The bird twitter button has the added advantage of showing your full follower count and being more visible. More visible = more followers!
Get the Twitter Counter WordPress plug-in, made and hosted by Ajay D'Souza.
Are you a king of code? Want to design your own thing? You can also get the unstyled HTML code and style it yourself. The code which will be written will be in a DIV element with id "Twitter Counter". Simply include the following code in your HTML and start styling away:
<!-- Start of Twitter Counter Code -->
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src=""></script><noscript><a href="">TheCounter on Twitter Counter</a></noscript>
<!-- End of Twitter Counter Code -->
Some hosted blog services don't allow the use of scripts like the ones offered above. Just for you we have a simplified snippet of code. Here it is:
<!-- Start of Twitter Counter Code -->
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Twitter Counter for @TheCounter" width="88" height="26" border="0"></a>
<!-- End of Twitter Counter Code -->