Whitehouse responds to death star petition


Secure resources and funding, and begin construction of a Death Star by 2016.
This Isn’t the Petition Response You’re Looking For
By Paul Shawcross
The Administration shares your desire for job creation and a strong national defense, but a Death Star isn’t on the horizon. Here are a few reasons:

• The construction of the Death Star has been estimated to cost more than $850,000,000,000,000,000. We’re working hard to reduce the deficit, not expand it.
• The Administration does not support blowing up planets.
• Why would we spend countless taxpayer dollars on a Death Star with a fundamental flaw that can be exploited by a one-man starship?

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A post of no political relevance

On a cold snowy day like today, you want a good lunch.  I’m here to say Sukhi’s Frozen Indian Entrees are hitting the spot.



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Faux News, producing parody you just can’t match

Some of my friends and family watch Fox. I make fun of them for it, just as I mock commenters here who link to their tripe. They are, without a doubt, one of the worst “news” sources on earth. They feature people who couldn’t think their way out of a paper bag and who have no connection at all to reality. They regularly lie, or just plain old regurgitate rightwing talking points as if they were news.

They are a place for the ill-informed to go to actually become even more poorly informed.

If you have ever linked to anything they produce as “evidence” to support a claim (except the claim that the entire organization should be shipped to a small asteroid for endangering the human race) you deserve to never be taken seriously again.

Hyperbole? I wish.

Fox News host Eric Bolling on Wednesday accused some schools of “pushing the liberal agenda”

That is hardly, news! They claim that all the time! You have evidence Eric?

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Like all of America is an Onion story

Biden’s press conference on gun control interrupted by news of school shooting.

Biden’s press conference on gun control interrupted by news of school shooting in CA

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What types of people shouldn’t be allowed to have guns?

This type.

And who is that? James Yeager, CEO of Tactical Response, a company that specializes in selling exactly the types of weapons we don’t need, and then training you to use them. Apparently to overthrow your government.

Sadly that is not his original channel video. Why? Because he is a total coward, and already took the original down. But on the internet, things have a tendency to pop back up again.

I eagerly await all the true patriot tea bagger supporters of freedom and haters of treasonous people who I am sure are already formulating a response to remove this man who just explained that he is planning on committing treason. I am sure they are shutting him done as I type this.

You know how people sometimes say “if only we had warning before he went crazy and flew off the handle” after a shooting? This video is a red flag. A giant screaming red flag. With fireworks.

Increasingly the first red flag that you are the type of mentally unstable person who shouldn’t be allowed to own a gun is that you own a gun.

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The two-party system isn’t broken. Just one party is.

And that party is the Republican Party:

Because one of our parties has gone bonkers. Oh, sure, the Democrats aren’t altar boys. Fine. But
High Broderism
is blessedly dying as more and more establishment types come to see that it’s basically the GOP that’s throwing the wrench in the works.

There is little sign, of course, that this behavior is abating. True, we got a cliff deal, but the Washington GOP as a whole is still extremely right wing, and one leading reason why is that Republican House members and senators live in fear of facing primary challenges from their right. Barney Frank put it imperishably in an interview with New York magazine last spring, in a couplet that everyone who cares about Washington dysfunction should bear in mind: “[People] say, ‘Are you saying they’re all Michele Bachmann?’ And my answer is no, they’re not all Michele Bachmann. Half of them are Michele Bachmann. The other half are afraid of losing a primary to Michele Bachmann.”

The rest of the article lays out a plan for moderate Republicans to reclaim a role in their own party.

Democrats and progressives need to come to grips with the fact that the Republican party has been taken over by people whose policy agenda is nuts.

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Carolyn Cain, Utah County Special Ed Teacher and Gun Worshiper Embarrasses Utah

This is why Utah is the laughing stock of the World.

The National Rifle Association countered with “arm the teachers.” Gun clubs claim hundreds of teachers are applying for free weapons training. Two hundred people showed up for a class in West Valley City, Utah, outside Salt Lake City, on December 27, 2012, for example. Not all of the people who took the course were teachers. But some were, including Carolyn Cain, who teaches special education kids in kindergarten to the 6th grade in Utah County, Utah.

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Republicans Don’t Understand Money


Via Jason Linkins on HuffPo.

Yes, with platinum bullion at $1,587 per ounce you would need almost 20 tons of platinum to have $1 trillion worth. Whether this would sink the RMS Titanic is a moot point, because that ship sank more than 100 years ago. The point is, that’s not how money works. According to a 1996 law, the U.S. Treasury can mint a platinum coin of any denomination.

Yes it’s silly to think of avoiding default with a coin, but it’s even sillier to think that refusing to pay the bills for congressional appropriations might be a good idea (it’s actually unconstitutional).

UPDATE: White House Responds To $1 Trillion Platinum Coin Idea

UPDATE: FDL’s Jon Walker points out that if Congress refuses to raise the debt limit, without the $1 trillion coin the President has to make a choice of which law(s) to break:

The President could ignore just the debt limit law and continue to fulfill all the spending laws. Or, the President could fulfill the debt limit law, but that would require ignoring multiple other laws which would force the President to randomly pick who does and does not get paid.

More info:
Why The Fight Over The $1 Trillion Coin Is The Most Important Fiscal Policy Debate You’ll Ever See In Your Life
3 Huge Myths About The Trillion Dollar Coin Plan To Save The Economy

UPDATE: Paul Krugman: Mint that coin!

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Number of the day from Shakesville

643: The number of people in the US who have been killed by guns since the Newtown shooting.

At least. Could be more.

If this was a mid-east nation or some political group we would have nuked them by now. Since it is Americans and large companies making money and buying politicians, we are ramping up gun sales and outlawing video games. Go America! Number one! With a bullet.

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Sci Fi Overdose In 2013

The future is here, in the form of 20 upcoming sci-fi films. Including long-awaited adaptations of the classic stories Ender’s Game and The Forever War. The list begins with a 2012 release that I missed – maybe it will turn up somewhere.

“Robot and Frank” (2012)
Starring: A robot (Rachael Ma) and Frank Langella, Susan Sarandon and Liv Tyler
Director: Jake Schrier (first feature film)

Frank is an aging ex-convict living alone. To help, Frank’s son (played by James Marsden) buys a robot (with the voice of Peter Sarsgaard) to help around the house and keep the old man company. Frank’s initial suspicion gradually gives way to delight when he discovers that the robot may be able to help him with his criminal exploits.

“Oz The Great And Powerful” (March 8, 2013)
Starring: James Franco, Michelle Williams and Rachel Weisz
Director: Sam Raimi (“Spider-Man 3”)

A stage magician is hurled into a fantasy world, and must use his wits to stay ahead of three enchantresses who have plans for him. Based on the novel by L. Frank Baum.

“Oblivion” (April 19)
Starring: Tom Cruise, Morgan Freeman and Olga Kurylenko
Director: Joseph Kosinski (“Tron Legacy”)

Jak Harper is a drone repairman whose longstanding battle with alien invaders is drawing to an end. But when his aircraft lands on a barren Earth one day, his encounter with a mysterious woman named Julia throws everything he thinks he knows about the war into doubt. Based on a graphic novel the director wrote back in 2005.
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Utah County GOP Disinvites Instapundit Glenn Reynolds – Because . . . (drum roll please)

Because he supports same sex marriage.  Or maybe he was never invited at all.  There’s some dispute.

Having an unpaid speaking gig (which I seldom do anymore) canceled is no hardship. And people are welcome to believe what they want to believe, and invite whom they want to speak — but as the GOP looks at why they’re viewed as intolerant, well, this kind of thing might be part of it. “Big tent” or teepee? Your choice.

But future inviters be warned: While I take a live-and-let-live view toward social conservatives, I’m not one myself. Take it or leave it.

The story gets fun and weird, however.  The Utah County GOP says that Reynolds was never officially invited.  What happened was an enthusiastic GOPer took it upon himself to invite Reynolds and purchase a plane ticket.

According to Bryan Schott:

So, who was this person who arranged for Reynolds to travel to Utah? Enter Utah Tea Party activist and former Gubernatorial candidate David Kirkham into the story.

Kirkham’s sister, Bonnie Morrow, is the vice chair of the Utah County GOP. He says she reached out and asked him to find someone to speak at the dinner. He was able to get hold of Reynolds and convinced him to waive his honorarium. He also purchased a plane ticket for Reynolds’ travel to Utah.

Fast forward to this past weekend. Kirkham says there were some within the party who were upset that Reynolds was coming because of his support for gay rights.

“I was told this had to go to the Executive Committee to be approved. Word got back to me over the weekend that they didn’t want Mr. Reynolds here because he was ‘pro gay’ and that was too controversial for them.”

I feel like I should have an appropriately snarky comment but truth be told it’s a perfect example of what happens when over-enthusiastic people get ahead of everyone else.

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I Have a Great Idea For Once

People should start sending – hand written – letters, through the mail to their friends.

There’s no way they can open all of them without being noticed, and it will create many jobs for mail carriers!

I’m a job-creator!

PLUS: It’s a felony to open somebody’s mail.

It only has to say: I love you.

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