctions Deny Medicine "
Gustav Wynn: Why isn't the Steubenville rape laughing video an object lesson for every high school in the US? [UPDATED] http://www.opednews. @maddow #p21
Matt Okeefe: The Hitler gun control lie; Nazis Actually Loosened Gun Control Laws: http://www.opednews.
Matt Okeefe: What Is an Assange?: http://www.opednews.
Matt Okeefe: And the Winner of the Golden Globes is... The MIIC: http://www.opednews.
Brian Lynch: "Free Market" Social Services Fail to Deliver: http://www.opednews. #p2 #tcot #occupy #ows
Elayne Clift: Remembering a Rape Victim and the Meaning of Her Death: http://www.opednews.
Holly McKenzie: @KatrinaNation For your consideration>>>>>>Are We Showing the World "American Exceptionalism"?: http://www.opednews.
Holly McKenzie: @JulianEpstein Pls.read my article>>>>Are We Showing the World "American Exceptionalism"?: http://www.opednews.
Holly McKenzie: @MikeBloomberg Pls. read my article>>>>Are We Showing the World "American Exceptionalism"?: http://www.opednews.
Wilbur Rodney Moore: Bullying: A Pain in the Brain: http://www.opednews.
Lance Ciepiela: The President and Congress, Let's "Kick the Can Down the Road" - Do You Agree?
Rob Kall: Do you support the appointment of Susan Rice to replace Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State?
M. Wizard: Are You Optimistic or Pessimistic About America?
Rob Kall: How Did You Vote? and Election Day Open Thread
Gary Brumback: So many antiwar foundations & NGOs, so much war (3)
Don Smith: Should Jill Stein and Rocky Anderson withdraw from the race, to avoid a repeat of 2000?
Lance Ciepiela: Whether Obama or Romney - Wealth Remains Concentrated in the Hands of a Few
Paul Cohen: How's the Electoral System Working For You?
Anton Grambihler: One Elector, One Vote
M. Wizard: Who is Most Responsible for Our Current State of Affairs? (3)