Hurricane Sandy has made it clear that addressing coastal resiliency and protecting coastal communities is fundamental to public safety, health and economic well-being. With the enormous opportunity that comes with rebuilding, New York can be a leader.
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Important provisions to help the many climate disaster victims of 2012 prepare for our dangerous future are being attacked as "pork." The opposite is true.
The House Republican leadership vowed late last year that their first order of business in the new Congress would be passing a comprehensive relief bi...
As governments and international organizations continue to invest in Haiti's future, we must have the humility to admit that we don't have all the answers. Let's heed the advice that knowledge lives with people on the ground -- not within the bowels of bureaucracies.
While Congress fiddled with appropriations for communities devastated by Superstorm Sandy, the CDFI sector in many of those communities was busy finding and funding small business owners and others who wanted only to get back on their feet.
As the new year begins, instead of just making a resolution to lose five pounds or to call your mother more often (both fine objectives), make a commitment to think differently. Pledge to look around your community and think about what is needed.
Global warming's influence on extreme weather is one thing, but what about its effect on volcanoes? The idea that volcanic activity could be driven by climate change seems a bit far-fetched, right? No, says Steffen Kutterolf of GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel and colleagues.
For the past 25 years, I have made the same New Year's resolution: Throw out half of what you own and spend more time with your friends. Little did I know how prescient that resolution would prove to be in 2012.
Nearly three months, they've been waiting for some breakthrough, some word from local officials, news reporters, anybody, that Congress is going to step in, and protect them like they believe they should.
Today marks the launch of a platform for creators to give back. Donors include Kanye West, Kate Moss, Marc Jacobs, Julianne Moore, Anne Hathaway, Arianna Huffington and David Karp of Tumblr.
Yes, Chris Christie is a moderate on marriage equality. In a hardlined Republican crowd, that's rare. He's also acknowledged the man-made causes of the climate crisis. Good for him, but how screwy is it that we have to give credit to people who simply acknowledge scientific facts?
Out of the 67 GOP representatives that turned their back on the people of New York and New Jersey in their darkest hour, there are (at least) 10 that deserve dishonorable mention for going above and beyond the call of duty in their pitiless pursuit of cutthroat partisanship.
In reality, today's manufactured homes have about as much in common with RVs or "Katrina trailers" as mini-mansions have with Buckingham Palace.
The confluence of the devastation wrought by Hurricane Sandy and the agreements at Cancun and Doha by richer nations to help pay for adaptation and mitigation as well as assist the victims of climate change has brought to the U.S. and the world the centrality of the question.
When I first started working on climate change a decade ago, we spoke in terms of distant forecasts and long-range impacts. Now we simply look out the window to see what climate change can do to our communities.