Emily Singer






Here I am as a tot (lower, left. I'm the one with the smaller head)

and here I am as a fully formed grown-up (left)

For fake bio, read someone else's, pick someone good.
For real bio, read on:

Since 1997, comedian Emily Singer has been entertaining audiences throughout New England, and in New York, Florida, Wisconsin and California. She has performed in the 2002 thru 2007 Boston International Comedy & Movie Festivals (6 proud years), the 2003 California New Talent Comedy Contest, held in NYC, and the 2003 London New Talent Comedy Contest, also in NYC. At Jimmy Tingle’s OFF BROADWAY Theater in Somerville, MA, she hosted 9 weekly performances of Women in Comedy series and was a guest host for "Stage Time." She has performed comedy at benefit shows for causes such as The Emerson Baseball Team, Habitat for Humanity and The Advent School. She is among several comedians who share their memories of children’s television pioneer Rex Trailer in the documentary “Rex Trailer’s Boomtown” which aired on CBS-TV 4 in June ‘05 and is archived in the Museum of TV and Radio in NYC.